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jessica 05.08.01
Here's my clues for that one:The German:

"He was born on February 4, 1906, arrested in 1943 and finally on the
9th of april 1945 executed as a resistance fighter."

February 4, 1906

Birth of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Breslau, Germany (now Poland).Bonhoeffer was a Protestant theologian strongly 
of ecumenism. Bonhoeffer studied at the universities of T�bingen and Berlin. In his development he was strongly
influenced by the writings of Karl Barth. In 1931 he was appointed lecturer in systematic theology at the
University of Berlin. From the beginning Bonhoeffer was opposed to the Nazi Party and actively resisted.
Bonhoeffer was arrested on April 5, 1943 for his activities in resistance. In 1944 when the attempt was made to
assassinate Hitler, the following investigation showed direct links between Bonhoeffer and the conspiracy. He was
executed on April 9, 1945 in Flossenburg Prison. Noted works by Bonhoeffer were published posthumously, Ethik
(1949), andWiderstand und Ergebung (1951).


CAS No. 55-98-1
First Listed in the Fourth Annual Report on Carcinogens


1,4-Butanediol dimethanesulfonate (Myleran�; busulfan) is known to be a human
carcinogen based on is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans (IARC S.4, 1982; IARC
S.7, 1987). Patients receiving 1,4-butanediol dimethanesulfonate treatment developed leukemia
as well as cytological and hematological abnormalities.

An IARC Working Group reported that there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity of
1,4-butanediol dimethanesulfonate (Myleran�; busulfan) in experimental animals (IARC S.4,
1982; IARC S.7, 1987). When administered intraperitoneally, one study reported that 1,4-
butanediol dimethanesulfonate induced T-cell lymphomas in male mice; two other studies
reported that it did not increase the incidence of tumors. When administered by intravenous
injection, 1,4-butanediol dimethanesulfonate increased the incidence of thymic lymphomas and
ovarian tumors in female mice (IARC V.4, 1974; IARC S.4, 1982; IARC S.7, 1987). One study
reported that pulmonary lesions developed in mice treated with 1,4-butanediol
dimethanesulfonate but the route of administration was not specified. 1,4-Butanediol
dimethanesulfonate administered intravenously induced a variety of tumors in male rats, but an
IARC Working Group reported that the experiments could not be evaluated because of a lack of


1,4-Butanediol dimethanesulfonate is a white crystalline powder that is very slightly
soluble in water and acetone. It is an active alkylating agent that hydrolyzes in water. When
heated to decomposition, it emits toxic fumes of sulfur oxides (SOx). The commercial product
contains a minimum of 98% 1,4-butanediol dimethanesulfonate.


1,4-Butanediol dimethanesulfonate is used as a chemotherapeutic agent taken orally to
treat polycythemia and some forms of leukemia, particularly chronic myelocytic leukemia
(IARC V.4, 1974; IARC S.4, 1982).


One U.S. company is known to produce an unknown quantity of 1,4-butanediol
dimethanesulfonate and has produced it since 1954 (SRIa, 1986, 1997). Total annual production


1,4-Butanediol Dimethanesulfonate (Myleran�) (Continued)

was believed to be less than 1,102 lb in 1974 (IARC V.4, 1974). No data on imports or exports
were available.


The primary routes of potential human exposure to 1,4-butanediol dimethanesulfonate are
ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. Patients are exposed to 1,4-butanediol
dimethanesulfonate during its use in chemotherapeutic treatment. Typical dosage level is 4 to 8
mg daily (IARC V.4, 1974). Potential occupational exposure may occur for workers formulating
or packaging the tablets and for health care professionals administering the tablets. The National
Occupational Exposure Survey (1981-1983) estimated that a total of 1,763 workers, including
893 females, potentially were exposed to 1,4-butanediol dimethanesulfonate (Myleran�)
(NIOSH, 1984).


1,4-Butanediol dimethanesulfonate is a pharmaceutical used in relatively small amounts;
therefore, it is of little regulatory concern to EPA. However, there may be a small pollution
problem relative to hospital wastes. FDA regulates 1,4-butanediol dimethanesulfonate under the
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&CA) as a prescription drug approved for human use. FDA
requires warning labels on drugs containing 1,4-butanediol dimethanesulfonate concerning
potential carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, and/or impairment of fertility. OSHA
regulates 1,4-butanediol dimethanesulfonate as a chemical hazard in laboratories under the
Hazard Communication Standard. Regulations are summarized in Volume II, Table A-12.


