Click here to submit a clue for this page.Clues people have sent in: email=Repubgirl favorite ad many Eagles songs, too little time. Leitmotiv: quote may be attributed to Keyes, but "in the long-run" is also a line from the Eagles song. Quote in 2) is from Dylan's "Subterranean Homesick Blues" Quote in 4) is from Neil Young's "Old Man" Quotes in 5) & 6) are from the Eagles "Hotel California" White Rabbit in 8) is a reference to Jefferson Airplane's song of the same name?? I'm not sure about the exact quote in 10), but "my race is almost run" is a line from "House of the Rising Sun" (traditional) but most popularized by Dylan and The Animals. name=Repub hance: white rabbit, I think, == acid... would jive with the owsley references. So, we're dealing with dealers. Woohoo! :) clue=Stockholders in the Union Pacific Railroad organized a construction company, Credit Mobilier, under an existing PA charter and awarded themselves huge contracts to complete the railroad. They received government grants and subsidies from Congress to the railroad and funneled them through Credit Mobilier. To avoid a governmental inquiry into the transaction, the investors sold and/or assigned Credit Mobilier stock to members of Congress at par although the shares were worth twice that at the time. A congressional investigation in 1872 revealed many congressmen, high ranking republicans, and vice-president Schuyler Colfax took stock in the company. The scandal marred U.S. Grant's first term and Veep Schuyler was replaced for the election in 1872. clue=In 2) All hands before the mast = all crew in front of the mast. And in 5): Sailing pointed into the wind as much as is possible under or below the lee side of Bermuda, protected from the wind. The rest is a mystery, could be seven minutes, or miles (nautical?), or days to the mark. A mark is usually the arbitrary place you turn in a race. Hance: pinckney street is in Boston... [look] - and this ties into the mention on Jan 20, 1988. email=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx clue=The crest is Oxford University's. clue=A little aside here...doesn't necessarily have anything to do with our endeavor... Believe it or not...I wrote a paper on this one time. White Rabbit was written as a response to the "establishment" questioning why the baby-boomers were so into drugs in the 60s-70s. Alice In Wonderland, which the song specifically addresses, and other "children's" stories are filled with drug references and White Rabbit was Grace Slick's way of saying **you** filled our heads with this by reading us these stories...or so she says. But I do love that line about the hooka smoking catapillar. name=repubgirl
Lord Keynes: John Maynard Keynes, [here] "Now 'in the long run' this [way of summarizing the quantity theory of money] is probably true.... But this **long run** is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is long past the ocean is flat again." jessica 05.22.01 clue: Wisdom is divided into two distinct areas of application; Temporal and Spiritual. Temporal wisdom has its limitations set to the use of principles, which benefit the individual in this physical world we live in. Spiritual wisdom can be applied in this physical world, but its boundaries extend beyond the physical planes, into and from that which is eternal. TEMPORAL WISDOM Temporal wisdom is also known as 'earthly' or even 'carnal' wisdom. It is the grasp and use of principles by which this world works. The mechanisms of earthly life you could say. It is such things as business, politics, relationships, lifestyles and so many other things, which are not minor bits of fact in our lives.. but the large systems within which our lives move. Temporal wisdom alone is devoted to one's survival and gain in this world. If it benefits others in the process, so be it, but the underlying priority is always the survival and benefit of self. Examples of such wisdom could be anything from the simple principle of looking both ways before crossing the street to something as complex as business maneuvers and politics that provide gain over a period of time. The instinct to survive is related closely to this temporal wisdom but perhaps the most unique attribute which separates it from spiritual wisdom is the lack of necessity for ethics or morality. Temporal wisdom will operate under its own, "subjective", ideas of morality while spiritual wisdom operates under the umbrella of "absolute morality". Subjective morality and temporal wisdom go hand in hand. Each operates under the creed, "If it benefits me, it is allowable. If not, only then is it wrong or imprudent." Because temporal wisdom is the default in our world, and because it is subjectively established, there is no consistency to it's particulars. Only the creed remains constant. This has been defined by some as the "devil's one commandment" being; "Do as thou wilt." Some will, for conscience' sake apply some semblance of morality, but such morality is always removed or undermined if it gets in the way of the individual's