Click here to submit a clue for this page.Clues people have sent in: From Geoff Section 6) is from the book of Judges in the bible, chapter 16 verses 28-30. The exact translation depends on which version is used - mine does not match precisely (I hope this isn't actually relevant). Section 9 starts with quotes from the song "Boy in a Bubble" by Paul Simon. It would be handy if the information that was already known was shown on the page with the texts - I can't believe that what I have said is new, but couldn't find what was already known except for the lexicon. Webmaster: Re "the sword that saves/kills" check out this page. Webmaster: Re: "katastrophe gottes gaden", this is roughly "catastrophy of god". See here. Five miles of info from repubgirl The Hanseatic League was a trading association of German merchants and cities that was active from the middle of the 12th century to the middle of the 17th century. At its largest extent (in the mid-1400s), league membership included over 100 cities. Hanseatic merchants maintained permanent enclaves called kontors in other major cities in northern and western Europe. At the height of its power, the Hanseatic League held a virtual monopoly on trade in the North and Baltic seas. Bremen (city), city in northwestern Germany, capital of the state of Bremen, on the Weser River, near the North Sea. Bremen has extensive cargo-handling and railway transportation facilities. THe New Economic Policy (NEP) was a policy of temporary economic liberalization in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1921 to 1928. NEP was introduced to revitalize the economy, increase food production, and permit business growth after several years of civil war. Lenin introduced NEP to revitalize the country's economy by liberalizing trade and production in agriculture and industry. In place of government requisition of surplus output from peasants, NEP allowed farmers to sell their produce on the open market after paying a tax proportional to their net output. Peasants were permitted to lease land and hire laborers, both of which had been outlawed under War Communism. Small and medium-size industrial enterprises were privatized, with the state retaining ownership and control of the so-called "commanding heights"-finance, transportation, heavy industry, and foreign trade. Money was reintroduced in 1921 to replace a system of barter, quotas, and commands. Under NEP, the Soviet economy grew rapidly, and by 1928, production in agriculture, industry, and transportation exceeded pre-revolutionary levels. Stalin replaced NEP with his own economic programs known as the Five-Year Plan. In the first Five-Year Plan (1928-1932), central planning replaced market mechanisms, and a strict state-controlled regime dominated the Soviet economy until the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. In international law, a privateer is the term applied to a privately owned armed vessel whose owners are commissioned by a belligerent nation to carry on naval warfare. Such naval commissions or authorizations are called letters of marque. Privateering is distinguished from piracy, which is carried out without enlistment by a government. Privateering was abolished by the Declaration of Paris of 1856, but the declaration was not supported by the United States, Spain, Mexico, and Venezuela. The Hague Conference of 1907 prescribed the conditions under which a private merchant vessel converted to war purposes has the status of a warship. Under the U.S. Constitution, Congress has the power to issue letters of marque and therefore to make use of privateers. Whitehall, London is headquartes of the British civil service. The first of conflict of the French and Indian War was King William's War (1689-1697). IN North America, this war consisted of a number of skirmishes that produced no changes in territory. The New England militia and their Native American allies, the IROQUOIS, fought against French troops and their Algonquian Native American allies on the northern frontier in the American colonies and in Canada. The New Englanders captured PORT ROYAL, the capital of French Acadia (now the portion of Canada that includes Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island), but the Peace of Ryswick (1697) that ended the war in Europe also returned Acadia to France. The Embarcadero is a crescent-shaped boulevard in San Francisco which borders the edge of the peninsula; from it, Market Street, the principal thoroughfare, runs diagonally to the southwest, bisecting the city. North of Market Street are the main commercial sections of the city, and to the south are the older sections and industrial areas. Jacques Offenbach developed a 19th century comic-opera style called opira bouffe. Narragansett is the Native American tribe of the Algonquian language family and of the Eastern Woodlands culture area. The tribe originally occupied most of the territory along the western shore of Narragansett Bay, in Rhode Island, and claimed dominion over several smaller tribes of the interior and the neighboring islands, including Long Island, New York. They were one of the largest and strongest of the New England tribes. In the latter part of the 17th century, the