Click here to submit a clue for this page.Webmaster Bank routing number from the check is for Bank of America 1801 S. Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89117 name=repubgirl Webmaster: Line 11: 'Martin fahrt nach Gorlitz am Maltag, um 15 Uhr 30:' is, roughly: Martin Chemnitz drive to Gorlitz on the mark(ed)(?) day, at 15 o'clock 30 Good old Seive of Eratosthenes, mentioned at the end of line 12, after the 1st star. Repubgirl hooks us up with some historical Gorlitz action... think the dude in Gorlitz is Jakob Boehme (1575-1624) German theosophist and mystic. He received only an elementary education but was an assiduous student of the Bible and the works of the Swiss alchemist and physician Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus. Apprenticed to a shoemaker in his youth, Boehme later opened his own shop in Görlitz, Saxony. >From an early age he believed that he saw visions, and throughout his life he claimed to be divinely inspired. About 1612 he wrote Die Morgenröte im Aufgang (The Morning Redness Arising), in which he recorded his visions and expounded the attributes of God. The manuscript, which was published in 1634 under the title Aurore, was condemned as heretical by local ecclesiastical and civil authorities. Eventually Boehme was forced to seek asylum in Dresden, Saxony. There he was cleared of charges of heresy and allowed to return to Görlitz. His best-known treatises include Von den drei Prinzipien des Göttlichen Wesens (Of the Three Principles of the Nature of God, 1619) and Der Weg zu Christo (The Way to Christ, 1624). Although written in a style difficult to understand, his works were received with favor in a number of countries, particularly Germany, the Netherlands, and Britain. His English followers called themselves Behmenists. Many of them later were absorbed into the Quaker movement. In his fundamental doctrine, Boehme held that everything exists and is intelligible only through its opposite. Thus, he believed, evil is a necessary element in goodness, for without evil the will would become inert and progress would be impossible. God himself, according to Boehme, contains conflicting elements in his nature. Boehme's religious views have influenced modern Western thought in both philosophy and theology. Working on Charlotenstrasse...haven't found anything yet. Probably the headquarters of the Third Reich (yikes)! --KimWebMeister: As obscure as this all is, the major themes fit: Religion, madness, revelation, etc. Charlotenstrasse - We'll have to see.
clue=the German word is not "Maltag", but "Maitag" = "May Day". "fahrt" should be "fährt" in correct German; also: Charlottenstraße is spelled with "tt". No native German speaker at work here, it seems. - in 12): "Erlkönig" is a famous German poem. name=Martin W clue=Bryan, what does the UPC say? name=mogulB:You mean the bar code (which is decodeable, with a little trouble) or the greek above it? clue=The Charlottenstrasse address is now home to the Berlin branch of the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau . The promotional bank for the German economy and a development bank for developing countries. Can't find anything on "who and what used to reside" at the address not so long ago. It was established in 1947 as the central "loan corporation" to finance reconstruction with Marshall Plan funds after WWII. Seems to tie in well with many of our themes... name=Repubgirl 7/1/00 clue=What number does the UPC translate to? name=mogul 10/8/00 - yeah, right - like I have a ton of barcode references just lying around. This copy is too blurry to tell, and I cannot for the life of me find the original. I have a milk crate full of so much crap related to this mystery that finding anything has become a major undertaking. I'll keep digging. 10/27/00 clue=Ahh, the wedding in Cana again (Where Jesus turned water into wine). I'll find the exact place when I get home... name=Jessica email=dmandel clue=I'm almost certain now that references to Mistah Kurtz are references to Jesus Christ (through the initials of the author of the book...Joseph Conrad...J.C.) 12/11/00 email=carson clue=i know you said to hold off, but.... the 'key' right above "the wedding in cana" appears a few ads earlier, in 9/5/90, with the 8 and the 3 (of 1/3) highlighted. any suggestions? again, this is really old stuff, but the fact they sent it to you with notation could, maybe, sort of..... 1.10.01 clue=This comes up again in the latest one--cana and the wedding. They are maybe doing something unusually strange but in a setting that is ordinary. The