desires. But this is not to say that all temporal wisdom is 'evil' or to be avoided. Even from a spiritual wisdom's perspective it is wise to make use of temporal wisdom so long as they serve and are submissive to the great priorities of spiritual wisdom. Such an example of this would be making use of good business practices so as to ensure gains that could be applied towards charitable purposes. A use of worldly wisdom to secure the goals of spiritual wisdom. What would not be an example of this is the misconceived notion that says, "The ends always justify the means." Or, in other words, practicing what is immoral to accomplish a moral act. Such is a contradiction to spiritual wisdom and, upon investigation, actually always turns out to be merely a rationalization for exercising one's baser, worldly desires to the satisfaction of self. SPIRITUAL WISDOM As mentioned before, spiritual wisdom can be applied in the physical world, however is not limited to it either in source or benefit. Spiritual wisdom differs from temporal wisdom in that it is based on "absolute morality" and not "subjective morality". Absolute morality has determined that which is right or wrong from a source higher than and outside of man's influence. Namely, this is God. Before going much further I must clarify that after having considered all other major options I find that it is only God as defined by the Judaic-Christian definition by which spiritual wisdom has it's sole source of origin. Others will undoubtedly disagree and claim spiritual wisdom is valid from sources such as Buddha, Brigham Young or any of a number of other men. However I hold to the belief that no created being can supersede the wisdom of the one who created them. In other words, wisdom comes from the Creator and not the men who were created. It is more reasonable to see that the Origin of all life passed down wisdom to its creation rather than think that creation determined spiritual wisdom and delegates it to the Creator. Because spiritual wisdom holds its priority in the practice of God's definition of love, it conflicts in many ways with the priorities of temporal wisdom. Where temporal wisdom will sacrifice others for the preservation of self, spiritual wisdom would actually sacrifice self for the benefit of others if necessary. Spiritual wisdom has been passed down from God to man by way of the book we now call the 'Bible'. Many people observe the fact that men were used to write the books and claim the bible is no more than an erroneous book written by men. However what they fail or refuse to note is that if a man sits down at a computer to write an article, it is the man's ideas and article which exist in paper form. If it were asked, "Who is the author of this article?", the answer would not be, "The computer." The computer was used as an instrument, by the man, to do the writing, however the computer did not write the article, the man did. Left alone the computer would write nothing. The man, however, possessed the ideas of his article even before he set his hands upon the keyboard. So it is with the spiritual wisdom that is contained in the bible. The spiritual wisdom was in God's possession before anything of creation existed. He set his thoughts down, by way of men chosen for the task through the lives they lived as examples of both the wisdom and folly that God wished to communicate. However the author of those ideas remains God, not the men who were used to write those principles down. While there are many areas of the bible where spiritual wisdom is inferred, it is most explicitly expressed in the book of Proverbs and the four books of the Gospels, wherein God speaks directly as Jesus. The principles remain constant throughout the entirety of the bible despite its many authors compiling the many books individually over a period of hundreds of years.. a miracle in itself testifying to its divine authoring. These principles of wisdom can be applied here in this world even though their origin and ultimate place of benefit lies beyond the world we live in. As the bible itself states, it is best to live life as "wise as serpents yet gentle as doves". Making use of the wisdom of this world, so long as it is subservient to the wisdom that is spiritual. With a proper concept of these four attributes; Intelligence, Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom; it is possible to pursue them distinctly rather than exercise one's intelligence, accumulate much knowledge and make the mistaken assumption that it makes one wise of its own merit. Where temporal wisdom seeks gain for the individual by way of this world's principles, spiritual wisdom holds its priority in converting our worldly nature to one of love. In my estimation the following verses put this well in perspective. I Corinthians 13:1-13 1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. clue: Note that Boston is often associated with (baked) beans and cod. Since Pickney Street is in Boston, that's another link. Also the reference to