Narragansett took part in King Philip's War against the English colonists (see Philip). They suffered extremely heavy losses in the fighting and never regained their former strength. [In stageplays] European AGITPROP techniques, which used literature and the arts for political propaganda, animated many plays about the working class. The most famous of these plays is Waiting for Lefty (1935) by Clifford Odets. In the play taxi drivers decide to go on strike, but the true concern of the play is a more abstract debate over the pros and cons of capitalism. Odets also wrote one of the finest expressions of 1930s anxieties, Awake and Sing! (1935), in which a Marxist grandfather commits suicide for his family's financial benefit, and his grandson ultimately dedicates himself and the life insurance money to helping his community rather than seeking better opportunities elsewhere. New Bedford is located at the mouth of the Acushnet River on Buzzards Bay; incorporated as a city 1847. n the city are Fort Taber (1860), a seacoast fortification; Seamen's Bethel (1832), a chapel described by the American author Herman Melville in his novel Moby Dick (1851); and the New Bedford Whaling Museum. The site was settled about 1640 as part of the town of Dartmouth. The community grew after 1760 with the development of the whaling industry and shipbuilding. In 1778, during the American Revolution, the British burned the town, but by 1820 it had grown into a great whaling port. When whaling declined some 40 years later, textile production increased and by the early 20th century the city was a major producer of cotton fabric. The textile industry became less important there in the 1920s. Roger Williams (1603?-1683) was an English Puritan clergyman and founder of the American colony of Rhode Island. He was born in London and educated at the University of Cambridge, which had become a center of religious controversy. An advocate of the Calvinist theology, he was a member of the party that opposed the ecclesiastical organization of the established church. Upon taking holy orders, he served as chaplain to a Puritan household in Essex, and his association there with the Puritan leaders Oliver Cromwell, John Winthrop, and Thomas Hooker led to his complete separation from the Anglican church Puritanism. Providence, Rhode Island - Roger Williams established Providence in northeastern Rhode Island as a haven for English Puritans wishing to escape religious persecution. The city grew as a port and a center for textile and jewelry manufacturing. Now it is the capital and largest city of Rhode Island. Despite extensive development in the city, many of its historic colonial buildings remain. "Providence" - God's church and the sacraments are given in God's grace for the edification of the elect and the good of the world. The church, one through all time, can be known by the preaching and hearing of God's Word and the proper administration of the sacraments. Although the true church is known only to God, the visible church is thoroughly related to it on earth. Officers and leaders in the church should be those individuals who try responsibly to follow in Christian discipleship, but their authority cannot depend on their righteousness. The offices should be only those designated in the New Testament. Sacraments (baptism and the Eucharist) should be celebrated as mysteries in which Christ is spiritually present. CALVIN stressed the sovereignty of God, the nature of election and predestination, the sins of pride and disobedience, the authority of Scripture, and the nature of the Christian life. Each of these teachings has been seized upon at some time by those following him as the central doctrine of Calvinism. Calvin sought, however, to expound biblical teaching on various issues of his day, in light of particular controversies within the church. His theology has been recognized as lying in the Pauline-Augustinian tradition; Calvin tried to steer what he perceived to be a middle course between an exclusive emphasis on divine providence and an exclusive emphasis on human responsibility. Also note: Williams found himself in conflict with the colonial government when he challenged the validity of the Massachusetts Bay charter, which gave the authorities power to appropriate Native American lands without compensation and to establish a uniform faith and worship among the colonists. He asserted that only direct purchase from the Native Americans constituted a valid title to land, and he denied the right of the government to punish what were considered religious infractions. In October 1635, the Massachusetts general court issued an order banishing Williams from the colony; in January 1636, he escaped deportation by the authorities and began a journey to Narragansett Bay. Iroquois, an important confederacy of Native Americans of the Iroquoian language family and of the Eastern Woodlands culture area. It was founded in the 16th century in what is now central New York State. The original confederacy consisted of five tribes-the Mohawk, Onondaga, Cayuga, Oneida, and Seneca-and was known as the Five Nations, or the League of Five Nations. Sometime between 1715 and 1722, however, the Tuscaroras, an