Click here to submit a clue for this page.Clues people have sent in: Webmaster: this was sent to us: from 02/08/00. "Give unto us beauty for ashes, and the oil of JOY for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness," -- Isaiah 61:3 05/01/00 clue=The Finland Station was where Lenin returned to Russia in 1917 after living the war years in exile. name=Josh 9/22/00 - hance "et seq" = Latin et sequens 'and the following one'; [Latin et sequentes (masc. & fem. pl.), or et sequentia (neut. pl.)] 'and the following ones' 10/19/2000 Not sure if you've already got this info, but I didn't see it on the page. 1)"spare parts and broken hears" is a lyric from Bruce Springsteen's song Spare Parts. "Diese hvhere Sprache" (This higher language, the tragedy...) is from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Phdnomenologie des Geistes (Phenomenology of the Spirit) Here's the text in the original German: name=Jessica jessica5.13.01 The Latin prayer at the beginning is the prayer for the introit used for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. A complete translation: Blessed be the Holy Trinity, and undivided unity: we will give glory to Him, because He hath shown His mercy to us. Ps. O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is Thy name in all the earth! V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. bronto 06.11.01 clue: if "po v_zdukha" on the airmail stamp is Russian, it's older than the spelling reform of 1918; but it could also be Bulgarian for all i know. matt 06.29.01 clue: question: what is the significance of the (unscheduled) on the messages? This seems to indicate some type of meeting.hance: see here under 'corrective pages'. You'll notice that there are specific dates these ads are run (~may 1, dec 7, etc) - but sometimes the 'unscheduled' ones run to alter plans, report changes, etc. They are just as they are marked - 'unscheduled'. j.yoder: 09.21.01 clue: The King's Indian seems to be a chess move. I don't play chess but this site describes it: near a terminal 10.09.01 clue: Does anybody know the source of "Nothing that can be lost is worth possessing"? Some of the most striking quotes are very hard to find. Bob: 10.12.01 clue: Re: Near a Terminal's query. It seems to me that many of their "quotes" are variations on the original, and thus very difficult to track down. Compare their phrase to this, from Boethius: "nothing which can be lost can be a supreme good." Not exactly the same, but pretty close. near a terminal: 11.09.01 clue: Does anybody know the source of "Nothing that can be lost is worth possessing"? Some of the most striking quotes are very hard to find. somebody using pgp: 05.04.02 Hegel again. Last one was Hegel as well. More communism (Finland station). Morphy, Alekhine, Karpov, and King's Indian are all chess references. Morphy and Alekhine had a very aggressive playing style, Karpov less so. Morphy was champion 1858-1859, Alekhine 1927-1935 and 1937-1946, Karpov 1975-1985. No two of them lived at the same time. Morphy USA, Alekhing originally Russian but then French, Karpov USSR. Are these geographical references (USA+France 'confounds' USSR in/'via' India? - see also the airmail sticker in Russian and French) Somebody suggested a board or role-playing game? Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (December 1979) -- but France/old Russia does not fit?? "Nothing that can be lost is worth possessing" - variation on Mt 6:19-21: "19 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. " Augsburg June 25, 1530: The Augsburg Confession is the first of the great Protestant Confessions. All orthodox Lutheran church bodies base their teachings upon this treatise because they believe that it is a faithful to Word of God. More at Captain Morgan is a rum and a mid-17 C pirate (see previous references to Carib.), but maybe we need to look at the Freemasonry connection: mikey 07.10.02 clue: The air-mail stamp is not in Russian. It's Bulgarian. cynic2 : 08.18.02 clue: Following somebody else's suggestions I wonder if the different languages don't give geographic coordinates? This is another of the many instances where a disciplined group could keep the information to itself and the rest of us would be hard put to decypher it. I'm not sure anybody could which makes one splendid code. Vic E Babes 08.31.2003 Just thought I'd mention - though probably irrelevant. Nothing that can be lost is worth possessing. Not many people consider "nothing" to be a proper noun - as in - the blind can see it, the deaf can hear it, and if you eat it, you'll die (nothing). Doc: 06.24.2004 The Greek text between the swords says, "Life out of death." Sir Mildred Pierce: 06.25.2004 Something caught my graphic artist's eye. The two sword graphics are identical, but the blade on each sword is flipped vertically, whereas the hilt is flipped horizontally. I wonder why someone go to the trouble of doing it that way when it would be easier to flip the whole thing horizontally. Marty Stevens 11.12.2004 3) The quote brings to mind _The Little Prince_ by St. Expury: "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." What this spiritual insight might mean in this quest is anyone's guess. 