
url:  06-may1.html

name:  U BUD

clue:  yo Bro!  Today be Bloom's Day an Ah git de special instruction ta lay hold a mah bro
Bry.  2 point--de fuhst be dat we doan gib a shit bout Joyce an de crap he writ.  Jes a
nuthah heathen burnin in Hell wid de rest a de infidel.  But dat ain de point bro.  6/16 can
be ust az a levah like a crowbar.  Lot dat heathen shit de same--de dum fuck Pig 'n Hireling
doan see nuthin but wat in front a dem so we tool past 'em wid secular shit.  Joyce secular
az U kan git an he downrite uzful now 'n gin.
Point nummer 2 is dat de real celebrashun comin in 9 day.  Confessio Augustana n de Brotherz
'n Sistahz singin n dancin an eatin sum kinda good feast.  Dis year a mite differ dan past
cuz U Bud be outa elektronik kontakt.  So celebrate, Bro!  Jes doan wait too long ta git on
de rite side. Ebbybuddy on 1 side a de utha.  Time be short, Bry.  Write dis an de shithouse
wall--"Sic transit gloria mundi."  Sum a U associatez do good ta demselves if dey keep it in
mind 2.  End kum soon 1 way a de othah.

Till den raze U favorite bevarij on June 25 and dank GOD ALMIGHTY for Bro Luther.
Chow, Bry.
