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What people have submited for this page:

From Kipawa Condor:

2^21701 - 1 (bottom text) is the 25th Mersenne prime.  Compare this with
"the 29th Mersenne prime" (left side text), which is 2^110503 - 1.
These #'s are probably some kind of cipher-key to decode other parts of
the text.
Given the repeated references to meetings at the 'hotel california', I
tend to suspect that these pages are announcements to a group of people
who are in the know about the code.  Perhaps some sort of 'skull and
crossbones' organization at the University would explain the longevity of
the ads, as well as their
mysticism and diversity. If you want to figure out what they mean, I
suggest trying to guess what the 'hotel california' refers to, deciphering
the current years meeting date,
and crashing the gate on one of their meetings (of course, this assumes my
theory about a scret society is correct, and also could be a trifle
dangerous). Maybe they are a sect of the Discordians or something.

Webmaster: And I'll bet you $5 their meeting is on the 25th of June. I think the date is set, but the WHERE is the trick. Heck, who knows...
Getting back to this secret society theory - its the one i entertain the most. Like I've said before though, I've never heard of ANY secret societies on campus (no jokes please, come on..) and I'm of the opinion that nobody here is that creative. But yes, it does look like the work of some underground organization disseminating information in an in-joke kind of way.

I'm willing to gatecrash,and to be prepared for the possible result...

From Kipawa Condor:
Ah yes, the 25th Mersenne prime must refer to the 25th of June (not sure
where/if the "6" is encoded).
        The Confessio Augustana refers to the Augsburg Confession in 1530
that this makes 1990 the 460th anniversary), which some say marks the the
culmination of the German Reformation.  The Augsburg Confession was the
summation of Martin Luther's views by some guy named Melanchthon at the
diet of Augsburg.  Maybe this is just a random event from which to date
the current year ('the 460th anniversary of the CA' sound a whole lot more
mysterious than 1990).  Or maybe Luther is significant in some way.
        I suspect the leitmotiv is sort of a red herring.  That is, the
meaning of the words is probably irrelevant.  I think that the # of words,
or the # of letters in each word, represents some sort of key for
deciphering a part of the text. Simplistic example: The leitmotiv has 11
words, so read every 11th word.
Or, the word lengths are 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, etc. so read the 2nd word, the
4th after that, etc.  Or, read the 2nd word in the 1st box, the 4th word
in the 2nd box, etc.  Just a guess.
Webmaster: Kind of like the whole Bible code word-searching algorithm, eh? Maybe that would explain the tons of text that appear in these damn things. I like this idea. A lot...anyone have brute force textsearching software?!??! :)

at the end of the long text on the left hand side of the page, "ecce nova facio omnia"
From Revelations 21:5 ... "[Behold] I make all things new."
And the Latin at the end of the text on the right side of the page:
From Timothy II 1:12, "I know whom I have believed."
Miner's/Weaver's needle:
Two points in the Superstition Mountains, somewhat south of Phoenix. The Superstitions are home to all kinds of old mines, old stories about lost gold and hidden treasure. "Arizona Lore" for lack of a better term... Some info here
and here

From Carlos
May 1, 1990: the ellipse in the flowchart seems to contain the greek for "not artificial/made by hand". In the for scordatura, the greek means "so that every mouth may be stopped", and it is from the New Testament, Romans 3,19. The huge greek text seems to mean "life from death". In the for for 'scordatura', the greek seems to be the root word for "food".
By the way, in the second page for the ad of dec. 5, 1990, there are some writings by hand mentioning me and saying something about "not random". What is this about and where did that come from?
By the way, note the greek text for "life from death" appears in other ads, for instance at the center of May 1, 1995.

Webmaster: That page was sent to me by whoever is behind the puzzle. They sent a bunch of pages I'd either missed or had scanned in at bad resolution, and they saw fit to annotate a few of them...

clue=(bet you're hating me by now :-)

ou cheiropoietou: not made by human hands (c.f. Heb 9:11)

ina pan stoma phage: same as previous text.  (so that every mouth may eat).  Note misspelling of "phage" as "phrage".

scordatura: phage, "he may eat".  Doesn't 'scordatura' mean "a departual from the norm?".  Can't remember ...