Norbert (Weiner) provides another Boston link. So my wondering was that White Rabbit could also be a reference to a city. anton 06.11.01 clue: 8) for what little it's worth, Euclid Avenue in Berkeley is within a mile of the address on Virginia Street. while i'm up, 5) that's not a crest dammit (the crest goes on top of the helm), but the shield does indeed belong to Oxford U. michelle 06.26.01 clue: No map handy and no time to run it down on Mapblast but as nearly as I can remember Pinckney street ends directly at the Massachusetts Statehouse in Boston. matt 06.29.01 clue: Schrodinger was a great physicist. Developed some really important equations. I"m not sure how he relates to Euclid, but euclid wrote a bunch of books called the elements which summed up all the mathematical knowledge of the time. Euclid's form of geometry is the kind that we currently use--in plane space. The R^2 appears to be the R^2 from statistics known as the correlation coefficient anon 07.04.01 clue: The Dylan quote was the trademark of the Weather Underground, how they got their name. Alberich was treasurer of the Dwarves and dealt in gold. Bob 07.25.01 clue: Alberich: The most prominent association of Alberich and a river that I know of occurs at the beginning of Wagner's Ring Cycle. A brief synopsis: "The Three Rhinemaidens are swimming in the depths of the river Rhine, as Alberich the Nibelung (a night-dwarf) enters. The Rhinemaidens tease him as he tries catch them. "Then a ray of sunlight shines on pile of gold. The Rhinemaidens tell Alberich that if someone should forswear all love, he would be able to forge an all-powerful ring of the Rhinegold. They tell this to Alberich because they think he would never forswear love, as he was so lustily chasing them. But they are wrong: mad with despair, Alberich forswears and curses all love and he steals the Rhinegold and flees before the shocked Rhinemaidens can take any action." Alberich makes the all-powerful ring, weilds it for a while, the gods get jealous and, as they say, complications ensue. Schrodinger was one of the great physicists and mathematicians of the last century, winning a Nobel Prize in, I believe, 1933. It is interesting that this reference appears to be to the historical Schrodinger, rather than to the Schrodinger who is a continuing character in these pages. Schrodinger's great contribution is the Schrodinger wave equation, which has to do with predicting the probability that an electron will exhibit a given quality or occupy a given position while orbiting a nucleus. At least that's my (very limited at this point) understanding. On Schrodinger vs. Euclid: Euclid worked on problems involving two dimenions; Schrodinger's problems involved three (four if time is considered). So the reference could be to which "level" of meaning in the coming ad is most important. bob: 10.05.01 clue: They don't make it easy to find sources with all their misquotes. 10 ("My latest sun ...") is a variation on a verse from a traditional song called "Angel Band." The first verse: "My latest sun is sinking fast My race is nearly run My strongest trials now are passed My triumph has begun" near a terminal 10.09.01 clue: This is probably just a strange coincidence but the song _Angel Band_ occurs in the sound track of _O Brother Where Art Thou_. This ad and the movie are 14 years apart. I wouldn't even mention it but connections with movies are definitely in these. Bob: 10.30.01 clue: Item 3: "As for the Revisionists ..." appears to be a translation from Canto III of Dante's "Inferno." The lines refer to those fail to earn a place in either Heaven or Hell, and to certain angels cast out of Heaven and doomed to exist in a kind of limbo. From one translation: "THIS IS THE SORROWFUL STATE OF SOULS UNSURE, WHOSE LIVES EARNED NEITHER HONOR NOR BAD FAME. AND THEY ARE MINGLED WITH ANGELS OF THAT BASE SORT WHO, NEITHER REBELLIOUS TO GOD NOR FAITHFUL TO HIM, CHOSE NEITHER SIDE, BUT KEPT THEMSELVES APART- NOW HEAVEN EXPELS THEM, NOT TO MAR ITS SPLENDOR, AND HELL REJECTS THEM, LEST THE WICKED OF HEART TAKE GLORY OVER THEM." It occurs to me that the exact phrase that appears on this page may be a translation by the page's author from Dante's Italian. If so, that would explain why this phrase, and perhaps many others, don't appear exactly as they are in any printed -- or online -- translation. If he's working from source material, then his translations would be unique. But think what the quote implies about the Revisionists: Are they bystanders, or former members of "The Cause" who have been singled out for, shall we say, special attention? near a terminal: 11.09.01 clue: This is probably just a strange coincidence but the song _Angel Band_ occurs in the sound track of _O Brother Where Art Thou_. This ad and the movie are 14 years apart. I wouldn't even mention it but connections with movies are definitely in these. JG: 01.07.02 What brand of liquor is made in London and sealed by that permit No.? Jessica 01.21.02 clue: JG, I don't believe it's liquor at all. I