url:  02-sept26.html

name:  U bud

clue:  Yo bro!  Pull U Pickerz n Stealerz offn dem round canz wat full a shit aint good fer Bry and hab a KLEEEER head on
Wednesday, Deesembah four.  Dis one fly clean by dem ignoran shits wat dont kno nuthin but English an think history means last

Tell U bud wat sent in de Children's Hospitial dat not only KORREKT but he eben got de right wing. We impressed,
but not real surprized.
Bry ah said id afore and say id agin--U a magnet fo' de smart folk.  A few a de kommentz from de KontribUterz iz ignoran as dirt
but not many.  Somethun bout Bro Bry pull de brainz in off de ether.