Hebrew: aleph-cheyth-resh: without vowels, I can't give you an accurate definition of this word (possible meanings are "delay" or 
"behind", see Strong's 309, 310).  Gematrical value is 209.

I have a theory that the foreign language phrases often come in pairs ...
name=Chris Ashton

clue=Chris, can you expand on your theory of the paired foreign languages?  Thanks

Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 12:11:36 -0700 (MST)
clue=The quote "You will wait a long time before a fried chicken flies into your mouth." comes from Martin 
Luther (Harre, bis dir ein gebraten Huhn ins Maul fliege.) to those who imagine that God will give and do
what they desire without labor or industry. 

clue=It just occurred to me that Hausdorff refers to the location as does plain Haus.

clue="Now is the hunter home from the hill":
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894).  A Child's Garden of Verses and Underwoods. 1913.  XXI. Requiem

UNDER the wide and starry sky,
Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will.
This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the sailor, home from sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.
name=Jessica Augustsson
clue=BREITENFELD, BATTLE OF, name given to two battles of the Thirty Years' War, fought near the village of Breitenfeld,
Saxony, now a suburb of Leipzig, Germany.               

The first battle was fought on Sept. 17, 1631, between an allied Protestant army of Swedes and Saxons commanded by Gustav II
Adolph, king of Sweden, and a Roman Catholic army of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman emperor, under the Flemish field marshal Johann
Tserclaes, Graf von Tilly. The Protestant forces were victorious in the action, which
engaged some 70,000 men. As a result the Swedish army was able to occupy southern Germany. 

 - The second battle was fought on Nov. 2, 1642, between a Swedish army under Gen. Lennart Torstensson (1603-51) and the
imperial army of the Holy Roman Empire commanded by Octavio Piccolomini, duke of Amalfi (1599-1656), and Leopold William,
archduke of Austria (1614-62). Torstensson's army won a decisive victory, and he was able to overcome Leipzig shortly
thereafter. His forces went on to win several battles in a concerted campain against Denmark. 
name=Jessica Augustsson

anonymous 05.16.01
  • Weavers Needle/Miners Needle, AZ
    jessica 05.25.01
    clue:  The Stevenson Requiem:  The word "now" does not appear in the actual quote here, either!

    david l 06.07.01
    clue:  The round thing in the corner looks like either a circular slide rule (I think that's what it 
    is, I have something similar in my junk drawer) or is a nautical slide rule.  I can't tell from my 
    crummy monitor display.
    clue:  2 things about the left edge paragraph...  
    "...fresh Letter of Marque from Boston Common to Norbert's house...".  Norbert Weiner was a
    mathemeticain/biologist at M.I.T. "From his early youth Wiener, the prodigy, acquired intensive 
    experience in the manipulation of both mathematical and linguistic symbols; but his career choice 
    seemed initially little related to these skills. "  More at 
         The formula "G=6.670X10 etc" is the gravitational constant.

    Mikey 06.09.01
    clue:  This may not be relevant, but the graph near the bottom right-center that says 7000: "when to 
    hold and when to fold" is symmetric across the y-axis.  I don't know if this is relative, but of 
    course, if you were to "fold" it, across the y-axis, it would look the same.

    aspinall 06.11.01
    clue:  The "7000" graph shows subatomic particles (mesons, I think), somewhat dated now.
    Horizontal axis is charge (hence the already-mentioned symmetry) and vertical axis is probably spin.

    matt 06.29.01
    clue:  i am studying cyptography at my univeristy. kipawa condor is 
    correct. the messages are literally coded.  with each message is published 
    a key.  the key lies in the leitmotiv statement.  use the leitmotiv 
    statement to decode the actual text.  the rest of the page is filler junk 
    to throw you off.

    jeremy 07.03.01
    clue:  The phrase "Baba wa wana" is Swahili for "father of many sons."  
    The more common contraction is "Bwana."
    hance: ...and it sounds so easy :)
    near a terminal: 09.04.01
    clue:  This is another one of my simpleminded inputs but look at the Luther quote which sets the tone for the whole page.  
    That is about as clear a reference to the eternal present as anybody could make anytime or anywhere.

