** here is a PDF of the above **
** and here is a 2 meg JPEG of the same at a stupidly high resolution **
Click here to submit a clue for this page.SeanMac: 05.03.2004 Where: Top Center, next to Luther Clue: 12CFR205 Petrains to resolving errors during electronic banking transfers: "Sec. 205.11 Procedures for resolving errors." Where: Box 'Delta subscript 2' (middle, next to map square containing 'deutsche oper berlin') Clue: Sec 503, GLBA, 15 USC 6803 Is the Gramme Leach Bliley Act, requiring the 'disclosure of an institutions privacy policy' URL: http://www.ftc.gov/privacy/glbact/glbsub1.htm#6803 Kevin: 05.04.2004 Bottom row, left of Calvin. The equation given here is known as the Schrödinger equation, and describes how a quantum mechanical system evolves over time. More precise and detained information can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%F6dinger_equation, though you might want to read a good textbook on quantum mechanics for a better overview. Sam: 05.04.2004 the reference to Russian physicist I.S. Alterev, 2nd column from right, under the cross, is from the journal Physics Letters and refers to an article entitled "A New Upper Limit on the Electric Dipole Moment of the Neutron" Third column from left, near the bottom - reference is to the John Bunyan's "Pilgrims Progress" 2nd column from right, at the bottom - chemical formula for strychnine, a common rat poison. sjwk Not sure whether the stuff I sent yesterday got through or if it ended up mangled - it was fairly lengthy and possibly lacking in formatting. It largely consisted of the text from the greek boxes rearranged into order. Let me know if you want it resent. Anyway: Interpreting that text shows that they've 'digitally deposited' the summer tour itinerary in Google's cache - possibly one of the quotes or references on the page will retrieve it? It then refers to people from the New York Times suspecting, so they've got an alternate location in Yahoo. (this is reading between the lines and substituting names for addresses) More prophecies of impending end of the world, maybe with plague, although is Matthias having second thoughts and needs reminding to do his duty at the bottom of the ad? Finally, the Local Yokel Pigs: an easily accessible platform and electronic conduit. Is that meant to be us? Beacon: 05.04.2004 The maps (some or all of which seem to be featured on earlier pages) feature Cape town Berlin Lisbon and Boston. Berlin is an exception since it is not a seaport. Sisxth row left hand side with capital letter M in the square. thisa seems to be a mistake as the European Journal of Fiunance %:pages 73 to 94 is from 1999 and NOT 1994 Here is a link: make with the clickin' "The paper presents new UK evidence on the relative predictive performance of several implied and historical volatilities. The Datastream combination of historical and implied volatilities is also tested empirically for the first time. Daily observations are used to increase the power of the tests, and particular attention is paid to forecasting over the life of options. A further contribution of the paper is to examine relative accuracy for several different horizons, and matching the amount of past data to the forecast horizon is found to be effective when forecasting over longer horizons. Historical volatility estimators are found to have greater forecast accuracy than implied volatilities. Although implied volatility is a biased estimator of realized volatility, regression tests show that it contains more information than historical volatility. Also, a simple trading rule using historical volatility estimators is unable to exploit the forecast improvements since it fails to earn abnormal profits after transactions costs. " Rich: 05.04.2004 Bryan, I'm sure you'll get a lot of duplication on this, but here's some info on the map bits. Down:
1. Little Mystic Channel - Terminal St, Boston, MA, USA 2. ?
3.Torre de Belem, Lisbon, Portugal 4. Statehouse / Boston Common, Boston, MA, USA
