Click here to submit a clue for this page.drakk2 02.09.2005 The German in Fracture text is as follows: "The Axion (5/1/95) explains was is to be understood about a body mathematically. (though the literal translation says: what lies under a body) Neither the Axion (5/1/95) nor the Axion (9/20/2000) deal with the embedding of this body in a 3-dimentional Euclidean room. That's all I can translate from German. What a Axion is, I'm not sure. These dates must be referring to two different past (full page) messages. Juls 02.10.2005 The list of Russian words - oddly this appears, when translated, to form an actual sentence. The list (starting top left down, then top right down) translates to: analogous; consequences; can; (to) have; error; In The direction; reached / achieved; rocket; of the speed. Thus, we must have something *along the lines of* "Analogous consequences can have error in the direction of the rocket speed achieved" well, at any rate, the consequent error is analogous to an error concerning direction and rocket speed which is presumably to be associated in some way with the diagram in the centre (which I haven't figured out yet). Habakkuk 3:4 (New American Standard) - "His radiance is like the sunlight; He has rays flashing from His hand, And there is the hiding of His power." (There are 3 very short books of Habakkuk in the Bible, they are a bit like Revelations and contain apocalyptic visions.) "Noah's Ark Trap" - I believe that this may be a reference to the last announcement on 1st December where Genesis 8:17 was referenced in relation to the "re-route" of the "Winter Tour": clue: The German (via Babelfish): "The axiom (5/1/95) specifies, which is to be understood mathematically by a body. But neither the axiom (5/1/95) nor the axiom (9/20/2000) act explicit of the imbedding of these bodies into a 3 dimensional Euclidean area." "The Cambridge Platform" - "A declaration of principles of church government and discipline, forming a constitution of the Congregational churches. It was adopted by a church synod at Cambridge, Mass., and remains the basis of the temporal government of the churches. It had little to do with matters of doctrine and belief. The Congregationalists of Connecticut later subscribed (1708), in the Saybrook Platform, to a more centralized church government, resembling Presbyterianism." - text of document may be found here: - HOwever, I would read it that this reference may be conveying information relating to restrictions on discssing a remedy for deficiencies in the government of whatever it is they're up to rather than anything to do with the Cambridge Platform itself, unless it is such that their problems are of a similar nature to some encountered in that document. Note, the letters "plen" are underlined in both "pleno" and "plenary" for some reason. "Auld Licht" - this is in Scots, may be a reference to the book "Auld Licht Idyls" by James Barrie which is online for a free read here: - I would interpret this reference simply as indicating the message being for the contingent identified with Scottish characters, those previously referred to as MacLeod, Jenny Geddes et al. Note the phrase "fraternal greetings" often crops up in this context and here is underlined - may be code for something else - also, indicated in relation to this is "what is past is prologue" a quote which occurs elsewhere in the announcements (IIRC may have been a previous 'leitmotiv'). More on the "Noah's Ark Trap", Steinitz (inter alia = 'among other things') - this is Chess stuff - "Noah's Ark trap - Steinitz Variation [C60]no retreat, 1996 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 d6 5. d4 b5 6. Bb3 exd4 7. Nxd4 Nxd4 8. Qxd4? c5 9. Qd5 Be6 10. Qc6+ Bd7 11. Qd5 c4" - diagram here: Pheh 02,11.2005 The Cambridge Platform." Perigee - When a satellite follows a non-circular orbit around the earth, the satellite's path is an ellipse with the center of the earth at one focus. Such a satellite has variable altitude and variable orbital speed. The point of lowest altitude is called perigee. Noah's Ark Trap Habakkuk 3:4 - And his brightness was as the light; he had horns coming out of his hand: and there was the hiding of his power. sjwk 02.14.2005 The Cambridge Platform:A declaration of principles of church government and discipline, forming a constitution of the Congregational churches. It was adopted by a church synod at Cambridge, Mass., and remains the basis of the temporal government of the churches. It had little to do with matters of doctrine and belief. The Congregationalists of Connecticut later subscribed (1708), in the Saybrook Platform, to a more centralized church government, resembling Presbyterianism. (taken from that webpage). It was adopted in 1648 - same year the English Civil war ended (Cromwell connection?) The only Auld Licht I can find is by J M Barrie. Not read it, but chapter 4 is titled 'Lads and Lasses', which could be 'brothers and sisters'? 