Click here to submit a clue for this page.Mike C. 08.04.2004 The Leitmotiv is from Umberto Eco's "Foucault's Pendulum" It translates roughly as "Alot is demanded of the imbecille; he is a species of the mundane occasions." I think it has been correctly quoted from the italian edition, I found it quoted on the net, and will look for the corresponding line in my english edition tonight. The greek in all caps comes from the bible, big surprise, Acts 10:13 and repeated in Acts 11:7, " Arise Peter, kill(slay or sacrifice) and eat." Boxed greek on left says "taxis" translates to a regular arrangement in time, fixed succession. Boxed greek on right says "chronos" translates as a space of time or delay. The french at bottom; The Handymen: Targets 3 through 8. Barbadel 08.05.2004 Small correction:The french at bottom; The Handymen: Targets 3 and 8. Mike C 08.05.2004 Here are better translations of the italian. From a native speaker,"The imbecile (?spelling ~ the idiot) is very popular especially during mundane events." and from the english paper back edition page 55, chapter 10(Titled "And finally nothing is cabalistically infered"),"Fools are in great demand, especially on social occasions." leaking pen 08.07.2004 well, looks like schlacterfest is in session. its porking time. uggh. may i suggest we keep track of any word of gang warfare or large amount of murders? Rich 08.09.2004 clue: Re: Mike C.'s translation of the quote from "Focault's Pendulum". Is actually "Fools are in great demand, especially on social occasions." Which the orphanage has used before.
See Compare and contrast : the levels of the ADW ads, the fact that one of the groups involved is referred to as the asylum. Also the type I, type II errors used in statistics. Mike C: 08.09.2004 The leitmotiv apears in english in the Dec 6 1989 ad. leaking pen 8.16.2004 btw, just to point out the extra pig refference. the kill and eat bit was a section in the bible that i love quoting. peter is alone in the desert, starving. he sees a pig in a dream , and god says arise and eat. peter responds , but lord, its unclean! the response being, how can something ive created be unclean? so once again, its pigs being eaten. (thank gawd u bud has stated that pigs arent good to eat. the thought of people among the orphanage eating long pig does NOT appeal to me. near a terminal Is the Greek in the boxes a quotation? I can't tell from the other comments. buckeroobonzai 09.06.2004 The term "bricoleur" is used in certain psychological studies for marginal characters and tricksters. I can't think of the theorist who first coined that usage but if you dig for a while this special use will come up. If these people wanted to fool opponents who were learned but not insightful they could use a term like bricoleur. A massive computerized search would turn up lots of French "handyman" references but probably would also locate the psychological studies. Then then the smart or maybe just well-funded opponents would say "It's a joke" or "a private amusement." They could go on with their executions or deliveries or whatever it is they are really doing. Nobody really wants to believe there is an active conspiracy to overthrow the established order so if the conspirators throw in enough psychological warts and defects then they won't be detected. They're just nuts. Orwell - 09.13.2004 Does anybody know on what page the quotation in Italian appears? The quotation in the original Italian edition might have a numerial significance that could be as simple as the page number. near a terminal - 09.23.2004 Dostoyevsky wrote something called 'the idiot.' Had to read it decades ago but can't remember what the story was. I do know that a Japanese director later made a movie based directly on Dostoyevsky's story. There are scattered references to Japan in here but we've all noticed that they hold many people in abject contempt. Idiots = the most stupid opponents??? So like always they've set it up so no one answer covers even a single point. I think the Japanese movie had a murder mixed in with it but maybe Dostoyevsky did too. I can see these people doing in someone they really hated but it could also mean a geographic reference (like someplace in Japan) or be a meeting location determined by some page in an edition of Dostoyevsk and so on and so forth. Even the short ads are brainbusters. tanner 10.09.2004 perhaps "targets 3 through 8" refer to the list of coordinates given in the dec 6 1989 ad. except that only seven sets of coordinates are listed. targets 3 and 6 are in south africa target 4 is in germany target 5 is in france target 7 is in texas all places found via good place to go, if you also want to check on the antipodes. lanny 10.18.2004 Like many people out there, I jumped on the bandwagon and read the Dan Brown book "The Da Vinci Code." I liked it so much, I picked up another of his books, "Angels and Demons." Getting in