Click here to submit a clue for this page.Clues people have sent in: ![]() This is a picture of Valley National Bank, which is at 2 E. Congress St in downtown Tucson. It is now a Bank One, but usewd to be known as Valley National Bank... From the ever busy Kipwa Condor: (11-12-97) "Er ruht im Feindesland" (lines 2-3 at top) is German for "He is stuck in enemy territory". From: Koen: This encrypt-a-secret-hiding-place every year in the newspaper sounds very plausible. That also means that we are probably wasting our time on trying to decipher the pages here, and we should be thinking about the newest pages. Maybe some crazy guy set these up in the beginning, seeing how many (crazy) people would be smart enough to crack the code and show up at the right time. The society could then have been growing, explaining all the code names like Winthrop, Schrödinger, etc. etc. Maybe the pages are made every year by a few different members of the society. They have lots of fun doing that, I bet. (1 2 3) (with arrow) is a common notation for the permutation 1->2, 2->3, 3->1. Repubgirl: Lloyds Bank Avenida da Liberdade, 222 Lisbon, Portugal Tel: 53.51.71 Ritz Inter-Continental Hotel Rua Rodrigo da Fonseca 88 1093 Lisbon Portugal Webmaster: Financial stuff: Elf Aquitaine Group: is a French Pterochemical company. You can check out their stock here As Repubgirl points out above, the address in Portugal is for Lloyd's bank. So... the blocks of Elf Aquitaine in the amount specified by ADW 5/1/90 #8 were liquidated in 10/11/90 at 653(francs) and the necessary expenditures are to be filtered through 222 Avenida da Liberdade comes out something like the stock mentioned on 5/1/90 (#8) were liquidated and funneled through Lloyd's.ideas??? JPEPPER clue=just a thought--numerology was developed by the ancient hebrews. might it have a play in all this stuff? name=jeremyWebmaster: - yeah, we've dig through some gematria (germatria?) references a few times... and we're getting hints to the effect that some of this hebrew could be a sort of numerical encoding for more information (then again the point could be made that all hebrew is numerical encoding for information) -- but as yet we haven't managed to focus a whole hell of a lot of effort on it..
From carlos: Oct 24, 1990: next to 233) the greek phrase means something like "this one had (as husband? not sure of this word, the second in the phrase) the famous renowned David". Probably from some part of the Old Testament, but no idea where. Data Express... This data is from the Form located at the URL: ++++++++++++++ clue=Greek: ho echon ten klein David; "he who holds the key of David". Rev 3:7. name=Chris Ashton 10/20/00 clue=I'd like to check out the music on this page, but it's kind of hard to see...are those sharps or flats after the treble clef, what's the timing, etc...? name=Jessica hance: I'll make a better scan this weekend for you. 12/1/2000 email=mogul clue=Bryan, my German friend points out to me that in 1990, Elf Aquitaine was involved in a lot of illegal activity in Europe. Cheers, mogul 12/1/00 email=mogul clue=Roughly translated, I think this ad says something to the effect of: "The last ad that we got from Capt. Morgan has some weirdness to it. Unless someone sees him before Winter Tour, we can assume he is not coming..." Then the reference to Cabernet Savignon is regarding the money in the "Frog Fund". Frog being the derogative for French. Elf Aquitaine is a French company that was having some troubles at this time. The Orphanage suggests liquidating the stock and moving it. (in the middle of writing this, I am starting to think that Cabernet Savignon is NOT money but something else. Some other Commodity.) The money is to be (I hate to use this word) laundered through Lloyd's bank. I now believe that "The City of Richmond" is plane that they are using to move this stuff around. Another thing I want to point out is that on another page there is reference to Bahnhof Zoo in Berlin. This is a place that in 1993 (the other ad was one of the ones from '93) was having "problems" with illegal activity. Cheers, mogul PS I think I was way off base in a lot of my emails from last year. I hope I am again off base. name=mogul hance: after a little web digging, it looks like the area around Bahnhof Zoo is a heavy drug peddling area, and Elf Aquitaine looks like you average evil petroleum corporation, involved in numerous shady deals and scandals. It looks like they have always been in trouble, in one way or another. clue: Surprising that one of your European correspondents hasn't commented on the fact that a French court sentenced (last week, I think) some high official of Elf Aq. to prison for one of their long-standing scandals. I think it was the one that was raging in '91--which would make more sense of this ad. It was typical of that area that the official's mistress was also up to her ears in the mess and she was sent to prison a couple of months ago. That's a bad scandal for the French to take it so seriously years later. For us the most interesting part is that it broke after this ad appeared. I don't think anybody outside the court system or the metropolitan police knew about the government involvement in October of '90. hance:hey, i read the times too.. but you'll need a login... Bob: clue: In the centere, 89, 144, 233 = 11th, 12th and 13th Fibonacci numbers. As I'm sure we all know, the ratio of the last two terms of the Fibonacci sequence approaches the Golden mean, 1.618... that we see so frequently. Juls: 04.24.2003 Elf Aquitaine & Africa - this may be entirely irrelevant, but the following concerns activities by Elf executives et al during this period and a court case that has been quietly going on for rather a long time: (hance): We have some other information on Elf Aquitaine around here somewhere. sjwk: 09.07.2003 That link to the BBC page covering the Elf scandal makes interesting reading. There's references that the people involved only skimmed a small amount of the missing money, and much of it went to South African states (and there's been a fair amount of South African references). However, one quote stands out more: " If the money sometimes ended up in an orphanage then I am very happy - but let's say it didn't always end up in an orphanage " sjwk 11.12.2003 Another news article about the Elf scandal. Former chairman and boss get 5 years prison sentence. leaking pen 08.01.2004 last transmission had a third level anomoly. not ,we havent heard from him. what they are saying is that his last coded transmision had an error somewhere, so possibly someone who KINDA knew level three. sounds like an attempt at infiltrating the orphanage. for anyone to do so, they likely know of the announcements, therefore, the orphanage would know that the infiltrater would read it, so its a triple message. one, a warning to everyone to not talk to morgan "unless visual confirmation can be made" meaning, you sit down to lunch and talk with him face to face, and let us know if you do!, 2, a message to him ,we arent sure your cool, get to us, asap. 3, a message to the possible infiltrator ,we know you have him, we aint biting, and we already took all precautions in moving things around so that the knowledge you may have gotten from him is useless. also, this announcement has a message on piloting boats i find interesting, and made me relook at others. there was a single pilot named, with two potential ships. that seems wrong, as a pilot would prefer to stay with a ship, so it makes me wonder if theres an allegory being used. Eri 06.22.2005 "Videmus NUNC per speculum in aenigmate, TUNC autem facie ad faciem" is from the First Epistle from St. Paul to the Corinthians, Chapter 13, Verse 12. It's the first part of the verse. I don't know Latin, but here's an English (NIV) version text: "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." Brian 8.15.2005 pertaining to the word Nezach in the quotes. Could they have been trying to type Netzach, one of the Sephirot in the tree of life? anonymous coward 04.04.2007 '(11-12-97) "Er ruht im Feindesland" (lines 2-3 at top) is German for "He is stuck in enemy territory".' No, it actually means "He rests in enemy territory", indicating that he died there. R.C. Christian 09/14/2020 the city of richmond is the name of the boat that brought Tesla to the usa, also outside the L'Enfant plaza on google street view has freeway signs that point to richmond Hungerford (!) 06/18/2023 Comments: Good work by "Christian" on Tesla. ![]() |