    bob: 09.05.01
    name:  Bob
    clue:  Furstenburg, in the box just to the left of the circular instrument. Here^Òs how he's described in his bio at the 
    Academy of Science:
    "Furstenberg, Hillel H.
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 
    "Furstenberg has discovered entirely novel interrelations between number theory, ergodic
    theory, and topological dynamics, leading to simplified proofs of old results and to new results not obtainable otherwise. He 
    also gone deeply into Lie groups and their harmonic functions, influencing Margulis' work on geometrical rigidity.
    Elected to NAS: 1989
    Scientific Field: Mathematics
    Membership Type: Member
    "Research Interests: My field of interest overlaps the following areas of mathematics:
    combinatorics, number theory, probability theory, ergodic theory, and group theory. I am
    particularly interested in randomness phenomena occurring in number-theoretic concepts
    and the application of ergodic theoretic ideas to number theory and combinatorics. I am
    also interested in laws of large numbers for random variables in a non-commutative setup,
    e.g., random products of matrices and random walks on groups. Of particular interest is the connection between these questions 
    Lie groups and for their subgroups and the
    connection with harmonic function theory."
    I can^Òt believe I^Òve never heard of this guy, because if you start reading about him, you find the math that he developed,
    specifically involving matrices and ergoditic theory, has had a profound impact on fields as diverse as materials science, 
    energy physics and medical research. My guess would be that the equation above his name is from his work, but I^Òve been 
    unable to
    locate it.
    Oh, and just to add to the weirdness, Furstenberg has been involved in a strange controversy the past few years. A group of
    researchers did a mathematical analysis of the Torah (every 7th letter, every 50th letter, every 49th letter, etc.) and 
    claimed to
    find encoded in it information about the past 2,000+ years. Furstenberg at first issued a tepid endorsement of their research. 
    later retracted it. Of course, all of this happened after this ad was published.
    One of Furstenberg^Òs fields of interest is ergodic theory. The term ergodic attractor appears in the text to the right of the
    circular instrument, as well as on a number of other pages. I haven^Òt seen a definition of it on any of the May Day pages, 
    even though it^Òs beyond me, here^Òs a try.
    Ergodic systems seem to be apparently random, but tend toward a particular value, at least over the short term. The study of
    ergodic systems is closely related to the study of fractals and chaos theory. Here^Òs a sort of lyrical way one web site 
    "Attractors also form one of the most valuable concepts in complexity theory. These attract in a similiar way, they are the 
    to which a system moves over time. They take three basic forms, firstly the fixed or point attractor, a single position that 
    reached never changes, a dead end, which we can symbolise by a golf ball in a hole. Secondly the cyclic attractor, a system 
    repeats a number of values endlessly, for example the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. Both of these can be studied using
    deterministic science (e.g. Newtonian mechanics). The third type is very odd, and called a strange or ergodic attractor. This 
    repeats any value exactly but always stays within the same area, it is chaos in a box, and usually studied using statistical
    methods (e.g. the gas laws)."
    So the study of ergodic systems could have implications for predicting the behavior of seemingly random systems, such as, oh, 
    don^Òt know, financial markets. At this url:
    there^Òs an abstract of a paper in which the researchers claim to have been able to to make accurate short-term predictions of
    market movements using ergodic theory. The summary of their research:
    "Financial data (e.g., stock quotes) have long been considered stochastic in nature. We have shown that such data, while not
    lending itself to traditional analysis, does allow short-term prediction. 
    "First, any broad exponential trend (e.g., inflation) in the data set is removed. Then, an attractor is constructed from the 
    set using the method of time delays, determined by the zeros of the autocorrelation function of the data set. This 
    attractor is then used to determine the minimum number of degrees of freedom inherent in the underlying low-dimensional 
    system. The largest Lyapunov exponent then calculated shows that the system is indeed chaotic and predictable in the 
    short-term by
    providing a measure of the time rate of information loss. In addition, by following the evolution of nearby points on the
    attractor, we are able to make simple short-term predictions. Finally, we compare the results to a purely stochastic model 
    (i.e. brown noise)."

    near a terminal 09.27.01
    clue:  When I read the recent comment I didn't know what "Lie groups" are and so I looked them up in an encyclopedia.  Still 
    don't really know but found something very interesting: Lie's father was a _Lutheran_ minister, just like Riemann's father.  I 
    wonder how much you have to know to pick up all the textures and nuances in these  messages?

