Click here to submit a clue for this page.Clues people have sent in for this page: Hance: Well, all the pages mentioned on the left and right borders are accounted for, as well as the few in the middle of the page and the lower righthand box. The outer border (the numbers) is the same as that on Dec 1, 99... interesting, I think this is the first time a page as so closely modeled after a previous page... You'll notice we've got Pi used as the borders (Stylin!) - following the outstide 3 borders, then top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right. Ok, so perhaps i'm a master of the obvious... More obvious, easy stuff: 103993 / 33102 = 3.14159265301190260407226149477373 - we'll call this the Pi page, then... 2 Kings 6:16 Angels Protected Elisha From the Syrians 2 Kings 6:16 Do not fear... those who are with us are more than those who are with them ~ "Those that are with you are more than they that are against you." 2 Kings 6:16-17
Novus Ordo Seclorum: "New order of the ages" , or "An old order of the ages is born anew. "- which, of course, you can find gracing your US currency beneath the neat little funky pyramid ...
Also fodder for approx. 10,000,000 illuminati / n.w.o / freemason / alien conspiracy theories, but I digress. 1 Kings 19:18 In the days of Elijah only a small fraction of the nation was faithful to the Lord. But in answer to Elijah's complaint - he thought he was the only one left who was faithful - the Lord told him, ...I will leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him. (1 Kings 19:18) clue=Oooh, Hebrew, my favorite. V'tzadiq b'amunto yihaych ... Can't find it in the Bible anywhere, but it looks like "and the righteous [one] will be in Truth". I noticed the approximation of pi, but the numbers completely escaped me. I noticed that this Mayday page fails to have any message or announcement attatched to it. What is with the Orphanage people? No Summer Tour this year? And there's a map of the Vatican, surrounded by "Babylon the Great". Many fundamentalist protestants consider the Roman Church to be the Great Babylon mentioned in II Peter and Revelation. Why are Matrin Luther stamps in the John Calvin box? An error by the Orphanage? or just more scordatura? 1530-->2000, 470 years since the confessio augustana, as usual. I dont think this page has ANY meaning. As usual. name=Chris Ashton Hance - damn, I need to get ahold of some mapping software that'll do lat/long at that level of detail... email=cynic@xxxxxxxxxxx clue=The greek above the Martin Luther stamp (my greek is VERY basic) roughly spells "chronos" which means time, if I remember correctly. I want to say that the greek above the map says something like "Apocalypse", but I'm not certain. name=cynichance - If you know even a little greek, I'd appreciate you taking a look at the sixteen million other pagees on this site with Greek that I can't decipher... 05/06/00 clue=Angel's Gate is a lighthouse in San Pedro, CA. also a place in the Grand Canyon name=mogul hance: There are a million and one 'angels gates' out there, apparently, with a glut of them in CA. I'm guessing they are all named after one specific area or thing, but my digging has not yet identified what the phrase is supposed to refer to.. clue=cahston needs to look more closely; all the stamps are Luther. name=cynic2b: I'm working on getting a better scan, that might help, but yes, they are all Luther. 05/07/00 clue=Bryan, the coordinates listed are, in order (book order), Los Angeles, San Francisco, Cape Town (South Africa), BRYAN Texas. Cheers name=mogul Hance:Cool - Like I said before, though, we need to get adequate maps so we can figure out the specifics of what the coordinates are encircling...
Update: I got sick of not having any resources for this, so I hit terraserver to get some
satellite images. Problem is, it's a Microsoft site, so you'll HAVE to use Internet Explorer and some wack plugin they have...
Not that this helps at all, but... what the hell. Some of the images have multiple options...
