Click here to submit a clue for this page.Clues people have sent in: sexagesima = second sunday before lent 9/22/00 hance: does ANYBODY have ANY GODDAMN IDEA where the US/Mexico Int'l Boundary Line Monument #122 - or any other number, for that matter, ARE? 10/20/00 Well, it's not exactly what you were looking for, but I did find some BLM land survey information: "A plat, in five sheets, representing the dependent resurvey of a portion of the subdivisional lines, and the subdivision of Section 8, and the metes-and-bounds survey of the Mount Tipton Wilderness Area Boundary, in Township 24 North, Range18 West, of Gila and Salt River Meridian, Arizona, was accepted July 23, 1998, and was officially filed July 30, 1998. This plat was prepared at the request of the Bureau of Land Management, Kingman Field Office." Here's where I found it:
I'm no expert on surveying, but my grandfather was, and range 18 west can't be too far from range 14
east. name=Jessica
02/07/01 clue=Regarding "Feather River placers": Placer means a deposit of gravel which contains particles of gold deposits. The word placer was derived from the Spanish word meaning "sand bank." During the first stage of gold mining, deposits in riverbeds were worked extensively. Miners would divert streams, sending smaller streams off to each side, leaving stream beds exposed. The dry conditions of summer and early fall were ideal as low water levels exposed areas where gold was hiding. Methods such as gold panning, sluicing, and use of the rocker, were common forms of placer mining during this first stage. The Feather River was a major gold find during the California Gold Rush. See this interesting journal entry from that time: name=Jessica Augustsson bronto 06.11.01 clue: the integral at the right is a Fourier transform, relating a function of time (G(t)) to a function of frequency (Y(omega)). if for example G(t) is defined as the position of a phonograph needle at moment `t' of a record, then Y(omega) is the overall strength of pitch `omega' throughout that record. (such a transform ought to give a good idea of a song's key.) near a terminal 07.05.01 clue: As soon as I break the addicition you won't hear from me again. The letters of marque show up repeatedly and they are directly from admiralty (maritime law). There may be more legal references in here than I realized the first couple of times of going through it. Does anybody know when Sexagesima was in 1988 or maybe it is intended for 1989? Bob 07.26.01 clue: Think it's mentioned elsewhere, but Fermi's fear was that the Germans would develop the atomic bomb before the Americans. Haskeller: 08.28.01 clue: Letters of Marque is a book by Kipling. JB318: 05.07.02 clue: If my German combined with Babelfish is correct, "woran die Fliege haengt" is "whereupon the fly (as in housefly, I assume) hangs". Might be a literary reference, or perhaps something more obvious than that. anonymous 09.03.2003 I think letters of marque are a governmental piracy approval, enabling armed civilian vessels to act as privateer agents of the government. sjwk 11.28.2003 Since it doesn't ever seem to have been answered: by my reckoning, sexagesima in 1989 would have been 29th Jan (Easter was 26th March and it's apparently the 8th Sunday before Easter) sjwk 12.03.2003
This clue seems to have got lost. I don't have the link to hand any more, but boundary line monument #122 appears to be in Nogales, Arizona. I have no idea what's 60.36 feet north of it though. sjwk - 10.18.2004 clue: Hunting out the link I found (and lost) previously about boundary marker 122. I found a page describing the Nogales charter which reads: Until changed in the manner hereinafter provided, the boundaries of the City of Nogales shall continue to be as now established and shall include the territory now comprised by the City of Nogales, and being those certain lands described as follows: Beginning at a point sixty and thirty-six one-hundredths (60.36), feet north of United States-Mexico International Boundary Line Monument Number One Hundred Twenty-Two (122); thence west a distance of one-half (1/2) mile to a point; thence north a distance of one mile to a point; thence east a distance of two thousand two hundred sixty (2,260) feet to a point; thence north one thousand four hundred (1,400) feet to a point, being the northwest corner, southwest quarter southwest quarter, section eight (8), township 24 south, range 14 east, G. & S. R. B. & M., Santa Cruz County, Arizona; thence east two thousand six hundred forty (2,640) feet to a point, being the southwest corner, northwest quarter southeast quarter, said section 8; thence north one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet to a point being the northwest corner of the southeast quarter, said section 8; thence east one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet to a point, being the northeast corner, northeast quarter southeast quarter, said section 8; thence south one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet to a point, being the southeast corner, northwest quarter southeast quarter, said section 8; thence east one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet to a point, being the northeast corner, southeast quarter southeast quarter, said section 8; thence south along the section line dividing section eight (8) from section nine (9) and section seventeen (17) from section sixteen (16), all in said T. 24 S., R. 14 E., G. & S. R. B. & M., three thousand (3,000) feet to a point; thence south forty-five degrees west (S. 45° W.) two thousand eight hundred eighty (2,880) feet to a point; thence south one thousand eight hundred twenty (1,820) feet to a point; thence west one half (1/2) mile to the point of beginning.The original page seems to have vanished, but a cached copy is (for the moment) on Google
Brian 08.15.2005 re: The Hebrew. Basically what I have been doing is typing out the Hebrew using the Character Map feature on all windows computers. I typed this in and found that it's Job 28:15. However, I could not find a page with the translations from the Hebrew Bible. This is from the King James Bible, hopefully this is similar. It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed [for] the price thereof. Juls 09.19.2005 Just a further note on the Hebrew - it's only the first part of Job 28:15 - I can't actually read the Hebrew so I'm just guessing that it breaks off at the end of the first phrase and not elsewhere. As a variation, New American Standard text gives "Pure gold cannot be given in exchange for it.." Eli G. 04.04.2006 "Lo-yutan s'gol tachteha." The first two words say "Don't give". I can't find "s'gol" in the dictionary, but I got: segol = the vowel that makes an "eh" sound segol = the color violet s'gulah (gramatically very close) = attribute or quality If you read the last letter of "s'gol" as a dalet instead of a lamed, you get "s'god". That comes from a root relating to idolatry, but doesn't seem to actually mean "idol". It's not in my dictionary. Now, "tachteha"... That means "your bottom", but spoken to a woman. The use of "h" instead of "ch" indicates the gender of the bottom in question. I'm not seeing *anything* about gold in this phrase. Gold is "zahav". Also, the tav's in this phrase are dotted. While grammatically correct, it's one of the things that people usually don't do *correctly* when vowelizing Hebrew. In fact, I've seen non-vowelized tav's in other ads. Anonymous in Germany 04.04.2007 JB318's comment regarding the German language snippet was correct. Another translation for "Fliege" is "bow tie" (-> "whereupon the bow tie hangs" [neck!?]) ![]() |