5. Castel De Sao Jorge (St. George's Castle), Lisbon, Portugal
6. Berlin Opera House, Berlin, Germany
7. Lion's Head, Capetown, South Africa 8. Berlin City Hall, Berlin, Germany 9. Universidad Madragoa ? (Lisbon again?)
10. Charles River Yacht Club ? Across:
1. Reichstag, Berlin, Germany
2. Belem Palace Lisbon, Portugal 3. Three Anchor Bay, Capetown, South Africa
4. Presidental palace, Berlin, Germany 5. Lion Gate Athens, Greece ? (capetown again?)
6. Cambridge, MA
Regarding MATTHIAS: "Honor the Oath." They've said that at least once before. I believe that the oath referenced is one not to blab about what you know. Why they feel the need to repeatedly stress to MATTHIAS is interesting. -------------------- Also, I'll have to print me some copies up, but I'm wondering if the map pieces from each city fit together. CTphotoman: 05.05.2004 Try arranging the squares by ordering them in sequence based on the symbols in the upper right hand corner, based on the type of symbol it is - greek letter (2 series), Hebrew letter, circled Arabic number and 'smiley face' (which is what tipped me off) charleigh: 05.05.2004 what/where: the letters in the center of the cross, where the four arms meet. As far as i can tell, these are Hebrew letters, the English equivalents of which are H R H Y. in Hebrew, each of these letters has a number, a literal meaning, and a symbolic meaning associated with it. First character- H (name of letter= He). number is 5, Symbolic meaning is "the", to reveal. Literal meaning is window, fence Second character- R (name= Resh). Number is 200, Symbolic meaning= person, head highest, Literal meaning= head Third character- same as first Fourth Character- Y (name= Yud). Number is 10, Symbolic meaning= deed, work, to make, Literal meaning= closed hand So, you can get different numbers- 5200510 if you just line them up, 220 if you add them- or you can string together the meanings of the letters Also- Fyodor Dostevsky wrote a story called The Little Orphan - I don't know if it's what's being quoted (such as in the second row down, sixth column across, in the box with delta in the corner)/ referred to or not- it's just a thought sam 05.06.2004 far left column, 2 up, and 2nd column from left, 4 up: "Das Schlachtfest" (The Slaughter-fest) is a yearly German fair characterized by the consummation of large quantities of pork (just as Oktoberfest is characterized by the consummation of large quantities of beer). Considering The Author's fixation on apocalypse, it might be a reference to the end of the world. This would also fit the reference to the "Local Yokel Pigs" With regard to charleigh's post: if we read verbatim the Hebrew letters to mean "the person of the deed," isn't this simply what we've been doing over the past few days; i.e., assigning names to the various addresses scattered accross the page? [[i meant, of course, "consumption" rather than "consummation," although the latter usage is interesting as well...]] Kevin W.: 05.06.2004 Third row, center of right side - This looks like dopamine: http://www.aw-bc.com/mathews/ch21/dopamine.htm. Also note that dopamine is mentioned in the cell second row from the bottom, far right. Third row from bottom, third column - This compound is used in the drug Clozaril, which itself is used it the treatment of schizophrenic patients: http://www.athealth.com/consumer/Mcabinet/mcname_brand.cfm?brand=Clozaril, http://www.whatmeds.com/meds/clozaril.html. I think that it's also worth noting that Clozaril is a phenothiazine, which blocks certain dopamine receptors, so there's a possible connection the previously mentioned cell.
Third row from bottom, far left - This is serotonin. Like dopamine, it's a neurotransmitter, and a search on google yields the
following interesting reference:
Top row, far right - This looks to be an equation stating that entropy is always non-decreasing with time Lanny: 05.05.04 To me, the smiley face looks like it spells the word "COD". (the ear is a "C", the head is an "O", and the other ear is a "D". The image looks very familiar to me. I can't place it, but i think I remember seeing a Cape Cod sign that looked similar to this, only not a smiley face. And, Cape Cod fits with Boston theme that has been recurring... The chemical formula in the bottom right (11 with a circle) is defined as a poisonous alkaloid named Strychnine. I find it odd that they call it a Palate Cleanser, and it's a poison. Apparently, it was used to kill rodents.http://www.siu.edu/~ebl/leaflets/strychn.htm
My theory on this page is the following: A lot of the squares specifically speak of "death". Either the square speaks of death, causes death, mentions death, or relates to death some how. The Leitmotiv, however, says "a work that cannot be diminished by death." So, maybe the author is telling us to disregard, or dispose of all squares that relate to death?? As you get into looking into the squares, you'll notice all of the references to death. Heck, even the cards shown are "The Dead Man's hand." the math equations are over my head, but i would venture to guess that some may relate to death somehow. Maybe they reduce to 0? Maybe they go to infinity? Not sure. near a terminal: 05.07.2004 Glancing over this I knew that the word Providential had come up before. Look at 11/18/2003 in the long letter on page 3. Is that the only time the word occurs in all these? Is there a way to search for words in this huge mass of data? Psychologically it might be important because people use different words