    Bob: 10.21.01
    clue:  The quote in the box labelled 1600: This is from 17th-century poet Andrew Marvell's "The Definition of Love,"  about 
    a hopeless romance that is "Begotten by Despair/ Upon Impossibility." In the poem 'jealous fate' prevents the two lovers 
    from coming together (at least from the perspective of the author). It's interesting that Marvell uses a geometric metaphor 
    for the lives of the two would-be lovers:
    'As lines, so loves oblique may well 
    Themselves in every angle greet; 
    But ours so truly parallel, 
    Though infinite, can never meet.'
    Marvell, was, by the way, a friend of Milton.
    Box labelled 7000: Seemingly minor misquote from an incredibly banal song, 'The Gambler,' by Kenny Rodgers. The actual lyric
    is: 'know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em.'
    More on the box marked  '120: Furstenberg' The formula does not appear to be originally derived by Furstenberg. I now 
    believe it is what is called the Regularity Lemma, first proved by Szemeredi in 1974. Sorry I can't explain it myself, but 
    the math's way beyond me. Here's a brief summary from a web page:
    'The Regularity Lemma, proved by Endre Szemeredi in the mid-seventies, is commonly acknowledged by now to be one of the most
    powerful tools of Modern Combinatorics. (A) great many beautiful theorems have been proven by applying this result. Roughly
    speaking, the Regularity Lemma guarantees that any graph can be partitioned into a bounded number of equal parts so that 
    most of the bipartite graphs between the partition pieces behave essentially like random graphs of a corresponding density.'
    OK, so now that we all understand that, the Regularity Lemma also had to do with arithmetic progressions. Furstenberg found 
    a more elegant proof of Szemeredi's result: 
    'In the late 1970's, Furstenberg ignited ergodic theory with a remarkable new proof of Szemeredi's theorem.  Szemeredi's
    theorem is a huge generalisation of van der Waerden's theorem: it states that any subset of the natural numbers of positive
    density contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions.  The original proof was very long and complicated, but 
    Furstenberg discovered a beautiful approach based on ergodic theory.'
    OK, so I'm going on too long about stuff about which I know too little, but in reading about all this, I came across math
    developed by the Russian Markov. Markov's math, like ergodic theory, is useful in predicting the likelihood of future 
    conditions occurring given a current set of conditions. In other words, it's closely related to the ergodic theory, chaos 
    theory, etc., although I'm unsure if Markov appears in any of the Mayday pages.
    It's late. I'm tired. So just one more brief note. In the rotated text on the right, line 2, item 12, 'Sir Godfrey, etc.'
    There are any number of Sir Godfreys. and if you do a search on 'Sir Godfrey progenitor' you'll get info about a lot of
    Scottish folks.
    But if you do a search on the words 'Sir Godfrey freaks,' you'll get entirely different results, namely hits on the 007 
    movie 'A View to a Kill,' which came out in 1985. Normally, we would immediately dismiss this, except for this curious fact. 
    Bond's antagonist in the film is a man named Zorin, a KGB operative who's ready to go out on his own. Zorin's 'enforcer,' is 
    a woman, played by the singer/model Grace Jones.
    Again, we'd dismiss this. Except for her name in the movie. 
    It's: 'May Day.'