one in charge didn't know it was a miracle when he tasted the wine, it was just good. If they don't do it too often they might slip past noticing especially if the event or events happen somewhere else. The causes might not be clear when it comes time to audit or inspect or whatever would show normal, unexpected changes. Seems to fit the one in September, different parts in different places. Nobody or almost nobody would see all of it, again that fits the cana story. name=cynic 2 bronto 06.18.01 "N=8, r=1/3, D~1.8928" appears in Mandelbrot The Fractal Geometry of Nature p.144 hance: also see March 21 1990 Judson: 08.30.01 clue: Notice that the central figure has appeared already in part on 5/1/90, in a box labeled "5000 - one time, two times, and half a time" Bob: 09.01.01 clue: Helmholtz coil : The Helmholtz coil system concept, developed by a German physicist over a century ago, is a system that is normally used to generate magnetic field levels of specified volume and uniformity, allowing scientists and engineers to perform numerous experiments and test functions that require a known ambient magnetic field. Helmholtz field generation can be static, time-varying DC or AC, depending on applications. Applications range from cancelling the earth's magnetic field for certain experiments as well as generating magnetic fields for applications such as determining magnetic shielding effectiveness, determining the susceptibility of electronic equipment to magnetic fields, calibration of magnetometers and navigational equipment and for many bio-magnetic studies, just to name a few. If you do a search using 'Helmholtz coil' 'wave-guide' 'vacuum pump' 'electron propagator' and the various other technical terms in the text at the bottom, you^Òll come up with hits for various types of experimental devices, most, it seems, involving high-energy physics. It's almost as though they're communicating the settings for a particular experiment. I don't think that's what they're doing, but that's one way to read it. The 'N=8, r=1/3, D~1.8928" are associated with a type of Fractal called 'Koch's Curve.' I wrote a note about it on the March 21, 1990 page. Bob: 09.10.01 clue: Erlkönig. Weird poem by Goethe. A father and his son are riding through the forest. The son sees the "Erlking," who is known for luring away children. The father tells him it's only the mists of the forest. The king begins to talk to the son, telling him how wonderful life will be with him. The son tells the father, who tells the son he's imagining things; it's only the wind whispering through the trees. The king tells the son that if he won't come voluntarily, he'll force him, and grabs for the son. The father clutches his son to his side, and rides wildly home. When he arrives, the son is dead. The quoted line is the son asking the father if he sees the king. cynic2: 09.20.01 clue: Found it--the nuclear device with the Wedding in Cana. It has some connection with a project they are doing, changing attributes or physical properties. (That device can be used in nuclear testing.) I think this is a veiled reference to "non-local effects" which totally horrified Einstein but is part and parcel of quantum physics. anonymous - 03.13.03 clue: think the dude in Gorlitz is Jakob Boehme (1575-1624) German theosophist and mystic. He received only an elementary education but was an assiduous student of the Bible and the works of the Swiss alchemist and physician Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus. Apprenticed to a shoemaker in his youth, Boehme later opened his own shop in Görlitz, Saxony. From an early age he believed that he saw visions, and throughout his life he claimed to be divinely inspired. About 1612 he wrote Die Morgenröte im Aufgang (The Morning Redness Arising), in which he recorded his visions and expounded the attributes of God. The manuscript, which was published in 1634 under the title Aurore, was condemned as heretical by local ecclesiastical and civil authorities. Eventually Boehme was forced to seek asylum in Dresden, Saxony. There he was cleared of charges of heresy and allowed to return to Görlitz. His best-known treatises include Von den drei Prinzipien des Göttlichen Wesens (Of the Three Principles of the Nature of God, 1619) and Der Weg zu Christo (The Way to Christ, 1624). Although written in a style difficult to understand, his works were received with favor in a number of countries, particularly Germany, the Netherlands, and Britain. His English followers called themselves Behmenists. Many of them later were absorbed into