Iroquoian tribe originally of North Carolina, which had migrated to New York, was formally admitted to the confederacy, and the name of the league was changed to the Six Nations, or the League of Six Nations. Webmaster: 2/8/00 - apparently my ISP ate a bunch of posts that are just now getting to me :P clue=RE: Roger Williams and Ireton's charge to me to further investigate the "scabrous Williams and his revisionism" Williams had come to Boston in 1631 as a Puritan pastor and soon became minister in the church in Salem. During his formative years in England, he studied under the great jurist Edward Coke, who defended both political and religious freedom within the narrow confines of laws against "seditions libel." Williams became a controversial figure in Salem because, from the pulpit, he denounced the notion that civil authorities could enforce religious edicts. These views so offended his parishioners and the leaders of the colony that Williams left Salem after a few months for the relative tolerance of the church in Plymouth where he continued his attacks on Puritan thocracy. "Let any man show me a commission given by the Son of God to civil powers in these spiritual affairs of His Christian kingdom and worship," Williams demanded in a pamphlet that enraged Puritan leaders. For this heresy, the General Court of Mass. expelled Williams from their midst which led to the establishment of the new colony of Rhode Island. name=repubgirl hance: 'fire make your body cold' - from leonard cohen song, joan of arc
email=cashton clue=Greek in 1: "have mercy on us, son of David" Hebrew in 3: Jer 12:12 (see May 1 1985). name=Chris Ashton - 6), the quote from the Illiad translates into: "[...] my heart bids me fulfill it, if fulfill it I can, and it is a thing that hath fulfillment." 10/20/00 Not sure if anyone has looked into the music yet. To paraphrase Koen, who lured my to this site, "Well I have! :-)" The piece of music in 2 is Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, but I was thinking that it might be some other aspect that is of more significance--the key signature (e flat major (also c minor)), the fact that it's the bass clef, the symbol for fortissimo (very loud), or the notes themselves (ggge(flat) fffd). Let the math-heads like Koen and Carlos make of that what they will! As for the music in 5, I can't place it, but it's C-major and the notes are gggce gggec. *shrug* name=Jessica jessica clue: The radio frequencies (not necessarily on this page) got me to thinking about something else, namely the music: There are two accepted musical pitch standards, the so-called American Standard pitch, which takes A in the fourth piano octave (A4) to have a frequency of 440 Hz, and the older International pitch standard, which takes A4 to have the frequency of 435 Hz. Both of these pitch standards define what are called "equal tempered chromatic scales." Mathematically, this means that each successive pitch is related to the previous pitch by a factor of the twelfth root of 2. That is, the ratio between the frequencies of any two successive pitches in either standard is 1.05946309436. There is a third Scientific or Just Scale that is based on C4 having a frequency of 256 Hz, but this is not used for musical purposes. There are twelve half-tones (black and white keys on a piano), or steps, in an octave. Since the pitch (frequency) of each successive step is related to the previous pitch by the twelfth root of 2, the twelfth step above a given pitch is exactly twice the initial pitch. I.e., an octave corresponds exactly to a doubling of pitch. The frequency of intermediate notes, or pitches, can be found simply by multiplying (dividing) a given starting pitch by as many factors of the twelfth root of 2 as there are steps up to (down to) the desired pitch. For example, the G above A4 (that is, G5) in the American Standard has a frequency of 440 x (12th root of 2)^10 = 440 x 1.78179743628 = 783.99 Hz (approximately). Likewise, in the International standard, G5 has a frequency of 775.08 Hz (approximately). G#5 is another factor of the 12th root of 2 above these, or 830.61 and 821.17 Hz, respectively. Note when counting steps that there is a single half-tone (step) between B and C, and E and F. These pitch scales are referred to as "equal tempered" or "well tempered." This refers to a compromise built into the use of the 12th root of 2 as the factor separating each successive pitch. For example, G and C are a so-called fifth apart. The frequencies of notes that are a "perfect" fifth apart are in the ratio of 1.5, exactly. G is seven chromatic steps above C, so, using the 12th root of 2, the ratio between G and C on either standard scale is (12th root of 2)^7 = 1.49830707688, which is slightly less than the 1.5 required for a perfect fifth. This slight reduction (flattening) in frequency is referred to as "tempering." It is necessary on instruments such as the piano that can be played in any key because it is impossible to tune all 3rds, 5ths, etc. to their exact ratios (such as 1.5 for fifths) and simultaneously have, for example, all octaves come out being exactly in the ratio of 2.0. (From a different source):A piano keyboard is set up in octaves. Each