at different times in their life and we all reveal more than we intend when either writing or speaking. Providential is no light word. I don't think this pile of whatever it is can be a joke. I might agree with the people behind or I might not but if the word Providential came up there'd be no question about the serious nature of those involved. That also makes it in my opinion much less likely that all the weird bits and pieces are random. Many have suggested that the seemingly unrelated items are obviously the work of either crazies or idle academics. I can't buy that one because of the interconnections and the psychologically telling use of words that indicate a serious mindset. For this to be a joke doesn't fit with my experience and I certainly agree with anybody who says it looks like one. This was a long way of asking or at least hoping that the webmaster or somebody would figure out a search engine for the data base or at least a search strategy. At this point I'd even do it but lack the ability. Beacon: 05.08.2004 Bottom. Second from left and second row from bottom seems like a simple matrix multiplication ref http://www.mai.liu.se/~halun/matrix/matrix.html with a U times vector P times U inverse equals vector P. Quaternions? Applications in space navigation: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/quaternion The problem of using quaternions to handle rotations of satellites has been solved by NASA p' = u p u^-1 (cos theta/2, U sin theta/2) (0, P) (cos theta/2, U sin theta/2)^-1 and in 3D graphics. Discovered by Hamilton (Irish). there is a similarTJT-1=-J in row five under the three anchors bay pic. The square immediately below refers to the an angle being less than or equal to a thousand of a radian i.e. anbout .06 degrees One radians = 57.2957795 degrees. http://arxiv.org/pdf/math.FA/0011031 contains a UPU=P Hilbert space equation related to quantum mechanics. I think the "palate cleanser" in the bottom row second from right is strichnine or rat poison c21h22n2o2 as it causes foaming at the mouth. The top row right hand box dS/dt is the rate of change of S (could be entropy or distance) with t - time? Rate of change od distance with time is velocity so in this case it denotes a something not at rest or a system with increasing entropy (all thermodynamic systems do that otherwise we would have perpertual motion machines) The BLw > zero under it I believe is an equation from electromagnetism. anandan 1981 probably refers to : Phys. Rev. D 24, 338^Ö346 (1981) [Issue 2 ^Ö 15 July 1981 ] Sagnac effect in relativistic and nonrelativistic physics J. Anandan Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, California. Mike: 05.11.2004 Hi, Here are some thoughts as I scan through this announcement. I've picked up and dropped these things dozens of times, but finding this web site has given me a burst of enthusiasm. To denote locations, I'll use numbers for each (row, column) starting in the upper left and including SR/CL as row 1. Sorry that some is repetitive, I haven't finished reading this web site, but any message in the announcements appear to be time dependent, so maybe something will help someone. Overall. Group the squares by alphabet and place in font ordering (not necessarily alphabetic) to get text messages. But note that some letters are repeated and some appear isolated using this scheme. Remember earlier messages have given equivalences between names, symbols and numbers (just started a table of what they are, but won't be done soon). Note odd placement of punctuation, such as periods and commas at the end of mathematical formulas. name: Mike clue: (1,1) Leitmotiv definition -a melodic phrase that accompanies the reappearance of a person or situation (as in Wagner's operas) - On one level this may be announcing the death of a member. On another is says when to expect the next scheduled announcement.. I thought I had found a pattern between accented syllables and number of days between messages, but some things I found here conflict. (2,2) The square brackets are a symbol for the commutator, a mathematical operation on mathematical operators. The commutator is an important tool of quantum mechanics because it lets one identify at a glance what observables are restricted by the uncertainty principle. If the two operators have a non zero commutator (like this one gives), then their observables can not be determined simultaneously. In this equation Q(t) is a function, not an operator so it falls into that group of -mistakes^Ô that are frequently noted. The Equation is written backwards from normal form. Appears related to (13,3). (2,7) This is a statement of the Second Law of Thermodynamics - Entropy increases for any real process. As a possibly related aside, When I learned the laws, I found a humorous story to remember them. I don't know where it came from and am paraphrasing what I heard, but, anyways: If achieving order is the Great Game of human life, then don't look to Quantum Mechanics. Wait^Ö Google can be your friend ^Ö Thermodynamics is the study of the inter-relation between heat, work and internal energy of a system. The British scientist and author C.P. Snow had an excellent way of remembering the three laws: 1. You cannot win (that is, you cannot get something for nothing, because matter and energy are conserved). 2. You cannot break even (you cannot return to the same energy state, because there is always an increase in disorder; entropy always increases). 