'What is past is prologue' is a Shakespeare quotation but seems to be well used. Noah's Ark Trap is an album by Nic Jones, but is also (and probably more relevantly) a chess move/sequence. I think this is the original but there are apparently variants.. Not sure whether this (or any of the variants) match any chess diagrams we've seen previously? Jessica Augustsson 02.14.2005 The "Noah's Ark Trap" is a well-known chess trap that occurs after the following moves: 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 0-0 d6 6 d4 b5 7 Bb3 Nxd4 8 Nxd4 exd4 9 Qxd4 c5 and Black traps the White bishop on the next move. An image can be seen here: The Cambridge Platform is a declaration of principles of church government and discipline, forming a constitution of the Congregational churches. It was adopted by a church synod at Cambridge, Mass., and remains the basis of the temporal government of the churches. The full text can be found here: An Auld Licht is a member of the conservative party in the Church of Scotland in the latter part of the 18th century. The Auld Lichts believed that the state should uphold and support the church(establishmentarianism), while the New Lichts believed that the church and state should be independent of each other (disestablishmentarianism or Voluntaryism). More info about this can be found here: Aarongorn 02.17.2005 Habakkuk 3:4 in the NIV version is "God came from Teman, the Holy One from Mount Paran. His glory covered the heavens and his praise filled the earth Habakkuk 3:4 in the NIV is "His splendor was like the sunrise; rays flashed from his hand, where his power was hidden." near a terminal 03.03.2005 The only part that I could dig out was the obvious connection between the English and the Latin in "plenary." When you also see reference to "cybernetic" I wonder if the underlined portions don't refer to some kind of key. p-l-e-n could be correlated to almost anything they've used before. Then again the historical references are very explicit. It would be more than interesting to know how close the insiders are to the fierce Calvinism found in both the "auld lichts" (old lights) and the Cambridge Platform. My guess is very close at least socially as they seem to despise contemporary society. Juls 03.25.2005 The Greek leitmotiv is from Matthew 4:22 "And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him." The capitalised word is 'straightway' and the underlined bit is 'the ship'. Greek following 'under the metric of' is from the Fragments of Heraclitus: "Asses would rather have straw than gold" Latin following 'sub-specie' is also from the Fragments of Heraclitus: "Swine wash in the mire and doves in the dust" cynic2 03.25.2005 The repeated theme of * and ! and (star) etc--could be levels but I wonder if it isn't also a way to derive geographical or astronomical coordinates. It seems to figure very largely in connection with maps. kiwisyd 03.27.2005 "What is past is prologue", while probably unimportant, is quoted on a statue in front of the national archives building. Juls 03.28.2005 I notice that someone else was wondering in particular about the underlining of "plen" - since 'in pleno' means 'in full' and 'plenary' means 'full'/'complete' then this could be an underlying code to someone to 'complete in full' whatever it is they're doing. I've also wondered at the use of the phrase 'fraternal greetings' - although it's a commonly enough used phrase, it is used in particular by the Masons / Freemasons - I'm not suggesting that is what these guys are mind, but the association might be meaningful in some way. Juls 04.01.2005 Cynic2 makes a good point about the !,*s, etc. - it may be worth checking out. For locations in this case, given the text around the diagram I would say that there is some activities centering on Russia. Re. the Habakkuk - vario lectio (various readings) - it may be necessary to look at a number of different translations and compare them to extract the relevant data - in this and on other occasions folk may find the following site useful, it has loads of different editions of the Bible, Greek, Hebrew, Latin versions, translations into a large number of languages and allows you to bring up verses in 4 different ones side-by-side at the same time: Marcel B. 09.01.2005 I'd guess the Habakkuk reference is once again to Rashi's commentary. I don't have a copy to hand. No doubt when I do, it'll either be useless or I won't remember which advert referred to it! Colin 12.03.2005 ... because of the grammar, the russian must be translated this way: "A mistake can (or might) have analogous consequences in the direction of the rocket arrival speed.' Basically, 'mistake' is the subject of the sentence, and "arrival" is probably a better translation. Rick 04.04.2007 "The axiom (5/1/95) mathematically defines what there is to understand under a body. However neither the Axiom (5/1/95) nor the axiom (9/20/2000) deal explicitly from the embedding of this body in a 3-dimensional euclidean space." This is a word for word literal translation of the German text, 5/1/95 and 9/20/2000 are clearly referring to the articles which appeared in the paper on those days, however I am unsure which axioms it is referring to. Molly G 06.10.2007 I just glanced at the whatever it's called that connects the reference to the Cambridge Platform.(Has a blue line under it, etc.) Look at the the very last provision, direct reference to magistrates and coercion is to be actively applied to false doctrine. Auld Licht references keep cropping up in these things and I think they have always been there but perhaps not by the explicit name. The Auld Licht people held or maybe hold the same position as the Cambridge Platform in regard to the civil power being used to suppress deviation from doctrine. ![]() |