octave has thirteen notes, with the thirteenth being the beginning of the next octave as well. Starting with A, an octave is A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, and again, A. The interval between each two successive notes is called a half-step. Therefore, there are 12 intervals of a half-step forming what is called an octave. For starters, each octave up or down represents a doubling of frequency. For example, the A above middle C on the piano is set to the standard value of 440 Hz, so the A an octave above that has a frequency of 880 Hz. Now, the particulars. The half-step is the smallest interval recognized in Western musical theory. Further, the frequencies of musical notes on a standard piano are now set according to a standard method, called "equal temperament tuning". Side notes: Tuning systems cannot be treated in detail here. In short, there is a tradeoff in using equal temperament in that all harmonies are very slightly imperfect , but this method brings the overwhelming advantage over its predecessors that music may be written in any key with equal harmonic quality for each. Bach largely popularized equal temperament and demonstrated its effectiveness with his series of pieces in all keys known as "The Well-Tempered Clavier". The equal-tempered tuning method's development is fascinating from a historical perspective (both scientifically and musically). The other methods of tuning and the whole nature of harmony, based on overtones of fundamental frequencies, with overtone frequencies determined as multiples of the fundamental frequencies, deserves further attention by the interested reader. Back to our original story. In this equal temperament system of tuning, the frequencies of notes on a keyboard are related by a fairly simple mathematical relationship involving the number of keys (half-steps) between the notes. To determine the relationship between the known frequency of a note and the unknown frequency (wished to be known) of another note, multiply the known frequency by 2 raised to the power (#ofhalf-steps/12). (#ofhalf-steps) is positive if one must move UP in frequency to arrive at the note with the unknown frequency, and negative if DOWN. For example, if the A above middle C is set to 440 Hz (which is standard, usually called A440), the G just below it would have a frequency of 440 Hz * 2^(-2/12), or about 392 Hz. The G# in between them would have a frequency of 440 Hz * 2^(-1/12), or about 415.3 Hz. The G# an octave below middle C would be 13 half-steps below A440, giving it a frequency of 440 Hz * 2^(-13/12) = 207.65 Hz. Note (pun intended) that the equation checks out with the previous assertion that octaves have factors of 2 differences in frequencies. Recall that there are twelve half-steps traversed in an octave: 2 ^ (12/12) is 2, while 2 ^ (-12/12) is 0.5. kat 06.07.01 clue: the chemical structure O=S(CH3)2 is dimethyl sulfoxide (DMS), a commonly used aprotic solvent. unfortunately, i dont know what other information about it would be useful regarding this compound. anonymous 06.11.01 clue: equal temperament may be more usual today in musical *performance*, but musical *notation* (which is what we have here!) reflects the older Meantone system. matt 06.29.01 clue: the recurrence of the names seems to indicate definite personas who either share characteristics with these names or have been issued them for reasons of non-disclosure. The numbering system that seems to pervade the messages must mean SOMETHING important. There seems to be a significance in 1) the smiley face. and 2) the word "transmission" look at the message more wholisitically--the answer lies there. the prevailing theme of encryption with numbers seems to suggest that a serious analysis needs to be done on the mathematical significance of the text itself. anon 07.04.01 clue: Tons of gold were shipped from the Embarcadero during the Gold Rush. That fits with other California and nautical references. near a terminal: 08.29.01 clue: Here is another reference to rowing on the Charles River. I think the orthodox Puritans despised Providence and Roger Williams because of his heretical views on baptism. Get somebody who knows that stuff but speaking as somebody who has to listen to tons of testimony it is a sure bet that topics that keep getting repeated in anybody's remarks are what really interest them. That is so obvious that it is easy to overlook. Judson: 08.30.01 clue: "Final scheduled transmission" suggests that the "corrections" are not in fact corrections, but a series of transmissions, which begins on May Day. Why Mao hasn't been fixated on more escapes me, since May Day is when Communist China celebrates it's inception. clue: Item 7 here has me extremely interested. The refences to "Level Three Anomolies" and in direct corespondence, saying that certain things are "obviously level two" So, "level" references might be worth interpreting. Bob: 10.30.01 clue: As Geoff points out, Section 6 is from the book of Judges. I think it's worth pointing out that that's the story of the death of Samson. Here are the KJV verses: 28 And Samson called unto the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes. 29 And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the