PS: I'm a moron... On 3/19/00 I was sent a bunch of stuff, part of which was a page (mentioning De Moivre) and the following compass points 32.84224N x 97.787162W 32.841944N x 97.784862W 32.836637N x 96.786132W 32.84213N x 96.78059W 32.845637N x 96.784837WThe same as the lower righthand... Southern Methodist Univ. Don't know why I didn't see this before, but... oh, wait, maybe its because I have a whole crate of stuff to go through :) Now I really want good mapping software so I can figure out what the hell the coordinates are encircling...the whole campus? A particular spot? Main Entry: her·me·neu·ti·cal Pronunciation: "h&r-m&-'nü-ti-k&l, -'nyü- Function: adjective Etymology: Greek hermEneutikos, from hermEneuein to interpret, from hermEneus interpreter 5/7/00 clue=Just a note...the coordinates identified as Bryan, TX could be College Station...home of the Fightin' Texas Aggies (WHHOOOOOP!) name=repubgirl email= clue=The greek text above the map is "Revelations". Rev 17:5 "...MYSTERY, BABYLON..." name=mogul 6/12/00 email=abelahu clue=e^(i*pi)= -1 That's right! email=abelahu clue=The equation just behind the pi approximation (103993/33102) looks like a Schroedinger equation... Is that all about quantum theory? email=abelahu@hotmail clue=The equation just UNDER (!!!) the pi approximation (103993/33102) looks like a Schroedinger equation... Is that all about quantum theory? email=abelahu clue=The greek under the Schroedinger equation is CHRONOS= time... And the one in the middle at the bottom of the page KAIROS means time ... or ... weather. 6/14/00 - straight from the Orphanage: You are not receiving adequate help on "kairos" (English transliteration)--although the remark about the "weather" is no doubt well-intentioned. There is an English derivative which you can use on GOOGLE: "kairotic moment"--once the references appear on the screen it would be wiser to peruse several of them, in order to get the texture. It is a deep and splendid word. If you are in a hurry, try this address, for a quick that will give you a "once over lightly." It is brief but accurate. 10.09.00 clue=e^i*pi=-1 is a consequence of Euler's theorem, e^i*theta=cos(theta)+i*sin(theta) with i=sqrt(-1). Don't know what this means, but that's what it is. name=Beelzebubba 10.10.2000 email=wabraham@xxxxxx clue=I couldn't see the maps of SFO, but I remember seeing previous references to "Sutter" in the Mystery pages. There is a place at the base of the Golden Gate Bridge (I believe North side) called "Sutter's Fort" that was used to defend the entrance to the Bay way back when. name=Will Abraham 12/04/00 email=mogul clue=(I will use <> to denote the star and * to be the asterik) In the top left corner, the sequence <> # * <> is column 1 in our 4x4 matrix. Perhaps it refers to simply the number 1 or perhaps to the list of people: Schrvdinger, Chemnitz, FabiusCunctator, KitchenerPasha. Likewise, in the bottom right corner, the sequence # * # <> is column 4 from the table. Perhaps the number 4, perhaps the list: Winthrop, OlafPetersson, Gvdel, CaptainMorgan. 12/10/00 email=carson clue=not sure what the ring of numbers in between the '3' and '1' of the pi border are, but the dates interspersed through those numbers ascend in chronology as one descends down the page. perhaps a 'magic square' of announcements? not sure about this, but check the d.o.b. for luther in his upper left stamp quadrant. looks like 1483-1983. kinda looks like it's been altered (carefully) but it could be my late-nite paranoia. other readable text as background may warrant analyzation. um, such as the lower right quadrant listing all the names. very lower right background of that quadrant has yet another 1983 on the stamp. anyone care to translate that (readable) text in the stamp? more: angel's gate is lined up (mirrored) with '668' on the other side of the page. we all know that's the number of the famous safety deposit box in vnb. correllation? there are a helluva lot of announcements mentioned on this page. a lot a lot. all of them (save the ones that are post-5/1/00)? three out of four luther stamps used as backgrounds for the quadrants are shown plainly near the center of the page. only the upper right is missing. more on pi for this page. the borders give us the order of the quadrants to look at. quadrant with border 1 is first to look at quadrant with border 5 is second to look at quadrant with border 9 is third to look at quadrant with border 2 is fourth (last?) to look at. pi is our guide in this announcement. however, i believe this page has --A LOT-- of chaff on it. cynic2 07.12.01 clue: After checking around it seems that the Latin which is perpendicular to the bottom translates as "Lord, save Your people and bless Your heritage." Judson: 09.05.01 clue: I know these axes have appeared before, and they've been translated as Chronos = time (and we all knew that) and Kairos = space (because it made some modern physical sense) but the ancient greek Kairos means "the right time" or "the critical moment" which fits much better with the overriding sense of urgency and crucial action in the ads. near a terminal: 