to the book, Mr. Brown provides a lot of information on the ultra secret, highly scientific group, "The Illuminati". Some of the information Mr. Brown gives is fictional, some is factual. He leaves it to the reader to decipher the difference. However, I was intrigued. I did a lot of surfing on the topic, and cross referenced a number of the names that are provided in the Mayday postings. I implore you to do the same. You will find a lot of eerie "coincidences". Cromwell, Luther, Adolphus, and Calvin all have interesting Illuminati ties. A few other interesting notes on the Illuminati. Apparently, their brotherhood is founded by extremely bright scientists (which would certainly fit the mold here). Their original goal of their organization was to bring down the political control of the Catholic Church. To keep their society secret, and away from Catholic eyes, many of the Illuminati documents appeared religious in nature, but were in fact not (may be the case here). And finally, the Illuminati have supposedly gathered their power by asserting their influence in many areas, most notably banking, academia, and upper level business management. For what it's worth, this connection may not even prove to have any relevence here, but at the very least it may provide for some interesting understanding of different secret societies. However, if it had a link to the Mayday mysteries..... ??? bhance - just echoing what I keep emailing people. I've read The Da Vinci Code, and it was OK - I liked it but consider Dan Brown kind of a watered down Umberto Eco. Go read Foucault's Pendulum. And The Magus. george 10.18.2004 The translation you have of Umberto Eco does not capture the meaning of the sentence. The sentence actually says something like: "The imbecille is very SOUGHT (meaning "popular", especially in SOCIAL occasions. anonymous 10.18.2004
Quote: "Arise Peter, kill(slay or sacrifice) and eat." Relax. It's NOT about killing people. No slaughterfest. It's actually about clean and unclean, about the overturning of the old Jewish ceremonial law. This was a Significant Event in the "Structural Change" of the newly formed Christian church. There were two factions. One wanted all non-Jews (Gentiles) to follow Jewish laws, including eating only Kosher food and getting circumcized. Peter was a leader of this group. Paul was a leader of the other group, that felt the Jewish laws that related to food etc. should not be followed by Gentile Christians. This story contains the direct order by God to Peter to stop leading the Jewish Law faction. God tells him to start eating food (like pork) that is unclean for Jews. Here's the whole thing, as told by Peter himself: "I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision. I saw something like a large sheet being let down from heaven by its four corners, and it came down to where I was. I looked into it and saw four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, reptiles, and birds of the air. Then I heard a voice telling me, 'Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.' "I replied, 'Surely not, Lord! Nothing impure or unclean has ever entered my mouth.' "The voice spoke from heaven a second time, 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.' This happened three times, and then it was all pulled up to heaven again." (A small note: Joppa is the city where Jonah left from before he was swallowed by the whale, and it is now called Jaffa, which is part of the modern city of Tel Aviv.) Magdalena Manima 10.22.2004 I wouldn't be watching out for gang murders. Rather, the outcome of the election, perhaps? Fabius Anonuctator 11.15.2004 Is this an attempted reincarnation of Israel Tonge (nb: 5/1/90 reference to Sir Godfrey's [note who killed him according to the EB] Freaks)? A short list of enemies might include Opus Dei, the Spirit of the Sword, Legatus, the Knights of Malta, and Tom Monaghan. But I don't like Protestant right-wing authoritarianism anymore than I do the Catholic variety. Artemis 11.30.2004 The argonaut which has the paper nautilus contains the mystery, the perfection of the practice of dadaism. "Cubism & Abstract Art" is a good place to start. "Zeal is fit for wise men, but flourishes chiefly among fools." - John Tillotson Karen B 02.14.2005 Les bricoleurs: The term is also used in Foucault's writing about deconstruction. A bricoleur in Foucauldian terms is basically someone who recognises that his/her interpretative tools are imperfect, because they are tainted by his/her biases, but also realises that they're the only tools that they have. near a terminal 03.03.2005 Somebody wrote in about "zeal" and included a quotation. The scariest form of zeal is where they never quit. I susepct these people probably die but that's as close to "quit" as they come. Kat 05.19.2005 I'm stopped dead at this last clue--I took the most recent entry--it has a series of dates around it--I comnpared