~10/20/00 - Made a trip to the PO box, as I was told to keep an eye out.. and I got some pretty interesting emails
regarding these letters.
Nice stamps. Once again, I haven't analyzed any of these yet: I've only scanned them in...
Letter 1
Letter 2
Letter 3Carlos: ....... the phone number for Letter 3 is, of all things, the toll-free techical support number for RSA Security in Japan:http://www.rsasecurity.com/support/tollfree.html juls 09.16.2005 I don't know Hebrew as such so I may be wrong on this, but the stuff on the backs of the letters appears to be simply the English words 'first', 'second' & 'last' respectively, transliterated into the Hebrew script. Re. letter 1 - it would seem from the indications of frequency and repetition added to the script that they intend us to decrypt it as if it were a cipher.
Juls 09.25.2005 After a couple of hours slog and a mix of gut instinct and a bit of luck, I managed to identify the page of Tibetan text in letter 1, and maybe where it actually came from. The text is part of the Kangyur collection of Sanskrit classics - Buddhist texts... "The Kangyur Collection is a group of Sanskrit classics that trace their origin primarily to Gautama Buddha around 2,500 years ago. It contains over a thousand different books in some 100 volumes of carved woodblock prints. These books reached Tibet more than a thousand years ago; they were translated into the Tibetan language, and protected over the centuries by the natural barrier of the Himalayan mountains. The Kangyur Collection covers a wide variety of subjects such as learning how to lead an ethical life; exploring great ideas such as compassion for others and social responsibility; studying spiritual arts such as contemplation, prayer, and meditation; and in general mastering the difficult task of finding lasting happiness." http://www.asianclassics.org/release4/kangyur.html The text is available on the following page, at link KD0060. http://www.asianclassics.org/download/KangEng.html You need to download a Tibetan font to view it in the Tibetan characters, and this may well be where the actual text that They sent came from - because there is a numbering system in the text on that site - @01a; @02a; @02b etc. - and '@02b' appears in their text. The text you have seems to run from the third paragraph of @02a into the second paragraph of @02b. There is a Roman alphabet version of the text here: http://www.asianclassics.org/download/texts/kangyur/KD0060M.ACT
This is the description of the text.. I haven't found an English translation yet but I would hazard a guess that their bit deals with "The Meeting of the Father and Son"... From a quick search it seems likely that there may be no English translation available on the web, if any atall, but I'll look again later. I don't fancy trying to translate it word by word and I very much doubt it would be atall successful.
09.26.2005 - (more) Now, it seems that there is no easily accessible translation of this text available. I have attempted to translate as much of it as I could but it is poorly done and is full of gaps, and I'll refrain from posting it ATM because, for one thing, I don't think that the content of the text need concern us too much here. Indeed, I have doubts as to whether they themselves were concerned with it because their section of the text starts and ends mid-phrase, and of course, it is a Buddhist text. Also, several of their marked sections of the text also cut it mid-phrase. The text, or most of it, appears to be a chant and contains systematic repetitions, rhythm, and is in a sort of verse type arrangement. The division of the text (the 'paragraphs') on the Asian Classics website, and thus on the copy They sent, does not respect the arrangement within the text - it is necessary to examine the text itself to see it. The Tibetan alphabet is a syllabic alphabet - this means that every character represents a syllable, thus a line of text *could be* measured metrically after a fashion - this was one of my initial thoughts about what They *might* have been getting at with it - but it would mean ignoring the underlying language and treating the text as a collection of individual letters. When you put the characters together, the individual syllables kind of merge - so that in a written text, the actual syllables may be represented by more than one character - these syllables are separated by the dots that you can see running through the lines. Individual words are not separated as such, just the syllables, and the end of a phrase is shown by the simple nail / pin-shaped character followed by a small gap. I don't think that I've explained this terribly well but what it means is that where they have marked off the text into groups of 10, 15, & 14 characters they seem to be simply counting the letters. These indications don't really represent the division into syllables, and neither therefore, the metric or rhythm within the chant - though not having actually heard such a thing spoken / chanted, I cannot be sure. This clearly needs more thought, but it probably also needs to just sit and stew a while, so it'll do for time being. Juls 09.25.2005 Further to my mail a little earlier for the 10/20/00 delivery page and the Tibetan text. It seems that this text is from the Tibetan Collection of the Library of the St Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. That could be relevant. Juls 09.26.2005 For delivery 10/20/00 page (again, sorry) - one last point (for now) - I just read through the four-part email that you got referring to this delivery. There it says that there is a connection with the first quadrant of the MayDay 1888 announcement. There is one that springs immediately to mind. Item #1 in that quadrant of the aforesaid announcement is a quote from Kierkegaard which Jessica translated as "Purity of heart is to will one thing." The first line of the section of the Tibetan text that you have been sent speaks also of 'purity of mind / heart'. Maybe they did start it at that point on purpose, and I guess it looks like I may have to work a bit more on that translation after all. It can have a rest for now though. :) Juls 01.28.2006 Must have missed the Hebrew in letter 3 here with getting bogged down in Tibetan. Anyhow, this is the first part of Psalms 76:10 "Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee" (KJV) - a line which has cropped up elsewhere here, if memory serves. jough 12.11.2019 Don't even know if you're still taking stuff but stumbled across this on my lunch break and sort of relates to my profession. The image looks like a Co-60 spectrum with a photopeak at 1173 keV. Co-60 should have a second peak at 1333 keV also, which sort of shows up in the image but doesn't seem fully resolved? My brain went to Co-60 because that's a pretty common gamma emitter. https://www.gammaspectacular.com/blue/Co-60-gamma-spectrum Click here to submit a clue for this page.![]() |