10.16.01 clue: I just sent in a clue for the very next one, which also deals with this same point. If we run down the street locations in San Francisco for the list that appears in this ad then I think it would fit with the "lots of mail" on 2000 July 29. Look at Letter 7. That would make three in a row if you count the 2000 September 20 which has the same Bible reference as Letter 7 on 2000 July 29. This stuff looks to be welded together but you have to read and read and then re-read it. They know we can't crack them in time to disturb their plans. dave: 10.18.01 clue: Soem misc. PI info. The PI approximation 103993/33102 has a couple of unique properties. First, it is sometimes attributed to Euler. Second, this type of ratio can be determined using continued fractions. (Mentioned in other ad discussions.) And last, this is a very good approximation of PI using an integer ratio. Integer ratio approximations of PI seem to be used in hand calculations, i.e. slider rule mathematics. There are alot of clues from the orphanage in the recent developments area that tie into the year 2000 ads 02.12.2004 - agrosquid clue: The bottom left hand diagram labeled with alpha_i's is indeed a 'Dynkin Diagram'. This is a way of describing the root system of a semisimple Lie Algebra. In this case it corresponds to one of the exceptional Lie algebras F_4. Of course, this doesn't help much without a good deal of background. My POV is the various themes are just data for various levels. Mathematical themes probably have little do with the actual mathematics and just serve as a continuation of a thread among the article, i.e. compare all the mathematical stuff as a whole. Frankly, this is probably just a bunch of wanker academics or perhaps one person cutting and pasting from various sources without any real breadth of understanding. donkeykong: 06.20.20004 The webmaster should check this with somebody who is currently living in South Africa but I believe the enigmatic figure next to 5/1/87 is the symbol or one of the symbols of the South African Bible Society. The part that makes it seem really interesting is that I used to see it used by the _Afrikaans_ language branch of the South African BibleSociety. That seems like a very direct connection when you remember how often that Afrikaans appears in these pages. I don't remember seeing it in connection with the English speaking branch. Ram: 06.24.2004 If we total the numbers between the 3 and 1 in each row and column of the square, the rows both total 858 and the columns total 707 and 723 Matt: 06.24.2004 The equation people are saying looks like the Schroedinger Equation is indeed the time-dependent Schroedinger Eq. Also, the string of numbers over e^i*pi is a large chunk of the decimal approximation of pi. In fact, it starts with "6535" (the borders form the beginning of pi: 3.141592 and this line continues it "653589...") Also, e^i*pi is often called Euler's Equation (it derives, as another poster mentioned, from e^i*theta = cos(theta) + i*sin(theta)), BUT this latter equation is also attributed to de Moivre. Dan C.: 06.29.2004 the quote at the top "the point is not escaping the hermeneutical circle, but rather knowing where to enter" this refers to the fact that we should not be looking for the the "way out" (the answer) but more specifically the where to join the circle (where to start) Eri: 07.06.2004 Regarding the sideways text "Groot" on the left side of the Vatican City map: I think it's a reference to Dutch jurist Huig de Groot or Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) Quote - One of the pioneering natural rights theorists of the late 16th and early 17th centuries, Grotius defined natural law as a perceptive judgement in which things are good or bad by their own nature. This was a break from Calvinist ideals, in that God was no longer the only source of ethical qualities. These things that are by themselves good are associated with the nature of man. The Dutch Republic had been founded on princples of religious toleration but had become a Calvinist theocracy. Grotius, a humanist and Dutch patriot, struggled with Calvinism all of his life.In this struggle, he dealt with the international laws of war and issues of peace and justice. Although most famous for his theories of natural law, Grotius was also considered to be a great theologian. While occasionally writing about Christianity and religion, his intention for law was to write of it as independant of religious opinions. - End of quote Marcel B 09.05.2005 The Hebrew is a quote from the prophet Habbakuk (not sure how to transliterate his name). It's a less well-known book of the Bible. This quote is from 2:4 and means "A righteous person will live by his faith." It can also be read (i.e. literally translates) as "in his faith". Juls 09.23.2005 Re. the Hebrew - I've tracked this down to Habakkuk 2:4, last part of the verse, KJV has "but the just shall live by his faith." ISTR translating the first half of this verse somewhere, which made me wonder - so many of these bible verses come from the same small number of books (Isaiah, Habakkuk, Jeremiah etc) whether the sequence of the verses found in each of those books indicates some relationship between the announcements. D. Thomasson This is a wonderful announcement that is packed with a wide variety of educational information. Just as Roger Bacon preached universal education, so did Martin Luther. This announcement is an example of universal education. Please refer to to see maps with all the coordinates listed. Add up all the numbers for the first seven digits of Pi:
3 = 371 (7*53) 1 = 216 (12*18) 4 = 334 (668/2) 1 = 120 (12*10) 5 = 120 (12*10) 9 = 120 (12*10) 2 = 120 (12*10)Add up all the occurrences of the previously mentioned Pi numbers to get 1401. Next, add up the stars surrounding the "Nobis" stamp in the upper middle of the announcement. There are 54 stars plus 1401 = 1455. Lastly, add the 35 Pi numbers listed in the lower right box that starts with (6535^Å). 1454 + 35 = 1489. Did you notice that there is a plus "+" sign added at the end of those 35 Pi numbers (...1972+)? Well the significance of 1489 is the year when the plus "+" sign was created by Johannes Widmann, along with the use of the "-" minus sign for his bookkeeping records. D. Thomasson 06.04.2006 clue: This is a wonderful announcement that is packed with a wide variety of educational information. Just as Roger Bacon preached universal education, so did Martin Luther. This announcement is an example of universal education. Please refer to to see maps with all the coordinates listed. Add up all the numbers for the first seven digits of Pi: 3 = 371 (7*53) 1 = 216 (12*18) 4 = 334 (668/2) 1 = 120 (12*10) 5 = 120 (12*10) 9 = 120 (12*10) 2 = 120 (12*10) Add up all the occurrences of the previously mentioned Pi numbers to get 1401. Next, add up the stars surrounding the "Nobis" stamp in the upper middle of the announcement. There are 54 stars plus 1401 = 1455. Lastly, add the 35 Pi numbers listed in the lower right box that starts with (6535^Å). 1454 + 35 = 1489. Did you notice that there is a plus "+" sign added at the end of those 35 Pi numbers (...1972+)? Well the significance of 1489 is that it is the year when the plus "+" sign was created by Johannes Widmann, along with the use of the "-" minus sign. These symbols appeared in a book about arithmetic written by Johannes Widmann, called father of arithmetic, for the first time in 1489. At first, these symbols expressed 'surplus' and 'insufficiency,' but later they meant 'addition' and 'subtraction'. Check out an image of the first use in print of the + and - signs, from Widmann's Behennde vnd hüpsche Rechnung. This image is taken from the Augsburg edition of 1526. John 09.15.2006 I used some mapping software just to see exactly where 32.845637N, 96.784837W is. Yes, it's SMU in Dallas. More precisely, it's a building called Dallas Hall. More precicely, it's a point near the intersection of the parking lot on the North side of the building and the sidewalk which leads from the building to the parking lot. What I'm getting at is that LAT/LON coordinates to 6 decimal places gives you an accuracy to maybe something like 4 inches. Why the precision? bhance - here's a page at SMU re: Dallas Hall, an overhead from Google Maps that has this point centered onscreen, and some Flickr photos of Dallas Hall. If anyone on the ground can help out, please do. tsal 04.04.2007 Does the yard in front of dallas hall remind anyone else of the "tree of life"? Brian 05.11.2008 The stamp at the top center is from Austria. It celebrates the 450th anniversary of the Reformation cingularity 10/08/2015 Interesting that it's centered on a dome. Pima County Courthouse has a dome too, seems like The Orphanage keeps pointing out buildings with them ( Roman influence, perhaps? (no name was sent) 10/18/2017 More time should be spent considering the geometric structure of the electron. (no name was sent) 10/19/2017 Yet every heart contains perfection’s germ. The wisest of the sages of the earth, That ever from the stores of reason drew Science and truth, and virtue’s dreadless tone, Were but a weak and inexperienced boy, Proud, sensual, unimpassioned, unimbued With pure desire and universal love, Compared to that high being, of cloudless brain, Untainted passion, elevated will, Which death (who even would linger long in awe Within his noble presence and beneath His changeless eye-beam) might alone subdue. Him, every slave now dragging through the filth Of some corrupted city his sad life, Pining with famine, swoln with luxury, Blunting the keenness of his spiritual sense With narrow schemings and unworthy cares, Or madly rushing through all violent crime To move the deep stagnation of his soul, - Might imitate and equal. But mean lust Has bound its chains so tight about the earth That all within it but the virtuous man Is venal; gold or fame will surely reach The price (#) prefixed by Selfishness to all But him of resolute and unchanging will; Whom nor the plaudits of a servile crowd, Nor the vile joys of tainting luxury, Can bribe to yield his elevated soul To Tyranny or Falsehood, though they wield With blood-red {!} hand the sceptre of the world. ![]() ![]() |