all those dates to entry dates--and as I was getting long lost in lists and links about Calvin, Luther, Cromwell and Gustavus Adolpohus, it eminded me of a book I read years ago by Umberto Eco--:Foucault's Pendulum--and lo and behold here is a reference on the last date of that last entry on that circle--most of his clues were herrings, folks--as I believe most of these are--I think there is maybe OBE specific clue in every entry---remember the hero in Eco's story got himself so imvolved and immerged that he could not decipher the truth--was it real? Or was it in his imagination--and what was the real purpose of all of it? I think one of our earlier messages was correct--find a meeting. Just like the guy in Eco's book. wow--my head is spinning--I have so much stuff written down about all these connections--and the connections will go on into infinity unless you find the right key. yikes reread what others have written and look how far they stretch to get a 'clue'--find the reference in the book and get the page number? This is EXACTLY what the character started doing in the book. I am now creeped out. see yaI point out the the MM predates Eco's 'Foucault's Pendulum' - bhance near a terminal 06.27.2005 clue: I think the webmaster wins hands down on "the pendulum." It was years after the first one of these came out that we know about. Which brings to mind something else. There is a constant reference to the Sixties and some of them were probably young then. That was easily the craziest time in American history since at least the Civil War. I knew a couple of dozen people who thought "the revolution" would be next Tuesday at a quarter past two. They were positive. The easy thing to say is that these people are the die-hards from that crazy time. The not so obvious point is that the Sixties were also a time of extremely radical experimentation in all forms of artistic representation. I wonder if we don't have anything before 1980 or 1981 because the other forms of expression or ads or announcements or whatever the hell these are, came out in different forms and media. I suspect they still do. That is one reason these appear to have a continuing consistency and they do seem to make reference to various events---all the replies are appearing in some other form. I'd bet a real big doughnut against anybody's dollar that the responses are in a totally different form and also that they are some sort of experimental art that mainstream people would never notice. Juls 11.14.2005 As already noted here, the phrase from Foucault's Pendulum appears in English in the 6 Dec. 1989 announcement - 1989 happens to be the year that the book was first published in English, according to the data in the copy I have here. They also speak of 'The Pendulum Room' in some of the announcements - the first appearance I've found was MayDay 1993, likely that was taken straight out of the book as well. Anyhow, in the book, the 'fool' is given a precise definition - he is described as the kind of person who has a habit of making verbal blunders and putting his foot in it. The phrase taken together with the Greek might suggest that the 'Pigs' have made a blunder and someone is being advised to take advantage of it ("arise, Peter, kill and eat")- such an unforeseen opportunity might explain the unscheduled transmission. Kat 05.02.2006 The imbecile is asked for much, especially in the mundane occassions. That is the literal translation. D. Thomasson 10.02.2006 As mentioned before in previous posts, Les bricoleurs: Cibles 3 et 8 literally means "The handyman targets 3 and 8." However, figuratively, this passage means: Mickey's hands are pointing to 3 and 8 on the chronometer (time piece). That would make their meeting time to be scheduled at 1540 (3:40pm). Now for those that like to make more out of this add than is necessary (such as myself), 1540 could also refer to a year. However, it is most likely just the time. These folks, the Orphanage et. al., also are into ships, sail boats, and other forms of sea bearing transportation. References to 'xpovwv' transliterated into English as chronon could have a different meaning for chronometer. A chronometer is a timekeeper precise enough to be used as a portable time standard, usually in order to determine longitude by means of celestial navigation. Boatbird 07.01.2007 'taxis' can also come from the word 'taxidi' meaning 'journey', 'chronon' means 'time'- together maybe ' a journey through time'? Sure seems that way so far :) Perkins 09.20.2008 The Eco quote is on p. 59 of the original. Not sure where else to go with that at the moment. Andre 03.28.2020 Small correction on the french: the verb "bricoler" means "to tinker." A "bricoleur" is "one who tinkers." The group of them could be rendered "handymen," but more likely would be rendered "tinkerers"--implying a lack of trained skill but a fascination with and interest in their craft. ![]() |