Ana Sunshine 07.21.2014
For the Tacitus quote, Google Translate says 'but equally unanimous'

Also: Take a look at the next ad and you may see a connection between the four signs:a star, a hashtag, a point and an exclamation sig

Kara P 07.05.2014
"Nisi iam dies esset exactus." --Tacitus; videte
"If the day had been completed." --Silence; see
Tacitus; videte or Silence; see, to put it simply it states that what you cannot hear you can see, or that the visual details become clearer 
when your not listening to the sounds around you. One other connection I made referred to the bible and then Mother Teresa, I am an 
atheist and as much as I would like to believe that these connections were just in my mind but the more I looked into it the more 
it seemed to fit. The first connection being to the bible "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the 
sake of the elect those days will be shortened." This particular quote refers to the seventh day of Gods creation. Which goes with 
"Nisi iam dies esset exactus." Or "If the day had been completed."

And the second connection is two Mother Teresa �See how nature - trees, flowers, grass - grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and 
the sun, how they move in silence...we need silence to be able to touch souls.�- Mother Teresa which goes with Tacitus; videte or Silence;
 see. I don't quite understand why of all of the languages in the world, why it starts out with about one word in French then "Nisi iam 
 dies esset exactus." --Tacitus; videte in Latin and then one word German in the brackets at the bottom of the text.

Beacon 08/28/2014
Comments: from The annals of Tacitus referring to the germanic campaign "balanced in their passions and equally balanced in their silence about them"

Click here to submit a clue for this page.

near a terminal 09232014
Zeta function again and this time explicitly.

Marta 10/06/2014
I think you have to know German to solve this riddle.

(In Spanish: 1. Set 2. Pariter 3. ardescerent 4. pariter 5. silerent)
1.- No se encontr�. 2.-  'pariter' : "del mismo modo que, igual que ". (adverbio). ,  3.-  'ardesco,is,ere,arsi,--' : "inflamarse, arder". (verbo). 3� Conjugaci�n  4.-  'pariter' : "del mismo modo que, igual que ". (adverbio). ,  5.-  'sileo,es,ere,silui' : "callarse". (verbo). 2� Conjugaci�n

484th anniversary of Confessio Augustana

�ergt f^j�tere ^rebtgten �on �ut^er: �SlBer ift bo(3^ ber grofeeft im
�immelreid�?" S). SB. LIV. <5. 1, 90, 97; ferner XV. @. 389 f(g.: XXVH.
�. 85 flg. �Qf. �55on bem ^apftt()um au 9lom (1520)

Anon 10.23.2014
SR/CL:Leitmotiv (keeping to the dominant and recurring theme of tacitus) "if the day were nicely framed."

Tacitus: (a senator and a historian of the Roman Empire.) videte (refer to) 5/89,#3

May Day, 2014.


rc2 10/24/2014
New to this today.  If this is all in repetition, please excuse.

From London, the "Annalium" by Cornelius Tacitus stands out.  It's also obvious they're referring to the Augsburg Confession 
which is the founding manifesto of Protestantism(June 25, 1530).

In the Annalium by Cornelius Tacitus, the phrase "set pariter ardescerent, pariter silerent" can be found on page 61, ch.32, 
v.7 in its entirety.

"Patrols, sentries, and whatever else the needs of the time required, were distributed by the men themselves. To those who 
could guess the temper of soldiers with some penetration, the strongest symptom of a wide-spread and intractable commotion, 
was the fact that, instead of being divided or instigated by a few persons, they were unanimous in their fury and equally 
unanimous in their composure, with so uniform a consistency that one would have thought them to be under command."

With this passage being quoted in the clue, "they were unanimous in their fury and equally unanimous in their composure".

Most are claiming SR/CL is some kind of review.  I propose that:

SR = Programming language
CL = Its contents

Joseph G 10/31/2014
RE: Freaks

Look at what happened on May 22nd 2014.

" An explosion occurs in the city of �r�mqi, the capital of China's far-western Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, resulting in at least 43 deaths and 91 injuries."

"General Prayuth Chan-ocha of the Royal Thai Armed Forces announces a military coup d'�tat, following six months of political turmoil."

"REJOICE" was the word I read. Could be a coincidence but thought I'd share

Sonny 01/15/2015
We know that the anniversary referenced is of the Augsburg Confession of 1530, making these guys pretty squarely Lutheran, right?

Mohammed 02.27.2015
Hi, I'm from Sydney Australia and I heard about this puzzle on some random website so got curious.

I saw this one a couple minutes ago and since I have a background in chemistry I recognised the SR/CL as strontium chloride.

Strontium has atomic number 38 while chloride is 17. Bible chapter 38 verse 17:

"Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish. In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your back."

Interesting to notice that the Latin quote also refers to foreberence and patience. The author Tacitus wrote many books mainly focusing 
on 68 AD and onward. Interestingly enough, if you add the atomic numbers of strontium chloride (SRCL2) you get 67. 67 AD was the year 
of the first persecution of Christians under the emperor Nero.

I think there's a biblical pattern here...

Stephan 02/26/2018
Comments: (zeta symbol)

In mathematics, a zeta function is (usually) a function analogous to the original example: the Riemann zeta function