    Bob: 10.27.01
    clue:  The formula in the six-sided box at the right center of the page, just above the Weavers Neeedle map, defines what is
    called the Schwarzchild radius. It has two applications involving gravitational collapse and black holes. From a web page:
    "The Schwarzschild radius is the radius below which the gravitational attraction between the particles of a body must cause 
    it to undergo irreversible gravitational collapse. This phenomenon is thought to be the final fate of the more massive 
    "The gravitational radius (R) of an object of mass M is given by the following formula, in which G is the universal 
    gravitational constant and c is the speed of light: R = 2GM/c2 . For a mass as small as a human being, the gravitational 
    radius is of the order of 10-23 cm, much smaller than the nucleus of an atom; for a typical star such as the Sun, it is 
    about 3 km (2 miles)."
    So the Schwarzchild radius can be used to determine the conditions under which matter will collapse into a black hole. Once 
    the black hole has formed, it defines the "event horizon," the boundary beyond which nothing can escape the gravitational 
    attraction of black hole. 
    The formula was developed by the German astronomer and physicist Kurt Schwarzchild, and is a result of Einstein's General 
    Theory of Relativity. In fact, Schwarzchild was serving in the German armed forces during WWI at the time, and Einstein 
    presented Schwarzchild's paper to the Prussian Academy on Schwarzchild's behalf. To say that Einstein was troubled by this 
    result is an understatement. There's an interesting discussion of the events at this url:

    Bob: 11.02.01
    clue:  In a previous clue, I failed to note the Schwarzchild radius reference in item 4 in the rotated text at left.
    No. 5, at left, 'John saw the number ...' The phraseology used on this page is reminiscent of a traditional spiritual, 'John
    Saw the Number.' The reference is, once again, to the Book of Revelation: 
    Rev 7:9  After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and 
    people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
    It's worth reading Rev. 7 to get the context; this is the seven seals passage.
    No. 5, Part 2, at left, the Chandrasekhar reference. In 1983, Prof. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar published 'The mathematical
    theory of black holes and of colliding plane waves.' It is described thusly on a relativity theory page:
    'By common consent, one of the great scientific books of our time. This is THE book on black hole physics. Not for the faint 
    of heart.'
    The Chandra space telescope was named for Prof. Chandrasekhar.
    No. 6, at left, Part 2. The number 1.4x10^{53} ergs occurs in only a few Google-linked pages, all associated with 
    high-energy Gamma ray bursts. A quick introduction to this phenomena is available here:
    A real-time update on the observed phenomena is available here:
    For those of you who, like me, don't have a clear idea about what Gamma rays are, a layman's definition: 'Gamma rays are
    highly energetic photons, and very high-energy gamma rays carry with them energies of trillions of electron volts, a level 
    that is hundreds of billions of times greater than visible light.'
    For anyone who still believes that these pages are being put together as some sort of joke, it's interesting to note that 
    the Chandra space telescope is being used to investigate the still-mysterious phenomenon of Gamma ray bursts. And that this 
    page was published in 1990. This is from a summation of a paper published last year:
    'Astronomers have long debated how gamma-ray bursts (or "GRBs") originate. One theory contends that GRBs result when 
    "compact objects," that is, neutron stars or black holes, collide and coalesce. Another theory speculates that a 
    "hypernova," a gigantic star collapsing on itself under its own weight, could cause these extremely energetic outbursts. 
    'An international team of scientists used NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory to observe iron emission lines from ejected 
    material surrounding the gamma-ray burst (GRB) known as GRB991216. This is the first time emission lines associated with 
    GRBs have been unambiguously detected and their properties precisely measured at X-ray wavelengths. 
     'This discovery strengthens the case for a "hypernova" model.'
    A wonderful page with a link to the quote above and many articles on all these issues is located at this Harvard site:
    No. 7, at left, 'The end always comes too fast ...' is from the Jimmy Webb song, 'All I Know.' The best-known version of the
    song was recorded by Art Garfunkel. The relevant verses:
    But the ending always comes at last
    Endings always come too fast
    They come too fast
    But they pass too slow
    I love you and that's all I know.
    Again, there are minor variations  in their quote from the original.
    No. 9, Part 2, in rotated text at left. From a Joan Baez song called 'BLESSED ARE...,' about dealing with the loss of a 
    beloved young person. The relevant lines:
    Blessed are the blood relations 
    of the young ones who have died, 
    who had not the time or patience 
    to carry on this earthly ride.
    Note that the words 'carry on' are omitted in the quote on this page.