found some info on a stamp cover containing exactly that phrase that came up for auction in October of last year at a stamp and coin auction in Toronto. Not sure if this is a rarity, however. Here's what it said: MODERN FOREIGN COVERS TO CANADA 142 C About 36 inc. Japan airmail covers; Saudi Arabia (7) from about 1982; Thailand; Bahamas; Barbados; etc. Some large covers folded away from stamps. One with HS ^ÓPostage Paid London/Sealed Under Permit/London F.S. 152". E$20+ Squirrel: 05.30.02 clue: "Seven by the mark" - I think that this is a reference to the plumb lines used on ships to measure depth - this is where author Mark Twain got his name from. (I think Twain means three.) Seven by the mark would mean that whatever is being hauled (liquor?) is at a depth of seven marks, but I don't know how deep this is. Mork: 05.31.02 clue: This isn't real deep or maybe it is. Look at the maps, circles around the cross and so forth. They are all circles and circles are zeros. Add up the circles and it would give you a particular prime number or numbers depending on what you did with the number of circles. cynic2: August, 18, 2002 clue: How would the one who signs as Bob interpret the Revisionists in this one? I wonder if they aren't lukewarm Protestants or maybe liberal Protestants or something like that? My guess is based on "revisionism" in communist circles was always a term of contempt. The Chinese communists used it constantly under Mao to refer to the Russians because the regiemes after Stalin were more and more moderate. Juls: 04.15.2003 "The White Rabbit Paradox An important criticism leveled at ensemble theories is what John Leslie calls the failure of induction[9, §4.69]. If all possible universes exist, then what is to say that our orderly, well-behaved universe won't suddenly start to behave in a disordered fashion, such that most inductive predictions would fail in them. This problem has also been called the White Rabbit paradox[10], presumably in a literary reference to Lewis Carrol. Etc." >From Wassail! duffy : 06.02.2003 Mention in previous MDM pages of Owsley was linked to LSD ('acid'). In this context 'White Rabbit' seems to be used as if it is the name of a particular batch of LSD on blotter paper. LSD on blotter paper is usually given a quirky iconographic name based upon ink stamps on the blotter paper (for example 'Purple Dinosaur' or 'Green Skull'). White Rabbit could certainly be stamped on blotter paper, and is an appropriate symbol for LSD: 1) tied to the LSD culture through the Jefferson Airplane song, and 2) the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland is the character that introduces Alice to her alternate world. Ninja Rabbi: 07.14.03 The hebrew means: "Yahve thy name forever". That would be the never-spoken name of god. Also, the vowel marks in this one have one mistake. Instead of the three dots under Yud, the first letter (rigth to left) there should be two dots like under Mem, the second letter of the second word. This, and the fact that the vowel marks are even there (in usual written hebrew they are never used. Only in early school) lead me to believe that womever is writing this is just copying and not a native hebrew speaker/writer. Eri: 08.25.03 There's a Pinckney Street here in Madison, Wisconsin. It's part of the Capitol Square on which the State Capitol is located. Here is a map in which you can see that Pinckney goes right past the Capitol: sjwk: 09.08.2003 The crest is definitely Oxford Uni - or at least the old version (I think) Currently used version is at Another Oxford connection. Could that be something to specify who the message is to or from? Several common names have Oxford connections, but Ridley and Latimer are perhaps the strongest connection to Oxford, having been martyred here. The only thing I've found so far for FS152 is a model of telescope - Shadrack: 05.17.2004 in part 7, R^2 is the fraction of variance that is decribed by a certain regression equation, used in statistical analysis. the "Yi"s are what the regression predicts for each "Xi" you give it, the "Y bar" is the average of all "YI"s, and the "ei"s are how far each predicted "Yi" is from the actual value. yanka: 05.31.2004 clue: This is coming from rather a dilettante, but re: matt (06.29.01) and Bob 07.25.01: In Euclidian geometry, the sum of angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees. "Triangulate vis-a-vis Schroedinger" might imply "vs. the world of relativity and/or quantum mechanics, where the sum of angles in a triangle can be less than or greater than 180 degrees - depending on the curvature of spacetime (positive or negative)". Nicholas P. 06.16.2004 I have mentioned this before... but it seems more relavent here... most "co-ordinates" that are being listed have 3 groups of numbers. Point 8 "Triangulate vis-a-vis Schroedinger rather than euclid" says to me triangulate in 3 dimentions rather than 2. Schrodinger worked in 3D with his uncertanty principal. Euclid worked in 2D with cartesian geometry etc... Perhaps if