BP 220, F-38043 Grenoble:

European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
(Installation Europ�enne de Rayonnement Synchrotron)
ESRF, BP 220, F-38043 Grenoble Cedex, France
Tel +33 (0)4 76 88 20 00, Fax +33 (0)4 76 88 20 20

Operating a powerful source of light in the X-ray range, the ESRF is a large experimental facility for basic and 
research in physics, chemistry, materials and
life sciences



The regional office of the CNRS

(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) in Marseille.


Alfred de VIGNY (1797-1863)

Love poem

La maison du berger (III) (The house of the shepherd)

Vigny was born in Loches, Indre-et-Loire as the only son of L�on Pierre de Vigny, former officer of
the king's army. While still a student, he wrote and afterward destroyed a series of neoclassical
tragedies based on the figures of Roland, Julian the Apostate, and Anthony and Cleopatra. At the age
of sixteen, he entered military service - it was the time when the Napoleonic Empire was collapsing.
Disapointed waiting glamorous wars that never materialized, Vigny resigned in 1827. He had already
published verse - PO�MES appeared in 1822 - but in Paris he devoted himself to writing. To his
military career Vigny returned later in GRANDEUR ET SERVITUDE MILITAIRES (1835), an
exploration on the contradictions inherent in the military life. Vigny condemned the savagery of war, but
he appreciated the discipline and camaraderie of soldiers. Napoleon was for the author somewhat
more hero than a fallen idol.

Vigny became friends with Victor Hugo and his circle. He wrote during this period some of his best
known works, among them MO�SE and �LOA, published in the collection PO�MES ANTIQUES ET
MODERNES (1826). When an English troupe visited Paris in 1827 with a Shakespearean production,
Vigny became interested in theatre. He wrote Alexandrine verse adaptations of ROMEO AND
JULIET (1828), THE MERCHANT OF VENICE (1830), which he retitled SHYLOCK, and
OTHELLO (1829). Vigny's first original play was LA MAR�CHALE D'ANCRE (1831), a historical
drama focusing on the events leading to the rule of Luis XIII.

Because his mistress, the actress Marie Dorval, did not get the planned leading part, Vigny composed
for her QUITTE POUR LA PEUR (1833). Vigny's Chatterton, considered one of the best of the French
Romantic dramas, was also written for Mlle. Dorval. Although Vigny had gained success as a writer,
he experienced great frustations: The French Academy rejected his candidacy five times, his marriage
with Lydia Bunburry turned sour, and his liaison between the years 1831 and 1837 with Marie Dorval
was stormy. From 1840 he lived alone many years in Paris or in Le-Maine-Giraud in his country
house. Vigny died in Paris on September 17, 1863. His poetical testament, LES DESTIN�ES, appeared
in 1864, and JOURNAL D'UN PO�TE in 1867. The unfinished novel, DAPHN�, was published in


Statim - adv. (mod. Latin) 1. at once, immediately, directly

2. speedily, rapidly, without delay

3. firmly steadfastly

4. to the point, on the spot

Seems to be a certain brand name for autoclaves

(medical instrument sterilizers).


Mikey 05.10.01
clue:  I ran a search on Yahoo to see if I could find anything out about the number 284235, and two links 
popped up which might be relevant...the first, and most interesting, is a catalog number in some financial 
report by the University of Berkeley, it has to do with "INNOPAC financial reports" on the university's 
library website. 
Anyway, the interesting thing is the code 284235 is attached to an item called "Land restitution in South 
Africa: an in" and the rest is cut off...I've tried to find what this is, but I haven't been able to yet.  
This is quite interesting considering that the May Day post had a map of South Africa.
The other less interesting link I found was to a financial report in our fun town Boston, deals with the dates 
of May 3rd, 2000, to May 24, 2000 (around May Day) and had a $149.01 cost for something by the Securities and 
Exchange Commission.  This is just interesting since Boston and the SEC have popped up before.
hance: the SEC thing in boston sonuds more like their speed...
heather 05.13.01
at the very bottom of this ad in bold is the chemical 1,4-butanediol dimethanesulfonate. it appears in a
number of pages, more than half of the ones i've looked at. it's common name is busulfan, and all that is 
known about it is that it melts at 114 degrees celsius and that it rapidly decomposes upon contact with 
water. atomic mass 246.293, C6H14O6S2

bill 05.21.01
clue:  Perhaps you already know this, but the "284235" graphic is in high-density Code 39 barcode format,
the standard healthcare/military barcode (but fairly common everywhere else, too).  My guess is that the
bars were supposed to represent the numerals but were either bled in the printing or scanned badly.  Code
39 always begins and ends with the asterisks, as shown, and starts with the thin line at the beginning.