    Bob: 11.08.01
    The 2500 diagram  illustrates  the principles behind sextants. It is  reproduced exactly with an explation of the geometry

    JW: 01-24-02
    clue:  It does not matter if the Gold has already been removed.

    And I'll bet you $5 their meeting is on the 25th of June
    they specified midnight between 25 and 26 (Julian Date  2447703.5)
    The encryption or steganography theory sounds promising

    Foobar: 05.07.02
    clue:  Julian date 2448066.5 corresponds to UT date/time June 24, 1990 at 00:00 (which would be 7 hours behind for
    Arizona, making it 5:00 PM on June 23, 1990)

    Jessica Augustsson - 09.13.02
    clue:  So recently, on our way home to Sweden from Prague, we stayed in a little town south of Leipzig called Lützen.  It was
    near here that Gustav II Adolf was killed in battle.  It's unclear however, whether he was shot by enemy fire or (possibly
    intentional) friendly fire.  
    Now if there's one date-king-location that Swedes remember from school, it's that Gustav II Adolf was killed in Lützen on the
    6th of November (on a foggy day :), but it would appear, according to the monument in Lützen that it is not actually known
    whether he was killed on the 6th or the 16th.  
    Also, the reason he may have been killed by friendly fire would appear to be attributed to something along the lines of the fact
    that Gustav II Adolf wasn't so much defending protestantism as he was fighting on the side that he thought was going to win so
    that he would be able to get more land for Sweden and for himself.  Rumour is, he wasn't really such a nice guy.
    Just some interesting tidbits.  =)

    Rich 12.17.02
    clue:  5/1/90 ADW

    You've probably guessed from your inbox, I'm reviewing all the ads. I'm working on cross-referencing all references to other ads that appear.

    In the 5/1/90 ad, there is a reference to ADW, 4/27/88, which doesn't appear to be in the online texts. Are you aware of this ad? Note that 1988 was a busy year, with SIX known ads.

    Eri: 10.09.2003
    RE: 4)"In and out of lifetimes unmentionable by name" 
    Mentioned here too:
    It's the Bob Dylan song Love is Just a Four Letter Word
    Here's part of the song:
    I said goodbye unnoticed
    Pushed towards things in my own games
    Drifting in and out of lifetimes
    Unmentionable by name
    Searching for my double, looking for
    Complete evaporation to the core
    Though I tried and failed at finding any door
    I must have thought that there was nothing more
    Absurd than that love is just a four-letter word
    5) "John saw the number that no man could number"
    This is a longshot, but it might be a reference to Revelations 17:15:
    And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples,
    and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. 

    sjwk 11.24.2003
    clue:  the '1600' box looks a bit like a state transition diagram for a Turing machine.
    Can't really see what's in the circles though. In fact, could do with enlargements of lots of this
    one..  Is the faint annotation yours or has someone else been doodling in the archives?
    hance - the notations are mine. This scan is horrible, and I need to redo it.
    Will: 05.25.2004
    Box 7000: The plot in this box has been mentioned before, but incorrectly.  The axes of the plot are strangeness (y-axis) and
    3-component of isospin (x-axis).  This is a way (called the Eightfold Way, developed by Murray Gell-Mann) to organize
    hadrons (particles that undergo strong interactions) in a way that shows their group structure (namely the group SU(3)). 
    The particles in this picture are spin-3/2 baryons (not mesons).  Presumably, the quote underneath is in reference to the
    eightfold way (similar plots to the one above can be made for spin-0 and spin-1 mesons and spin-1/2 baryons, where each
    plot includes eight particles known at the time the plots were first formulated, this is where the 'eight' in eightfold
    comes from in a nutshell) 

    Doug: 06.24.2004
    The melody is "can't always get what you want" by the Rolling Stones.