someone goes back and collects these sets of numbers and plots them in 3D space (x, y, and z co-ords.) Rollo: 06.30.2004 In (5), "seven by the mark" is a reference to measuring water depth with a lead line (usually in sailing boats). There are identifying marks on the lead line so that the sailor can instantly tell how much line is out. "By the mark, seven" means the lead has hit bottom when the sailor is touching the red bunting which signifies a depth of seven fathoms. Could "red bunting" be a clue? (More details on lead lines at Eri 08.04.204 Some basic information about a different Crédit Mobilier from "The Crédit Mobilier, founded in 1852, is the first effective major French bank to be established specifically for providing funds for industry and infrastructure. It is followed by many other new banks in the next two decades. Despite the failure of the Crédit Mobilier in 1867 these banks channel savings into essential investments in transport, communications, agriculture and industry." John G. 12.01.2004 Regarding Bob's comments of 7/25/01: I'm going through these pages chronologically, so I don't know if more references to Wagner come up, but it's worth mentioning that the Lietmotiv (spelled that way, rather than the more common Lietmotif) has a special connection to Wagner -- it's an evocative melodic phrase accompanying the operatic reappearance of a person or situation. Wagner was, as far as I know, the first person to use the word in that sense -- or at least did so most famously. I've noticed a few of the Lietmotivs are reused; this may be another type of signature, a method of identification for each correspondent announcing their return to the ADW, or something like that. Also worth noting: Schrodinger's most well-known contribution to physics (I don't know enough about physics to know if it was the most important) was his quantum theory of superposition -- basically, the idea that a particle can be in two places at once. Now a demonstrable phenomenon on the atomic level, superposition presented a(nother) significant challenge to the laws of physics based on Euclidean geometry. Anyway, I think the important idea here (since it relates to calculating coordinates) is that of being in two places at once -- that might be a clue... Oh, now that I'm writing this, I remember flipping past a later clue, or maybe one of the emails to Hance about people being in a room, but not being able to see them. One of the consequences of superposition is the idea that an object can both be in and not be in a place simultaneously. Food for thought, or better yet something for people better acquainted with this stuff to mull over. Kan 12.20.2004 clue: "Sealed under permit" has nothing to do with booze per se, but is an inscription typically found on mass mailings (junk mail) - I think it's an authorization to send mail in bulk without havign to stamp or frank each piece individually. "FS" in this context refers to a "foreign section" of the UK Post Office. See here for more info: (Portuguese philatelic website) Darque_Phizzix 05.03.2005 I have several remarks on the images, this has absoltuly captured my imagination, attention and all thought...the whole MayDay thing. I accually have a remark directly to this one, it has come to my attention that on several of the images there are several refreances not only to Higher Dimensional Calculations, and the main scientist envolved, and hyper space it self, witch the scientist just happen to be leaders in...specificcally terms relating to the metric tensor. Euclid and Schrodinger are both major for fathers of hyperspace and the agbraic math that can calculate 4th dimensional a matter of fact, it distinguishes in several images a huge differance between fourth dimesional space, and the 3+1 theory witch is three dimension plus time. Are you still updating the site, and i would love to keep working on the more mathmatical aspects, and i work a little with hebrew witch is all over the place....J Brian 05.20.2005 I dont think anyone here has touched the Hebrew phrase so i'll give it a shot. i'm no expert they yod hay vav hay is G-d its the Tetragrammaton. the second word is seemka or sheemka, i dont know what that means. l'olam is of the universe. Michael 09.04.2005 I've come in on this one really late, and my clues may seem rather weak, but they're clues nonetheless, damn it. The "Give me things that don't get tossed" lyric is immediately followed by "like a coin that won't get tossed" in the song by the everpresent Mr. Young. With all the "recent" references to the Brasher Doubloon in the ads, I believe this is a direct reference to the coin itself. I've mentioned the possibility of White Rabbit being white slavery a number of times. I know that's really out there and wonky, and I have nothing to justify that conjecture except that I've heard shipments of white slaves called that in some 20/20 special that I could never hope to cite. As for the rest of the stuff, everything I've come up with has already been mentioned by others, so