3. You cannot get out of the game (because absolute zero is unattainable). (3,7) This is ket notation for the integral of operator B on wave function l.w. It may mean that operation B involving l.w. has not produced results, or has no answer. (4,6) This is the structure for dopamine. It is naturally found in the body, but may be used as a drug for hypotension, heart attacks and mental illness. From an earlier announcement the initials PDR can refer to the Physicians Desk Reference, lots of drug information there. (7,7) I found 4 references for Anandan in 1981, 2 Pharmacy related and 2 Gravitational effects on liquid He related. The two I've looked at do not include any inequalities. (9,5) These look like selection rules for a quantum system saying the only allowed changes are to increase or decrease by units of two. (10,5) Start of a two body physics problem. (11,1) This is the structure for serotonin, with one change. For a neutral molecule the ring N should be protonated, so a H is missing. On my copies of the Wildcat, there are two dots near the bottom of the box that might have been pixels in a H that was removed. (11,3) This is the chemical name for the drug clozapine. 100mg is a normal treatment dose. Clozapine is an atypical antipsychotic medication for patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Approved by the FDA for general use in the U.S. in 1990, the drug is used for patients with schizophrenia and other mental disorders who have not responded well to standard antipsychotic drugs or who have had intolerable side effects to them. Novartis manufactures and markets clozapine under the brand name Clozaril. Generic forms of clozapine are marketed by Zenith Goldline and Mylan Pharmaceuticals. (11,6) The angular brackets and vertical lines are bra and ket notation for Integrals involving starting and final wave functions and the Operator in the middle. I've never seen one divided by another before. (12,5) Start of a four body physics problem maybe like motion of acetylene. (13,3) This is the time dependent Schrodinger wave equation. (13,6) This is the chemical formula of strychnine. Known as a rat poison, is very toxic to humans, has a very bitter taste, in very low concentrations can be used as a mental and circularory stimulant. (13,7) I think this is a reference to a financial institution. There are several using it as a name. Beacon: 05.12.2004 Third row second from left. YThe adress is the German stock market place. Olof Petersson is a Norwegian social scientist but the reference is probably ... will continue later...http://deutsche-boerse.com/dbag/dispatch/de/kir/gdb_navigation/home RE Olof Peterson see the paer headed Sweeden in the following: http://www.ku.edu/carrie/texts/carrie_books/gilbert/12.html Erik: 05.17.2004 Allen Klinger Every man has his secret sorrows, which the world knows not; and oftentimes we call a man cold when he is only sad. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow mike: 05.25.2004 The hebrew in the center is "the name of god" it showed up in the Sept 14, 1987 ad. Will: 05.25.2004 Using Mike's notation from three entries above, I just have some clarifications and additional notes on some physics-related boxes: (2,2) This is just the Heisenberg equation of motion for some operator (yes, it can be an operator) Q(t), and I wouldn't say the equation is backwards, but that's not important. (6,3) This equation just indicates how the total angular momentum (orbital+spin) transforms under time reversal. I know time reversal is an idea that has shown up several times before. (7,2) Just a notation to decipher (3,5) I suppose. (7,7) D_n is the electric dipole moment of the neutron, and the inequality refers to the fact that there are evermore stringent upper bounds placed on the value of D_n (D_n is important because a nonzero value indicates CP violation in strong interactions). The Anandan reference is probably from a paper entitled "Tests of Parity and Time Reversal Noninvariance Using Neutron Interference" (Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 1660 (1982)), written in 1981 but published in 1982. (9, 1&2) This is 'Fermi's Golden Rule', a fundamental result from time-dependent perturbation theory. Gamma_fi is the transition probability per unit time for state i to go to state f, d_f is the density of final states, |W_fi|^2 is a quantity relating the initial and final states and some perturbation W. The rule basically says that transitions (usually meaning decays) will occur faster when there is a stronger coupling between initial and final states. Perhaps the most important thing here is just that Fermi's name is attached to it, as his name has appeared before. (9,5&6) These equations have to do with the neutral kaon system (kaons are strange mesons, that is, particles made up of a quark & antiquark where one of the two is a strange quark). The equations put conditions on the parameters such that CP is not violated in the mixing of neutral kaon states. near a terminal: 05.26.2004 I was sure that the Black Flag was mentioned before. It was in January of 1988. I don't think they change their strategy, only their tactics. The plans are set, which probably explains the frequent references to no loss matters, no matter how painful. Jessica Augustsson 05.27.2004 The first, second, and third square in the second row: "...for that abyss of civil war waiting, cold and deep, only a few years ahead of them." (Adding more to Kevin's Pynchon contribution.) This Thomas Pynchon quote is from the novel "The Crying of Lot 49" (text can be found here: http://textz.gnutenberg.net/textz/pynchon_thomas_the_crying_of_lot_49.txt and a summary can be found here: http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/lot49/summary.html) in which--to simplify things far more than Pynchon would have liked--the lead character discovers a mystery called Tristero, a clandestine mail system which operates under the radar of the US Postal Service, whose initiates covertly inscribe and re-direct apparently innocent letters as a way of sending coded messages to each other. ------------------------ The square in column seven, row three mentions "Mozambique Triangles". These are triangle-shaped postage stamps from Mozambique; a sample: ttp://www.augustsson.net/jessica/pics/moztriangles.jpg. These Mozambique Triangles are also mentioned in Pynchon's "The Crying of Lot 49" as part of the stamp collection that the lead character inherits. These stamps were issued in the various territories formerly in Portuguese East Africa, administered by the Nyassa Company, the Mozambique Company, and several other Portugese incorporated territories in that area. ------------------------- Column five, row 6, the German: "...sieben Engel mit den letzten Katastrophen." This is from Revelation 15:6. In English: "...and the seven angels who had the seven plagues came out of the temple, dressed in clean bright linen, wearing wide golden belts around their chests." Sorry. My location instructions were excluding the top row spanning all columns. Ignore that, and my previous directions make sense. Rich: 05.27.2004 Another map that's been chopped up into squares... "Ceçi n'est pas une pipe" or something... heh. leakingpen: 05.28.2004 just got directed here by a friend, this is the first mayday item ive looked at, so i dont know how the pattern holds, but... this is a calendar. 7 days wide, 12 weeks represented, with the constantcorner date theme. i think that slicing it appart and putting it into proper order might open up some more clues. i'll do that after digging through the old may day stuff. has anyone chekced any other local papers for similar stuff, btw? leakingpen 06.01.2004
rua soeiro pereira gomes, is the road something pear tree something, and is a main road in the financial district of lisboa (lisbon), with a few hotels, and lots of banks, and what appears to be the central bank clearinghouse of the area Hazard J Simpson: 06.13.2004 clue: Bottom Row, box marked "K" - the address listed is for the Federal Reserve Bank @ 230 South LaSalle St, Chicago, Illinois. Row 9, Column 3: References inducing Kluver-Bucy syndrome by manipulation of the amygdala. This is a psychological condition that produces several effects, but there are two I think that are most important in this reference: Emotional Blunting: The subject suffering from Kluver-Bucy displays a flat affect and may not respond appropriately to stimuli. Following bilateral amygdala lesions, previously fierce monkeys will approach fear-inducing stimuli with no display of anger or fear. and especially, Visual Agnosia: Subjects with Kluver-Bucy suffer from "psychic blindness," i. e. an inability to visually recognize objects. Oral compulsions may provide an alternate means of object identification. Basically, someone who is blind to what's in front of them, and made to be not afraid? unless you have a copy of 'Abnormal Psychology' laying around (like I do) you can find more info on it here: http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~gjdlab/Dar.html Eri: 06.19.2004 RE: The square sixth from the top and third from the right - "Fabius Cunctator: GLBA Sec. 503 15 USC 6803, will prove problematic as per 'compliance'...." Fabius Cunctator was the Roman dictator Fabius Maximus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabius_Maximus) I think the significance is in his delaying tactics. I'll just quote the whole Wikipedia entry: "Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator (c.260 BC - 203 BC) was a Roman general, twice consul, and twice dictator. His nickname Cunctator (akin to the English noun cunctation) means "delayer" in Latin, and refers to his tactics in deploying the troops during the Second Punic War. By keeping his soldiers close to Hannibal's invading forces ^Ö while avoiding combat ^Ö he was able to harass the Carthaginian foraging parties, limiting Hannibal's ability to wreak destruction while conserving his own military force. The Romans at first gave him the nickname as an insult, but following the disaster of the Battle of Cannae, the wisdom of this tactic was understood, and Cunctator became an honorific title." The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) - SeanMac mentions this act in one of the first clues - is supposedly intended to regulate disclosure of nonpublic personal information by banking institutions (the entire act, that is.) 15 USC 6803 is more specifically about the bank's disclosure *policy*. Am I the only one who finds it odd that this group would be concerned with bank policies? I couldn't help but notice that the topic of the square in the top row, third from the right also involves banking disclosures (bank policy.) Here's what I posted on the FT message board a while ago: here's how 205.4(a)(2) reads: quote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (2) Foreign language disclosures. Disclosures required under this part may be made in a language other than English, provided that the disclosures are made available in English upon the consumer's request.[ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are disclosures the bank must make whenever the customer contracts for electronic funds transfers. But there's more to it than that - just ask a lawyer, preferably one that specializes in U.S. banking law. 15 USC 1693 is the U.S. Code that deals with individual consumer rights with respect to electronic funds systems. Here's a link: http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/casec...ers/vi/toc.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some more odds & ends: RE: the square in the top row, third from the right. Setúbal is the 3rd largest port in Portugal, although it may have some other significance. RE: the square in the 5th row down, 2nd from the right. 400 Sansome Street is the address of the Old Federal Reserve Bank. The current FRB is located at 101 Market St. RE: the square in the 3rd row from the bottom, 3rd from the left. "Cruel necessity" is very prominent (and seems pretty self-explanatory) in the May 1, 1985 announcement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- More clues regarding the square in the 7th row down (I mistakenly placed it in the 6th row down before) 3rd to the right. RE: " - vide eutychus in personam for the approved list." Eutychus is mentioned in the Bible, Acts 20.9: "A young man named Eutychus, who was sitting in the window, began to sink off into a deep sleep while Paul talked still longer. Overcome by sleep, he fell to the ground three floors below and was picked up dead." Acts 20.10-12 describe the resurrection of Eutychus: "But Paul went down, and bending over him took him in his arms, and said, 'Do not be alarmed, for his life is in him.' Then Paul went upstairs, and after he had broken break and eaten, he continued to converse with them until dawn; then he left. Meanwhile they had taken the boy away alive and were not a little comforted." -- from my NRSV Bible. In personam is a legal term from Latin, meaning: "directed toward a particular person." http://dictionary.law.com/definition2.asp?selected=973&bold=%7C%7C%7C%7C Also, the square in the 7th row down, far right mentions Lombard Street , the famous San Francisco street - It runs up a hill "zig-zag" fashion. Matt: 06.24.2004 Where: (7,4), map next to "Gustavas Adolphus" Clue: This portion of map of Cambridge, MA, includes the location of the Harvard Lampoon castle. Who knows what they're up to. Anon: 06.24.2004 Other posts that reference Capetown or South Africa: Nov 22, 1983 Feb. 22, 1988 Dec. 1, 1993 May 1, 2000 Apr 4, 2001 May 1 2001 Sept 26, 2002 Dec 3, 2003 May 1 2004 Matro: 06.24.2004 Where: first column, block numbered "6" Clue: Mistah Kurtz is a reference to "Heart of Darkness" Where: topmost molecule (marked by hebrew letter 'calf') Clue: This is dopamine, one of the primary neurotransmitters involved in the sensation of pleasure. Key to the "reward" concept in the brain. Where: lower left chemical structure (box marked 'lamed[1]') Clue: This is seratonin, also a neurotransmitter involved in feeling good. Seratonin deficiency is linked to depression (see: SSRI) and is the primary neurotransmitter that causes the feelings associated with the drug ecstacy (MDMA). arnold: 06.24.2004 The "Amphitheatre Parkway 94043" refers to Google, whose address is 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043 Mark: 06.24.2004 "Increase Mather" (6,6): I converted 5/1/1989 to a Julian date and got 2447648. Sure enough, it has four distinct Gaussian prime factors: -i, (1+i), 7, and 223. Exponents are 1, 10, 3, and 1 respectively. My best guess is that the G-prime factors are intended to be used as translations in the complex plane; if you add them all up, the i's cancel and you get 231. So I'm guessing we're supposed to start from the Old Fed and proceed 231 [units...?] in the positive real direction, presumably east. The Old Fed is a big building, currently occupied by Orrick Herrington and Sutcliffe LLP. A more specific landmark *within* the building would be nice. FIDUCIA CORDIS is an anagram of CARDIOID FICUS. Tomorrow I'm going to go into the building and see if I can locate a ficus plant with cardioid leaves. I'll keep you posted. Jeff: 06.24.2004 When you google search for [ampitheatre parkway 94043 summer tour] you only get one result which may be of interest. I'm a novice at this so I'm not sure if anything on the page relates to anything else in the messages. Iason: 06.25.2004 The characters in the middle of the cross is one of the many words for God in hebrew. It's pronounced "YAHWEH," and is commonly mispronounced "Jehova" (yes, as in Jehova's witnesses). Here, notably, and in much of the hebrew in these communications, the hebrew lacks any vowels, like everything in the Torah (because when the Dead Sea Scrolls were written, vowels hadn't been invented yet). This makes it a tad bit difficult for modern hebrew readers to decipher what the heck the bible is talking about, sometimes, but YAHWEH is unmistakable here. I think the suggestion is supposed to be that if you figure the "puzzle" out, and find the missing place in the the sequence of maps, that's where one can discover God/the Holy. But that's just me. Sean E. 06.26.2004 The poker hand at the bottom is the "Dead Man's Hand." Wild Bill Hickok was shot holding aces and eights. Eri: 06.28.2004 Cross-reference: Regulation E (top row, 3rd from the right) also appears in the September 20, 2000 announcement. Appy: 07.02.2004 In square Circled 8, The Little