url: delivery03012005.html
name: U Bud
clue: Yo bro! We bin diggin an de dead Papist--1 less a de bastidz. SloW goin 1 at a time but we got planz fer speedin up de
process. More an dat latah.
A leedle note fer Juls who iz some kinda industrEEus. De tunnel ain at SMU an id doan leed ta no pipes. no standar type pipez
anywayz. u gotta be REAL special ta git neah dat suckah much less gain access. Juls smart ta be dinkin bout Epworth.
Gotz ta go bro, normalee U Bud doan gib a literal sheeit bout TV but id warm mah heart ta see dat dead suckah rotten away, jes wish
de rest a dem 666 toolz was stacked up next ta him.
One otha ding bro--spend dat latest bread anyway wat good fer Bro Bry. U effortz gonna be furthah rewarded by and by. Chow, bro.