I won't bother. Juls 02.07.2006 Re. the Latin - I cannot see anything about this here already so: The words are from the 'Exultation of the Holy Cross'- a liturgical feast celebrated on September 14th to honour the Cross on which Christ was crucified. The feast commemorates the 'finding of the true cross' in 326 - the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built on the site and dedicated on 13th September 335, and the cross was brought outside for the people to worship before it on the 14th. So far as I can discover, the capitalised words "Sola Gratia" do not appear in that part, although it is possible that it is from a version that I have not seen I suspect that this is one of their insertions. The words quoted are spoken collectively in the service. "Deus, qui nos hodierna die Exaltationis sanctae Crucis annua solemnitate laetificas: praesta quaesumus; ut cuius mysterium in terra cognovimus, eius redemptionis praemia in caelo mereamur..." Translation: "O God, Who on this day dost gladden us by the yearly feast of the Exaltation of the holy Cross: grant, we beseech Thee, that we, who on earth, acknowledge the Mystery of Redemption wrought upon it, may be found worthy to enjoy the rewards of that same Redemption in heaven..." (info from various places, text from here: ) 'Sola Gratia' means 'by Grace alone' and is probably a reference to a motto of the Reformation "By Grace alone (Sola gratia), through Faith alone(Sola fide), in Christ alone (Sola Christus), according to Scripture alone (Sola Scriptura), for God's Glory alone (Soli Deo Gloria). D. Thomasson 04.02.2006 Both Ninja Rabbi (07.14.03) and Brian (05.20, 2005) post a basic translation of the Hebrew text. The text comes from Psalm 135:13 and is used many times in various forms throughout the Book of Psalms and other passages in the Scriptures. Psalms: (KJV) Ps. 135:13 "Thy name, O LORD, [endureth] for ever; [and] thy memorial, O LORD, throughout all generations." Ps. 135:14 "For the LORD will judge his people, and he will repent himself concerning his servants." Ps. 135:15 "The idols of the heathen [are] silver and gold, the work of men^Òs hands." Ps. 135:16 "They have mouths, but they speak not; eyes have they, but they see not;" Ps. 135:17 "They have ears, but they hear not; neither is there [any] breath in their mouths." Ps. 135:18 "They that make them are like unto them: [so is] every one that trusteth in them." Ps. 135:19 "Bless the LORD, O house of Israel: bless the LORD, O house of Aaron:" Ps. 135:20 "Bless the LORD, O house of Levi: ye that fear the LORD, bless the LORD." Ps. 135:21 "Blessed be the LORD out of Zion, which dwelleth at Jerusalem. Praise ye the LORD." Exodus: (KJV) The name of God: Ex. 3:13 "And Moses said unto God, Behold, [when] I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?" Ex. 3:14 "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM; and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." Ex. 3:15 "And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this [is] my name for ever, and this [is] my memorial unto all generations." In reference to having eyes but not seeing, and ears but not hearing, read all of Matthew chapter 13 (The Parable of the Sower), especially from the 13th verse. Also, see Deuteronomy 29:4, Jeremiah 5:21, and Ezekiel 12:2. Read the passage surrounding each of the previously mentioned verses. Paul 07.03.2006 The crest of three crowns in the middle of the page is that of Oxford University. In the middle of Oxford is the Martyrs' Memorial, to the Protestant martyrs burnt at the stake such as Cranmer, Latimer, etc. Lindsay 11.16.2006 In regards to the songs and artists: Both Bob Dylan and The Eagles were signed to the label Asylum Records which later came under Warner Music Group. Neil Young was signed to Reprise Records of which Warner Music Group was the part label. However..Jefferson Airplane created Grunt Records of which RCA was the parent owned by Sony. So if the White Rabbit isn't a musical reference..which I doubt as it's not lyrical content as the others than there may be something tying them all together. Asylum...Reprise...Warner? I don't know. I'm just putting something out there that I noticed Dor H. (BDH notes - the Hebrew characters in these submissions are being garbled by my clue submission forms, sorry) éäåä ùîê ìòåìí Jehova is your eternal name, almost definatly *not* from the Bible, to my opinion. sarkis s. 12.13.2006 this is the 14th "ad", which appears on Sept. the 14th. it has significance. hance - note that we're not sure of my set of ads is the 'complete' set - the archives for this newspaper aren't complete - in paper or microfiche. Eli G. 04.04.2007 Ninja Rabbi's got the translation of the Hebrew right. "Yehvah shimcha l'olam." "Yehvah is your name forever/for eternity." Indeed, the funny thing is the vowels. Given the level of expertise with which these ads are put together, I don't think the misplaced vowels on "Yehvah" are a mistake, especially given two things: 1) Nobody actually knows the correct vowels. They've been lost to history. 