Orphan Children indicate that they have produced amygdala-based Kluver-Bucy Syndrome in the subject. Kluver-Bucy Syndrome, as seen at http://www.macalester.edu/~psych/whathap/diaries/diariess98/shannonb/diary11.html , is a disorder that was first observed in monkeys once they had a bilateral temporal lobe removal. The temporal lobe is located (fittingly) in the area below your temples, and the amygdala is in your temporal lobe. The amygdala is part of your limbic system, and mediates unconscious and conscious emotional feelings. LOC apparently obeyed the directives of 5/1/03 - they are not mentioned in that ad. They are mentioned in the Dec 3 ad, busily working away at the production of party favors for the summer festival. Someone's getting amygdala in their goodie bags? Bard 07.07.2004 1. The poker hand at the bottom of the page is *not* the Dead Man's hand, which supposedly consisted of two black aces and two black eights. I found a link to confirm this. http://www.robohoo.com/poker_26.html A mistake or deliberate? Someone named Bob noted this error in the December 2003 entry, so the repetition suggests deliberate (particularly if your site is monitored). Some connection between Cape Town South Africa and diamonds? 2. I also wondered why the September 1987 entry contained handwritten Hebrew with vowels and later Hebrew entries do not. Perhaps that has something to do with the Wildcat's printing capabilities in those days? 3. Square 10,4: International Monetary Fund (IMF) Staff Papers on the web only go back to 1998, volume 45. You can probably order the mentioned article from IMF via their site at http://www.imf.org/external/pubind.htm Truman Wetmore was also mentioned Dec. 3 2003. Someone -- input was clipped -- Bard clue: In the square marked Delta sub 2: Has Eutychus been mentioned before, or could he be a new member, who Fabius is to meet in person (for approval)? I have not had a chance to read all of your entries, but it does not sound like a name you have associated with members. In Acts, Paul brought Eutychus back from the Dead. http://www.christiananswers.net/dictionary/eutychus.html 15 USC 6803 is disclosure of an institution's privacy policy, as SeanMac's entry on this page explains. Eri 07.08.2004 After a simple Google search, "Vai o bem fugindo" appears to be a song by fado musician Cristina Branco. But this song lyrics page - http://www.melomusic.nl/cd_ihnl.htm - credits the song to "Luís Vaz de Camões/Custódio Castelo." - Luís Vaz de Camões is the name of a great 16th century Portuguese poet. Custódio Castelo is a contemporary musician. -Might this be a classic poem set to music? I don't speak Portuguese, but using translators the song title seems to mean *something* like "The good is running away." I've been hesitant to send this because it's more speculation than a real clue, but it might be helpful. It's my attempt to re-order some of the squares, based on the text within each one: ----- [12, 5] are currently tracked by 230 LaSalle 60604-1413 and monitored by Ridley & Latimer until The Asylum Choir can [10,4] analytically integrate IMF Staff Papers 39:596-625 in light of Truman Wetmore's second level adaptation of [11,7] "Vai o bem fugino" Disruption of the Dopamine System in targets.... ----- ----- [1, 1] "It is often stupidly said that Cromwell was at heart a tolerant man but [9, 6]the truth is that he held his opponents in such contempt, that he did not fear them." -- Lord Claredon} }[star]} The [10, 2]Orphanage has digitally deposited the itinerary for the Summer Tour in the cache of Ampitheatre Parkway, 94043. ----- ----- [2, 2]"Thus those he killed at his death were more than he had slain in his life."}x} The Little Orphan [11, 1]Children continue to use The Local Yokel Pigs as an (easily) accessible platform and electronic conduit - who will remain a mouldering menagerie of middle-aged meat-puppets until they are consumed at das Schlachtfest - but [5, 2]the denizens of 122 E. 42nd St., 14th Floor 10168 are not unlettered boors; they begin to suspect. Therefore, Thomas Bradwardine has provided an alternate venue at Ebury Bridge Road SW1W8PZ. ----- ----- [5, 5]The Midget Tag Team should disembark at Setúbal and proceed in a non-linear fashion (5/1/91, 2nd L.) to [5, 7]The ( mutatis mutandis; cf., 1/16/91 ) Hotel California on Praca do Quebedo to await [12, 1]in situ instructions before proceeding to The Feast. The Loyal [11, 6]Order of Un-reconstructed Freaks awaits a shipment of vinho dos mortos prior to the 474th from Jenny Geddes in [10, 7]Boticas (Rua de Sangunhedo--#sub specie 5/1/89, 2nd), while Melanchthon will supply the main course of [3, 7]carne de porco com ameijoas in The Delectation Dome to be followed by a viewing of "Mozambique triangles" interspersed with ----- TT 07.22.2004 Has anyone thought of printing this out multiple times and arranging the squares into order? For example: alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon; alpha1, beta1, gamma1, delta1; 1,2,3,4,5,6; aleph, bet, gimmel? Then see what the messages are in each of the respective sequences. It's a jumble within a jumble. Also there are multiple references to previous messages referred to as cyphers and other things (decoders or previous instructions), you will need to have them as well. Voynich 07.22.2004 Ebury Bridge Road SW1W8PZ is the street that Yahoo.com's European offices are on. A little bit about Thomas Bradwardine: http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Bradwardine.html Eri 07.25.2004 I