name:  Official: to Mr. Hance

clue:  This first communication is merely a test to see if this [sub-standard] connection will post to your 

clue:  Dear Mr. Hance:
   After perusing your response to the one who signs himself "you bud," we gather you were non-plused by the
frankness of his remarks.  He tends toward exuberance, perhaps prompted by his affection for Mr. Hance.  You 
stand very high in his esteem, as in ours.  It should also be remarked that an occasional tendency toward 
exageration appears in his remarks to you.  As you know, we are all entirely harmless.

What we are not is ungrateful; your numerous efforts have been [generally] beneficial to both  our strategic 
and tactical goals--and you deserve to be fully rewarded.  Unfortunately, that is not possible at this 
particular moment.  Even using the dull, totally colorless individuals with whom you have dealt in the past 
will not suffice for security.  Transfers of funds are especially problematic until we are able to arrange 
more secure lines of internal transference.  Nonetheless, we wish to convey a small token of our esteem.  It 
will arrive in the (American) mail, deliverd to your place of current vocation.  It is literally intended to 
be risible as well as tasty.  Again, you will be more amply repaid at a later date, or when dates are no 
longer of consequence.

Two other points of consideration: (1) One of the pictures you received, it has been suggested by Richmond 
section, is likely to be misinterpreted.  When you peruse the room with anatomical renderings and 
photographs, do not reach any hasty conclusions.   You would never be the subject of an experiment, even if 
you were ever present in that particular venue. A hearty meal perhaps but never an experiment (Richmond also 
suggested that a clever American would enjoy a moment of levity--you just had it.) Indeed, as always, our 
intentions are benign: we have a long-standing project studying the nature of consciousness and especially 
its transmissioon through the physical envelope of the human persona.  Nothing about which to feel uneasy.

(2) Please convey our sincere appreciation to the one who signs himself "Bob."  His remarks are of the same 
quality as those of Jessica and Carlos--high praise indeed.  In light of St. Matthew 10:42, all three of 
them--and anyone else who helps us--may be confident of their reward.

     Nith best wishes and
     Continuing Esteem,

P.S. The Bay section has lobbied for you to know at least slightly more--with support from Dallas section, 
who consider "Hance" practically one of their own.  With some trepidation, we agree with the aforementioned.  
Shortly and simply, we live in time of plague and _per necessitatem_ we deal day in and day out with 
pathology.  This is not our choice.  Those who should attend to the eradication of the contagion have 
abandoned their charges to death and the devil.  When the plague abates, so shall the strong 
counter-measures.  [Kindly overlook any spelling or syntactical errors, time does not suffice for the 
standard native-speaker to review this transmission.]  Pax tibi.