house stood, and on which it was borne up, of the one with his right hand, and of the other with his left. 30 And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life. Note that this is another case where the word "one" appears where it shouldn't. Bones3D: 01.26.02 clue: The text linked to item 5 seems to be a reference to Linda Ronstadt's "Heart Like A Wheel." The lyrics include the line "when (not 'once') you bend it, you can't mend it." Here are the full lyrics: Some say the heart is just like a wheel When you bend it you can't mend it But my love for you is like a sinking ship And my heart is on that ship out in mid-ocean When harm is done no love can be won I know it happens frequently What I can't understand oh please God hold my hand Why it had to happen to me And it's only love and it's only love That can wreck a human being and turn him inside out Some say the heart is just like a wheel When you bend it you can't mend it But my love for you is like a sinking ship And my heart is on that ship out in mid-ocean somebody: 05.04.02 I'm not sure the Bible quote in 6 is a quote from an actual Bible. 1. 'Lord' is only written in capitals when it is a direct reference to the deity, but here it is simply an adjective. The NIV is the only exception to this, but its translation is very different. 2. The prayer is to remember and strengthen in all translations that I can find, but the quote omits remember. 3. "one of my two eyes" is incorrect: Samson prays for revenge for both his eyes. However, RSV has his phrase (should be something like 'revenge in one [blow] for my two eyes'). See also Bob's comment [the 'one' does appear in some translations, Bob] I'm guessing that if it is a (partial) quote, then it is from a translation that is fairly old, probably based on RSV or a version just prior. Note also that 'Philistine' has the non-literal meaning of "a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts, or, who has no understanding of them." There is a lot of "culture" (music) on this ad. This meaning originates from a late 17th C conflict in Jena, Germany (50.56N 11.35E). The evolutionist Ernst Haeckel was active there in the mid-19th C [see other references to evolutionism/creationism], and Marx received a degree in absentia. Now it is known for Zeiss glass works and precision instruments, and the Schott glass works, as well as a significant pharmaceutical industry. There is also a famous Battle of Jena (14 October 1806) where Napoleon trashed the Prussian army. Juls: 04.15.2003 Re. the Hebrew phrase - that from May 85 is *slightly* different - it has T-shapes beneath only 3 of the characters, here there are 4. Can anyone more familiar with Hebrew tell us whether these are normally used and what their function is? anonymous: 05.19.2003 Those dots and shapes in the Hebrew are vowel sounds. All Hebrew lteers are consonants. sjwk: 09.07.2003 The Lutine bell is at Lloyds of London (insurance underwriters) and is rung before an announcement is made of a ship lost. Oh, and the Paul Simon song in #9 - there's some lines missing in that verse: It was a slow day And the sun was beating On the soldiers by the side of the road There was a bright light A shattering of shop windows The bomb in the baby carriage Was wired to the radio These are the days of miracle and wonder This is the long distance call The way the camera follows us in slo-mo The way we look to us all The way we look to a distant constellation That's dying in a corner of the sky These are the days of miracle and wonder And don't cry baby, don't cry Don't cry ori: 06.24.2004 my hebrew, unfortunately, is modern and colloquial; some of the biblical flavor is lost upon me. the hebrew bit says, "there is no peace for all the flesh". the last word means either flesh (as a synecdoche for humanity, or living things) or, simply, meat. paul celan, a german-language, romanian-born, jewish poet delivered (in 1958) a very famous address at bremen, titled "Speech on the Occasion of Receiving the Literature Prize of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen". celan wrote poems that were often very cryptic, insular and referential. he also used bits of hebrew within the german text. among other things, celan explains his vision of poetry as a way of ascertaining a metaphysical location: In this language I have sought, during those years and the years since then, to write poems: so as to speak, to orient myself, to find out where I was and where I was meant to go, to sketch out reality for myself. It was, as you see, event, movement, a being underway, it was an attempt to gain direction. And if I inquire into its meaning, I believe I must tell myself that this question also involves the question of the clockhand's direction...Poems in this sense too are underway: they are making toward something. Toward what? Toward something standing open, occupiable, perhaps toward an addressable Thou, toward an addressable reality. (from i dangle this deliberately, because a cursory reading (if, indeed, this speech is being referred to) dripping of direction and location might goad on the assumption that the 'riddles' are pointing at a definite location. i've only afforded several