Posted 06/25/2022 - another big one, multipart
message 1:

message 2:

message 3:

message 4:

message 5:

message 6:

message 7:

message 8:

message 8 page2 (continuation of the above):

Shaina 06/28/2022
Comments: (Msg 5) I am sure very enough that this is Histology but am not firmiliar with the body tissue.. simple and probably
useless remark but nonetheless, I would like to hear what Thomas B. Would think
Tijm 07/03/2022
Vladimir Lenin said: useful idiots.
Red letters: See below.
No smiley guy on this page
f.j. torres 07/08/2022
message 5-source article for cell image
RandomizedCharacter 11/18/2022
Message 3 Globe shaped image
"This map represents the full network findings of the Pacific RISA Network Analysis project. From December 2012 to April 2013"
Robert Hungerford (!) 11/18/2022
Shaina, Brother Bradwardine has given me power of attorney in order to address your concern: you are completely correct about HISTOLOGY.
Stay tuned, Shaina.
m2 03/10/2023
message 3: (foreign chars) སོང་པ་ཞིད་གཟུགས་སོ = Have a good trip.
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