2) Every single printing of the YHVH in from the beginning through this one (I haven't seen them all yet, but check!) has an error in the vowels. Either one is missing, or the "estimated" name (Yahveh) is vowelized incorrectly. This isn't being copied from even the worst Hebrew Bible. Darren 04.24.2007 Also applies to May 1 2001. Regarding Alberich working under the river, although there is that Wagner reference previously mentioned, it struck me it might just also be a reference to "Canon Alberic's Scrap-book" by M.R.James, about a book which summons up a demon, whose owner's ghost haunts the church where he worked. Charlie P. 05.26.2007 While reading this right after the 1-May-1087 ad, I had this idea: What if the Revisionists aren't some outside group. Somewhere on this site it is said that the (Pigs, was it?) weren't trying to become members, in presumed contrast to a group who was. This group could be the Revisionists, who infiltrated the Orphanage and attempted to revise the Covenant of 5/72. jackalya 12/30/2008 Regarding 9): There is a Pinkney St. in the Historic District in Annapolis, MD that branches off East St. The intersection is visible from State Circle and the grounds of the State House. anonymous06.20.09 "Jehovah will eternally be your name" It's from the bible, Jehovah will be the jewish people name forever. Me 07.17.09 5 and 6 contain quotes from the song Hotel California, by The Eagles. It's a song with the ending lyric - "you can check out but you can never leave." Pretty creepy. "plenty of room at the Hotel California". Part of the chorus. "We haven't had that spirit here since 1969" - A lyrics after a lyric that says the narrator asked for wine by room service. Is this a clue? "some dance to remember, some dance to forget" - After lyrics about how a girl and her harem of dates dance - "sweet summer sweat". Also, there are two 6s. Weavil P. 08.13.09 I dont know is someone else already said this, but Owsley was a member of the Greatful Dead and was also regarded as having made the best LSD the world has seen. White Rabbit is also an old school term for said drug, due to the song of the same name. How does smuggling acid in cans of beans and cod factor into this whole thing? Funding for their religious conspiracy? in plain D 01.15.2010 Comments: Melanchthon was a comrade of Martin Luther's: Note that 9) reads "Modus operadi" rather than the correct spelling "Modus operandi". near a terminal 10/04/2010 Name: near a terminal Someone supplied a clue in regard to Pinckney Street--the more famous one is in Boston. Oddly or perhaps not so oddly, Pinckney Street is intimately connected with the State House (state capitol) and is thus the paradigm for Pinckney Street in Madison, which also is connected to that state capitol. Wisconsin's territorial days and early statehood were dominated by New England Yankees gone west. repubgirl 01/24/2013 I'm an took ten years to notice that this ad says "seven BY the mark" not "seven TO the mark". Squirrel is's a reference to measuring the depth of water a ship is in with a hand lead. The lead is marked in fathoms (1 fathom = 6 ft), so 7 by the mark = 42 ft. of water. repubgirl 01/21/2016 Comments: "The long run" is also the Eagles LP following "Hôtel California". "The white hare" is a play in traditionnal chinese opera. It is one of four ancient plays. The White Hare is about the création of Han dynastie and only 5 acts remaining from 12 (7 lost). Cf. Google Book : Paradoxes of Traditional Chinese Literature - Eva Hung, Chinese University of Hong Kong.) oldwvlf 10/23/2016 The misquote is actually partially a quote from Reverend John A. Hutton commentary on Dante cantos (1913) 1913, At Close Quarters by Rev. John A. Hutton (John Alexander Hutton), Chapter X: The Shame of Being Neutral, Start Page 101, Quote Page 101, Published by Robert Scott, London. (HathiTrust Latin translates: “O God, Who on this day dost gladden us by the yearly feast of the Exaltation of the holy Cross: grant, we beseech Thee, that we, who on earth, acknowledge the Mystery of Redemption wrought upon it, may be found worthy to enjoy the rewards of that same Redemption in heaven. Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth . . - from September 14th, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross; The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, celebrated every year on September 14, recalls three historical events: the finding of the True Cross by Saint Helena, the mother of the emperor Constantine; the dedication of churches built by Constantine on the site of the Holy Sepulchre and Mount Calvary; and the restoration of the True Cross to Jerusalem by the emperor Heraclius II. But in a deeper sense, the feast also celebrates the Holy Cross as the instrument of our salvation. This instrument of torture, designed to degrade the worst of criminals, became the life- giving tree that reversed Adam's Original Sin when he ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden ( ![]() |