of the pages a brief, curtosy read -- and -- i will disregard my own call for erudition: my instinct suggests that the 'mayday mystery' texts point to an location within civilization -- the location of the self in relation to literary texts and echoes of languages reverberating through time. Doug: 06.24.2004 #5: Connecting Jessica's comments about equal temperament with "if you bend it you can't mend it" -- the musical example is a C major chord which is actually slightly out of tune ("bent") on an equally tempered instrument. A pure major chord has the ratios 5:4 (1.25, major 3rd) and 3:2 (1.5, 5th). In equal temperament the ratios are 1.2599:1 (major 3rd) and 1.4983 (5th). Google for "ronstadt arizona": she was born on a ranch outside of Tuscon. - hance the Ronstadt family is an old tucson family ... several landmarks, etc. bear their name. i.e. the ronstadt transit center downtown. firemedic242 12.11.2004 clue: Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) - Highly Polar, Aprotic Solvent CH3^ÖS^ÖCH3 || O ATOFINA manufactures DMSO in Lacq, France and supplies it worldwide. In North America, DMSO is available in drums, totes, isotanks, tank trucks and railcars. First discovered in 1867, dimethyl sulfoxide is still the most effective aprotic solvent and has many advantages over dimethylformamide and n-methy-2-pyrrolidone. Some of DMSO's characteristics include: High polarity and dieletric constant Excellent thermal stability - when heated to 150°C for 24 hours, less than 0.1% assay loss Safety - low vapor tension and high flash point Toxicity - virtually non-toxic Recyclable - DMSO can usually be recovered and regenerated efficiently and economically Compared to similar solvents, DMSO leads to an increase in reaction rates, higher selectivity and yields, and ability to work at lower temperatures Applications Solvent - paint stripping, cleaning, and extraction Reaction medium - fine chemical organic synthesis Electronics - stripping or cleaning solvent, rinsing agent for semiconductor and LCD's Polymers - synthesis of polymers such as Polyacrylonitrile, Polyvinylacetate, and others Also used to treat severe bladder infections. Discovered by a Russian scientist. Ken 12.20.2004 clue: The chemical compound, earlier identified by Kat as a solvent, DMS, it is better known as DMSO. One of DMSO's more interesting properties is its ability to penetrate the skin - for example, according to the literature, if you mix DMSO with lemon juice and dip your finger in the mixture, you will shortly taste lemon juice on your tongue. For this reason, it has been posited as a way to covertly "dose" someone with LSD - there is even a Dead Kennedys song - DMSO - that contains the line "Swabbing door handles of cop cars with DMSO mixed with LSD". There is a LOT of literature about DMSO on the net. Google is your friend. Charlotte 05.01.2005 The first lyric is apparently from a Joan Baez song (hence Miss Joan B.): Blessed are the blood relations of the young ones who have died, who had not the time or patience to carry on this earthly ride. Rain will come and winds will blow, wild deer die in the mountain snow. Birds will beat at heaven's wall, what comes to one must come to us all. Juls 09.20.2005 Re. the Hebrew - the line here is the same as that on the MayDay '85 announcement - "No flesh shall have peace" - Jer. 12:12. Well, there is a slight difference - here there is a vowel mark beneath the Shin which does not appear there. LLCoolDave 02.04.2006 I noticed that no one has commented on the quote in section # 7: "Give me water when I'm thirsty, Whiskey when I'm dry; Sally when I need her and Heaven when I die." The quote appears to be very similar to a blues song from James Booker: "Junco Partner." "I want whiskey when I'm thirsty I want a little water when I'm dry I want my lover when I'm lonely And a little heroin just before I die ... and a little cocaine on the side" It could be possible that 'Sally' and 'Heaven' are code for 'Lover' and 'Heroin'. As far as I can see, 'Sally' makes a return reference in the most recent post by the Orphanage 12/07/05. Please see my comments in the 12/07/05 text... D. Thomasson 03.20.2006 Musical notes under #5) "once you bend it, you can't mend it" - Miss Linda R.: Have you every bent something in its middle, and then tried to bend it back? I have, but ended up breaking the item into two separate halves. Assign numbers to the 10 notes shown in the two measures under #5. Use number "1" for the lowest note on the staff, then assign consecutive numbers to each space and line of the staff above the number "1". Using this process, I get 1114688864 for the 10 notes. If I break the 10 numbers up in the middle and put them back together (but not knowing how they should be reconnected), I could come up with the following combinations that could be phone numbers or something else: 1114646888 8886411146 8886464111 4688811146 4688864111 6411188864 6411146888 I started with the most obvious number, 1114688864, and checked to see if I could find anything about that specific number. 