Delivery to my PO Box ~05.20.2009
Delivery contents: A plastic bottle top of some kind that smells of a liqueur. And despite my affinity for weird liqueur, I can't place it by smell alone. Creme de cacao? Maybe. Smells vaguely of chocolate ... I'm hoping someone can ID the logo and 'eygptianate' glyphs on the side, even though it was difficult to scan in clearly.
(This delivery arrived without a legible postmark so I'm only guessing it was delivered on 05.20.2009)
lilorphant 07.06.09 Possibly absinthe? bdh: I've had absinthe, and this is a totally different smell. Where absinthe is very anise-y, i.e. 'black liquorice', this is more a cacao/chocolate smell sjwk 08.24.09 I think your bottle cap is this Israeli chocolate liqueur: Certainly if you look at the handy hi-res picture, the shape of the cap, and the figures on it look identical. bhance: hey, that's it! Nice find!
Charlie P. 09.12.2009 The bottle cap ties into an ad from 2001. "In Binary congruence with 3/8/89, Chemnitz has provided a zabra...for the initial transfer." - ADW 17-January-2001 As Jessica Augustsson notes, Zabra could be a misspelling of "sabra," which is both a type of boat or a Jew born in Palestine. In the context of the ad, it could either mean the furnishing of a small boat to transfer something that the Arbella is unable to, or the provision of a bottle of Sabra Chocolate Orange Liqueur as part of a transfer. The question at the heart of this is: "Is this cap a clue to deciphering 17-January-2001, is it supposed to draw your interest back to that ad for some reason, or is the Orphanage just messing with you?" bhance below is via freaks 220 which was sent in via this page Name: U Bud Email: de profundis Comments: Dat sjwk be sumthin! 1 clevah dude. Figger how id fit apart frum how id drink. Id drink good if'n Uz like dat shit but dat not why id here. SJWK U doan beet no dead horse. Stay on course. Mr. No name 10/12/2013 WTF... I'm not sure if the clue was supposed to lead to this, but the alcohol is way less important then the guy who made it. For those who don't want to read, the guy is Jewish Canadian-American - who works at Segram's (which begs the question of how did the alcohol up getting made in Israel?). Goes on to lead the World Jewish Congress, which then takes a turn to be more "aggressive" under his reign. The WJC begins to put economic pressure on the Russians to achieve their goals. They later go on to create the World Jewish Restitution Organization, in 1992, to attempt to get any money back from WWII with some backing from the US govt. - Mind Blown!Click here to submit a clue for this page. |