    Howard 06.24.2004
    Just passin' through here...
    The music excerpt is from "You Can't Always Get What You Want" by the Rolling Stones. 
    The lyrics under the quoted portion start at the third line of the verse, roughly:
    "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you can get what you need."
    The last note in the phrase is clipped at the bar line, so that me better transcribed as "You can get what you ne---".
    Based on the crappy notation and bad chords, I'd say it comes from a cheap, "beginner" PVG (piano-vocal-guitar) book. The slight
    extension of the bar line at the beginning indicates a PVG book rather than a lead sheet, and chords symbols also point to a PVG
    setting rather than a choral or band arrangement. The font for the chord symbols is consistent with books put out by Hal Leonard.

    Rich: 07.12.2004
    Note that the digrams labelled 7000 (Baryon spin vs strangeness) and 5000 (floorplan of the Jewish temple) exhibit similar
    symmetry. Heck, you could even say that one represents a subset of the other. (What if someone looked at the corresponding
    locations around the temple mt?)
    I'm just sayin'... 

    Charlotte 05.01.2005
    I looked up the latitude/longitude where the virginia street "practice sessions" were going to happen and it seems to be in
    the middle of the SF bay...which isn't quite logical, but it is near SF, just like the 94102 zipcode. 
    this whole thing is very perculiar...

    Marcel B 09.05.2005
    	If the Hebrew text is alef chet resh, it could also mean "another".
    However, our friend has a habit of mistaking resh and daled. If that's a daled, it would be "echad", meaning "one" - an important
    word in Biblical Hebrew, as it strongly correlates with the unity of G-d.

    D. Tomasson 06.03.2007

    "The Asylum Choir" that is mentioned down the right side of the announcement can be anagrammed to "Holy Heart Music."

    Check out the lyrics to Charlie Hall's song: "Holy Heart" -

    Oh my heart longs to be purified; oh my heart longs to be refined

    A holy heart is what I long for, what I cry for, what I need
    A heart that loves You, a heart that hears You, fears You
    And sees You as You are

    Search my heart, O God and see in me
    All offenses, God, that there may be
    (Cry it out now)

    Refined in Your love, refined by Your blood
    And the pure in heart will see You, will see You
    (We're cryin' out now)

    To gaze (look) upon You
    Purifies me
    So purify me, purify me...

    Listen to the music at:

    Guitar Chords: ldCharts/HolyHeart.pdf

    See Holy Heart Basilica, Brussels:

    See the University of Brussels - Originated by Freemasons (Theodore Verhaegen, founder) built on Franklin Roosevelt Ave:

    The word "Holy" can also be translated as "Sacred." See the Church of Sacro Cuore (Holy Heart), Santa Venerina: ntavenerina/turismo/turismo.html

    Also, see Sacred Heart Church, Nebraska:

    Look up "The Chuch of Sacro Cuore," Santa Venerina and "The Sacre-Coeur Basilica" in Montmartre, Paris.

    "Cor unum inter nos" means "One heart among us." That heart would be "Sancratissimum Cor lesu" or "The Sacred Heart."

    Comments: A recent GQ article on the Catholic utopia Tom Monaghan is building in Florida reveals that he, 
    in a moment of piety, sold his Bugatti.
    I can't help but think that Monaghan would be on the conspiratorial radar of whoever's behind all this.	

    3.141 10/18/2017
    Three notable questions:
    What is the relationship between 'cadence' and 'resonance', functionally?
    What assets have demonstrated repeatedly the propensity for holding value over extended periods of time?*
    How are the above two points related?
    If history was rhythmic in nature, one would infer periods of significant deviation from natural tendencies, as a norm. It should be noted that iterations of this process would thus exist (Mandelbrot). How would one go about inferring proper placement of these coordinates on a 'grid'?
    The second question is the most important: practically speaking, for the sake of our 'secular security'.

    Nicole 10/16/2020
    In regards to the Greek “ina pan stoma phage“, I saw a clue by Chris saying that “phrage” is a misspelling of “phage”, 
    which could be, BUT working on the assumption that the person choosing the greek text here, ACTUALLY knows greek and 
    is not just spewing bible verses, “phrage” (φραγή) is a word of its own, and while “ina pan stoma phage” means “so 
    that every mouth can eat, replacing the “phage” with “phrage”, the translation changes to “so that every mouth can 
    be shut”. 	