think the map at square 10 down, 4 across is the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (Technical University of Lisbon - Faculty of Economics and Management.) http://www.utl.pt/universidade/Mapas/mapaISEG.htm (Note the street address.) cynic2 07.29.2004 Doesn't the Pequot war appear in 1988? This seems to be only the second reference in 16 years! One from that year had a lot of violence and military references. It was also long and specific which is sort of like this one. If these people are nuts why are some long and detailed and others are obscure but short? How crazy can you be and handle this much detail? I don't know and not sure anybody else does. My limited exerperience with insane people is that they say the same things over and over and over but not with variations and subthemes and correlations and so on. If the test for insanity is lifelong interest in a set number of subjects then aren't we all crazy? Rich 09.09.2004 Re: http://www.maydaymystery.org/mayday/texts/04-may1.html This may be a frivolous impression, but here it is. The 5/1/2004 ad looks like a bingo card, with "YAHWEH" in the free space. Now how are the draws to be genertated? sjwk 10.18.2004 TT asked "Has anyone thought of printing this out multiple times and arranging the squares into order?" Yes. See http://orac.keble.ox.ac.uk/mayday/010504/greek.php bhance - wow. I hadn't seen that link. sjwk 10.19.2004 The second map down from the top is yet another Capetown map. Specifically, the Oranjezich suburb, south of the central business district shown in the 'Lion Gateway' map. KAte 10.24.2004 Box Z: The denizens of 122 E. 42nd Street, 14th Floor, NY, NY are not unlettered boors: this is the address of the New York Times. See the three links here: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=%2B%22122+e.+42nd+street%2C+14th+floor%22&btnG=Search 5/1/72 - the unavoidable ... 10.29.2004 As seen here: http://www.brainyhistory.com/days/january_5.html January 5, 1972 Pres Nixon signs a bill for NASA to begin research on manned shuttle Juls 12.07.2004 clue: Oh aye, 4th Sunday in Advent, 2004 is 19th December. CEG 01.28.2005 Q: Anyone know what maps, what editions/versions, these clips are taken from? I cut out the slices, transposed them on map, tried to grid it out (to transpose rest of announcement on) but had trouble with proportions. I'll post if I find them. Karen B (11, 3): Bunyan - It's a reference to Pilgrim's Progress. Christian and Hopeful are put in Doubting Castle by Giant Despair where they are kept for three years. Here's an e-text of the stage in which it occurs: http://www.classicallibrary.org/bunyan/pilgrim/8.htm Julw 03.26.2005 The square numbered 7 contains the url of a directory of foreign stock exchanges at Investment Company Institute: http://www.ici.org/issues/glo/list_intl_se.html I think this and some other stuff I posted to this page before must have got lost, probs my own fault.:( Anyway, on the 'Black Flag' (square numbered 6) - a black flag has been taken by some as a symbol for Anarchism, this seems to be a post-1995 development, info here: http://www.spunk.org/texts/intro/sp001492/blackflg.html The 4 smiley pics - note that these are quite different from the signature smiley guy - they have been used in place of numbers 1-4, with numerals picking up from 5 - I think maybe this is just a wee prod at us and all the speculating over the significance of the number of smiley guy's hairs. Square marked Z - kate identified 122 E 42nd St as the New York Times who "are not unlettered boors; they being to suspect" - we've wondered before whether announcements were being placed in other publications and I wonder whether they have used the NYT and have had to desist (see the emphasis on 'not') - maybe someone at the paper started digging. clue: I'm Portuguese so i can tell about stuff related to my country. Images: 3rd from the top http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bel%E9m_Tower 2nd image from the left The Navy Museum 5th image from the top Sao Jorge Castle
9th from the top
cynic2 06.10.2005 I'm pretty sure the leitmotiv is a quotation from the Epic of Gilgamesh. John Gardner was translating it when he was killed in an accident or he had just finished translating it. At any rate his work was later published by one his fellow translators and I think that line is one that Gardner translated. oldlib 02.20.2006 I just looked at the link for "Boticas" and noticed that it is either directly on the Spanish/Portuguese border or almost directly on it. If that is a coincidence I'll eat my left shoe. Remember all the apparently random crap about "permeable membranes" and "shadow areas" and overlapping and so on and on and on. They're doing something, it's probably smuggling and the bastards are getting away with it. I hate people like that but wish I were one of them. Damn that sucks but I do wish it. Preterite Pete 01.10.2007 clue: I find it curious that Pynchon, author of the most systematic and angriest denunciation of lunatic Calvinism we have, Gravity's Rainbow, is quoted here. bobo 05.02.2008 Has anyone noticed the smiley guy above the pynchon quotes? Just saying... Perkins 06.17.2008 The reference to Zocher and Torok is to H. Zocher and C. Torok, "About Space-Time Asymmetry in the Realm of Classical General and Crystal Physics," PNAS, 39.7 (July 15, 1953), pp. 681-686. They were research scientists in Brazil. Robert Sachs's The Physics of Time Reversal (Chicago, 1987) references it, a likely source. ![]() |