clue:  More on the barcode thing, and adding to Mikey's post:
One search result for 284235 returned a somewhat cryptic page related to corn genomics:
Kind of interesting because mutant strains of corn are "routinely barcoded":
Also, the whole Starlink franken-corn thing has been pretty relevant lately.  I don't know.  Grasping at

The Traveler 06.12.01
clue:  It's all Quite Diabolical Really!

cynic2 06.13.01
clue:  Doesn't "cunctator" mean "delayer"?  I wonder if that isn't a multiple reference, like in 
circuitry, relays, that sort of thing, as well as less obvious points.  Can't imagine how any of us 
would prove it but to me that seems to fit with them having opponents, enemies or at least competitors 
they are trying to best.  Get somebody who is deep into French but I think there is a literal, 
numerical reference in the quotation.  That fits with an exact form of instruction, if we knew which 
algorithm they were using. As in "Do it twice or run the constants twice" and so forth.

Gordon: 08.08.01
clue: Searching around, I encountered the use of STATIM in an old `cryptography' book: A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF CRYPTOGRAPHY by GUSTAVUS SELENUS ( see page 150, column 14). Now see ( the author of this volume was believed to be Augustus, Duke of Brunswick under the heir of whom Leibniz worked, and Francis Bacon (also mentioned elsewhere on the mayday site 1st December 1993 - (quoted at is believed to appear on the cover (see also
near a terminal: 08.16.01
clue:  There isn't time to read through all of these at the moment but I don't think anyone suggested this angle: different
languages convey instructions.  The instructions in French seem very different than those in German.  The Greek and the Latin 
are pretty much beyond me at this stage in life and the Hebrew and the Sanskrit way beyond but like was suggested earlier, a
spreadsheet with the data divivided into cells would facilitate our understanding.  None of us has the time to do anything 
like that and probably only the CIA or NSA would have the manpower to shovel through all that pile.  But if you think about 
it, that would key in all sorts of data and large numbers of variations could be agreed upon by the inside people.  The one 
where I am strongest is French and those seem generally very emotional or at least emotive.  The meanings could be completely 
personal--but the number of letters or accents or some damn thing might convey instructions.  German could be something else 
and so forth. I mention this because the emotional drift in many of these is strong and sometimes it seems almost poetic.  
That plays into perceiving the insiders as insane or personally obsessed or even as a private game, but might actually be 
clever to the point of being scary.  There is no cover better than the truth, so if personal things about some of the insiders 
are known to their enemies, the real meanings would just slip by. "Yeah, that's Francois in Bombay still griping about what 
his personal profile lists as death of woman, name unknown.  Just personal crap, let's check the math."  People in agencies 
think like that, they grab the most concrete data and actively look to exclude as much as possible.  If the freaks know 
that--and if somebody like me knows it they sure as hell know it--then they could use it to slip past the sentries. 

myles: 12.04.01
clue:  french translation (rough) : "love that which you will never s
nyx: 03.28.02
clue:  french: babelfish says "like what never one will not see twice"; I say "love that which you will never 
see again [see twice]".

Mork: 08.21.02
clue:  A very extreme understanding of this one would be orders to "off" somebody or a whole group of people.  But it might mean
"purge files" or even reconfigure a database.  Whatever it means I think it is tied up with the geometry of the chemical formula. 
Lots of chemical pharmaceutical information in many of these and anytime you see a formula in chemistry it always involves the
angles of the components.   Those same angles could be applied to spherical geometry and give you a position on the globe.

robot horny: 05.05.2004
clue:  -statim- means 'at once' or 'immediately' in latin. 'stat' as heard on er or movies with operating room scenes is an
abbreviation.  It is a very common pharmaceutical/medical prescriptive term.  Prob. not cryptological.

anon 06.28.2004
Yes, "cunctator" means delayer.  Fabius Cunctator is Quintus Fabius Maximus, who got his nickname from his conduct, as
dictator, of the first part of the Second Punic War, during which he constantly skirmished with Hannibal's forces in Italy, but
refrained from fully engaging with them.