4) The names of those meeting the train would seem to be aliases for those involved in this grand snipe hunt. Andrew 04.30.2006 Concerning the greek phrase between the two swords - "zoe ek nekron" (pronounced zo-ay ehk nehk-rohn): I only know a slight bit of greek and use it in studying the New Testament, but I analized this phrase as exaustively as I could. zoe - feminine nomnative(subject) singular noun meaning "life", in the New Testament, usually the thriving perfect life that only comes by existing in God's love and embracing that. Note : it appears that the stress mark over the eta character is tipped the wrong way. ek - preposition meaning "out of" or "from" nekron - seems to be an adjective (meaning dead), but that makes no sense, so maybe the word "things" or "people" is implied as the thing it describes. It is in genative plural case, and since the genative is the posessive case, the ek before it could just intensify the posessiveness causing the two to be translated as "of the dead", "the dead's", "of dead things", or "dead things'". Strictly, though, a preposition like ek requires a dative noun. The semi-circular mark over the omega should be, I think, like the mark over the eta in zoe. Altogether it says: "the life from the dead", "the life out of the dead", "the life of the dead", "the life from the dead things", "the life out of the dead things", "the life of the dead things", "the life from the dead people", "the life out of the dead people", "the life of the dead people", "the dead's life", "the dead things' life", "the dead people's life", or any reasonable combination of the above 05.06.2006 / clue: Andrew - I blogged here a few days ago and I need to correct a mistake I made in my comment. Concerning the gerrk text between the two swords, the preposition "ek" does in fact take a genitive object, which is the case that "nekron" is in. So there is no inconsistancy, "necron" should not be in dative; it should be in the genative case just as it is. My apologies for the error. Madame Sosotris 01.04.2007 I don't think anyone's translated the Hegel: the entire sentence runs "This higher language, that of Tragedy, gathers and keeps more closely together the dispersed and scattered moments of the inner essential world and the world of action." It comes from the section of the Pbenomenology called "The Spiritual Work of Art." I believe that Morphy was Catholic. Lefteris 04.04.2007 "Zoi ek nekron", literally means life from something dead. It refers to Romans 11: 15 where Paul says that Israel was blind not to see Christ as the long waited Messiah. "For if the rejection of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?" Ventri 09.14.2007 I noticed that they were an awful lot of people wanting to point out what language that airmail sticker was in, but I didn't see any offer an explanation. Those elders among you may remember that a Bulgarian man was accused, almost certainly incorrectly, of participating in a failed plot to assassinate John Paul II in 1981. Look again at the "quote" in 2). Now no one seriously able to plan such a thing would talk about it in a college newspaper, but I think it's a way to draw interest from like-minded nerds, however very few and far between they must have been. Runt 07/02/2015 New to the site, nonetheless intrigued. In response to Near The Terminal, i think that the line is from page 152 of The Journal of Albion Moonlight By Kenneth Patchen. source; nonex 10.21.2008 Quotes similar to "A solution both elegant in its simplicity and devastating in its application" have been used when describing Fermat's Last Theorem, and is alleged "Marvelous Proof" R.C Christian 09/14/2020 On this date in history (June 25, 1530), 487 years ago, the Augsburg Confession was presented by our Lutheran forefathers to Emperor Charles V. Dr. Martin Luther, with a price on his head ever since his famous stand before the emperor at Worms in 1521, corresponded with the Lutheran princes and theologians from the Castle Coburg by a sort of pony-express arrangement. This arrangement was meant to protect the great reformer. Even Luther’s most powerful friends were not sure they could protect him outside the borders of Saxony. Meanwhile, at Augsburg, Luther’s friend, Melanchthon, gave a clear expression of Luther’s Biblical teachings in a document signed by the pastors, princes and theologians of the Lutheran Reformation. The Augsburg Confession set forth the clear teachings of the Bible – by grace alone – through faith in Christ alone – by Scripture alone. It declared that the differences between Luther and Rome could not be settled by compromise, but only by a return to the Scriptures. The break with Rome was now inevitable and would prove to be irreversible. Sadly, after Luther died in 1546, Melanchthon lost his nerve. He made some alterations to the wording of the Augsburg Confession in an attempt to unite the Lutheran and Swiss Reformed churches through compromise on such matters as the Real Presence of our Lord’s body and blood in Holy Communion. (The Lutherans confessed that the true body and blood of Christ are really present in the sacrament; the Reformed said the bread and wine were mere symbols of the body and blood). The genuine Lutherans rejected these changes and held fast to Luther’s pure teachings as expressed in the original document presented to the Emperor on June 25, 1530. To this day, you may see some old Lutheran churches with the abbreviation U.A.C. on the cornerstone. This stands for: Unaltered Augsburg Confession. This statement of faith, along with the other creeds or confessions of the Lutheran Church are included in The Book of Concord – 1580, also known as The Lutheran Confessions. These confessions include: The three universal creeds – the Apostles’, Nicene and Athanasian Creeds, The Augsburg Confession, The Apology (Defense) of the Augsburg Confession, The Large & Small Catechisms of Dr. Martin Luther, The Smalcald Articles and The Formula of Concord. Our pastors and teachers pledge themselves at the outset of their ministries to teach in accordance with these Confessions because they are a correct expression of Bible teachings. God grant us the faith and courage of our forefathers to resist the countless compromises of our own times and to stand firmly on the Scriptures. Tagged with Augsburg Confession, Bible, Dr. Martin Luther, Holy Communion, Lutheran Reformation, The Book of Concord Rev. Roy W. Hefti Rev. Roy W. Hefti ![]() |