1114688864 - Interesting find on the Internet, but not really related to THE ORPHANAGE or this announcement because the date on the picture (4/28/05) is too far from Jan-20-88. Picture of building. Picture properties = (640x480 pixels, or 6.666x4.999 inches, resolution = 96.012 pixels/inch) - True Color-24bit Neubau des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universität Dortmund - Blick auf die Baustelle. Translated into English: "New building of the specialist area computer science of the University of Dortmund - view of the building site" Date 2005-04-28-13-50 stamped on upper-right corner of picture (April 28, 2005 at 13:50). Look closely at the top-right corner of the building behind the scaffolding to see (77). 8886411146 - Phone number? 888-641-1146 (Call cannot be connected as dialed) 8886464111 - Phone number? 888-646-4111 (Number has been disconnected) Also a tile - joshua b. 11.26.2006 "whiskey when I'm dry" = phrase in alot of bluegrass songs Madame Sosotris Something that may be significant: Google Books is a wonderful thing. If you plug "age quid agis" into it, you'll come up with a volume of Melanchthon and other Reformation worthies, the Corpus Reformatorum. (Digitized from the NYC Public Library Collection, I believe). Melanchthon, I think, translated (or annotated) Euripides into Latin in his spare time. The phrase "age quid agis" occurs in this version of Euripides's Cyclops, which is an amusing romp where the man of many ways gets the Cyclops drunk to escape him and various satyrs. The phrase means, in this context, something like "what's up with you," and it's immediately followed by the Cyclops asking his partner Silenus if he's stealing the precious wine. If that's the intended reference, and I suppose it's at least somewhat possible, can you guess who the Cyclops, Ulysses, and such might stand for, and what the suggested course of action is? Eli G. 04.04.2007 Re: the Hebrew (it's what I know!) The change of vowel carries no meaning in everyday Hebrew. The two vowels are pronounced the same way by non-Yemenite Jews. This means one of three things: 1) The ad-maker, like most Hebrew speakers, can't remember how to vowelize "correctly". Vowel "spelling" in Hebrew matters far less than spelling in English, so most never learn it and simply vowelize phonetically. 2) Information is being transmitted in changed or misspelled vowels. See my previous clues about the Tetragrammaton. Also, the last sentence says that "The Hudson Valley will then lie open and undefended[.]" Albany, Saratoga and Rensselaer Counties in New York State are referred to as the Hudson Valley by locals. Indeed, Wikipedia knows about us. Cris 07.09.2007 Comments: That part of Beethoven's fifth is often reffered to as the fate motif. Anon: 10.07.2007 You need to find a way to acquire the articles dating back to the beginning if the earliest article you have is from 1981 you're missing at least nine years worth of announcements. I would post a request to the Orphanage to send you copies of any earlier announcements in their possession. Fandango 06.17.2008 2) "at the sound of the tone" I believe comes from Laurie Anderson's "O Superman (for Massenet)". "Hi. I'm not home right now. But if you want to leave a message, just start talking at the sound of the tone." wineglass 01.15.2010 Comments: similar lyrics to the "whisky when I'm dry" quote are found in a traditional song by the name of "Country Blues", penned by one Dock Boggs: joshua b. is correct in stating that one of the lines is found in many other songs too. many traditional songs shared lines and verses with other. the Greek quote, "eleison emas, uios David", should translate as "Have mercy on us, son of David!" i believe this may be a quote from Matthew 20:30: that "sword that kills/sword that saves" thing is Mumon's commentary on a Zen koan from "The Gateless Gate" entitled "Joshu Examines a Monk in meditation": Hdanielson 10.19.2019 One section of this appears to be from a letter quoted in an early American history. The subject was King Philip's War. Fought mostly in Rhode Island. The negative reference to Providence was due to the author of the letter being a Massachusetts Puritan who despised Roger Williams and his city of Providence for allowing religious freedom and a separation of church and state. Hayden Roberts 02.01.2020 The 2nd part's musical theme is of Beethoven's 5th Symphony. The phrase "at the sound of the tone" could refer to a statement by Anton Schindler ("he pointed to the beginning of the first movement and expressed in these words the fundamental idea of his work: 'Thus Fate knocks at the door!'" Kerbal 04/30/2021 How come no one notices that this is the first record where the drawn smiley at the bottom is drawn by someone else? Noticeable by the size, line width and number of hairs. I also think that the hairs identify the author or the receiver of the message. I would like to add that there are plenty of references to Portugal and as a national, I would be more than glad to help clarify them. I'm convinced one of the lives here or is very closely tied to this place. camwithaplan 06/09/2022 CH^3 - S - CH^3 is Dimethyl Sulfide. DS has a lot to do with smell and taste. If you wanted to go crazy with conspiracy theories, it could be about that brand that got its products poisoned.
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