the Quaker movement. In his fundamental doctrine, Boehme held that everything exists and is intelligible only through its opposite. Thus, he believed, evil is a necessary element in goodness, for without evil the will would become inert and progress would be impossible. God himself, according to Boehme, contains conflicting elements in his nature. Boehme's religious views have influenced modern Western thought in both philosophy and theology. Working on Charlotenstrasse...haven't found anything yet. Probably the headquarters of the Third Reich (yikes)! Bob: 03.27.03 clue: Brief research indicates Charlottenstrasse 33-33a is home to a branch - perhaps hq - to the KfW Group, parent of KfW bank, the reconstruction bank of Germany, chartered in 1948 in the wake of World War II. Beacon: 05.06.2003 Charlottenstrasse 33 is a ruin you can see a picture here: I wonder are any other WAKE sites from Berlin in other pages? then again it is a KFW Bank Could the data above and below it be transaction numbers for clearing money through internationally? Phone : +49-(0)69-7431-3748 Address :Charlottenstrasse 33/33a 10117 Berlin Germany Chorlottenstrasse 33 is vacant Then again it is also a bank see here: Joe23: 09.14.2003 The greek letters translate to "Eutuchos" and refer to a boy who was restored to life by the apostle Paul in ACTS 20:7-12. sjwk: 09.22.2003 More random off-the-wall waffle: From the page already listed:The earliest records in the Landesarchiv , the city archives of Berlin, are from 1816, although the building exists since 1780. The site, originally two, Französstraße 25/26 and Charlottenstraße 50, was transformed into one building. Plumbing was installed in 1888. Frau Mina Heymann was the owner. I also found a reference to an obituary for a Mina Heymann in Sept 1924 in St Louis here. It also looks as though that building is no longer a bank and is being rebuilt as apartments. gorosapiens 10.26.2004 Eutuchos does not only refer to a boy who was restored to life by the apostle Paul in ACTS 20:7-12. But it also means Fortunately or luckily in Greek ... Lefteris 04.04.2007 Eftihos (Eftichos) does not mean fortunately or luckily in Greek. The problem with the world in the ad, is that it is capitalized, so it is not easy for those who do not know ancient Greek to realize the difference. The spelling of "fortunately" in Greek is different (the "o" is different). The word "Eftichos" means "the fortunate one" but is not used in many occasions in the ancient literature. I agree it refers "to the boy who was restored to life by the apostle Paul in ACTS 20:7-12", like Joe23 wrote. The important part of these message, from the Greek language point of view, is the small circle saying "iste, isate, isasi". These are different past tenses of the verb "oida" (pronounced "e;da"), which in ancient Greek means "to know". What is intriguing is that in the New Testimony, there are small but important grammar errors, which not many people know of (too few I suppose). In this particular point in the New Testimony, Christ in His last moments on the cross asks His Father to forgive the ones who crusified Him, because they did not know what they were doing ("ou gar oidasi ti piousi"). This sentence is used even today, as it is one of the most used ancient phrases in modern Greek. However it is not correctly spelled. Instead of "oidasi" the right world should be "isasi", which is the correct past continuous for the verb. I believe that the author of the message, wrote the 3 past tenses to show this error, which because it was made in the New Testimony, made everybody think it was the correct tense. This shows someone with deep knowledge in ancient Greek, as none who studies only the Bible would know or mention that. However, at the same moment he/she is not Greek, as in past ads he made a clear spelling mistake, not even kids do. I believe he studied ancient Greek but from his handwriting I think he copies the words letter to letter. JJ 06.03.2007 99% of these more involved messages are random nonsense. The only information actually being transmitted in this one is "ADW, 5/1/90" and the final line. Gus 09.14.2007 "2)" caught my eye. The first term, "Gleichschaltung," may be familiar to you from contemporary history, specifically Nazis. Imposing upon, unifying, typically cultural and social institutions in an authoritarian regime. After the colon is a synthetic schistosomicide. (It may have other uses, but that's what the databases turn up, particularly an article from J. Med. Chem in 1964.) Schistosomiasis comes from contact with water, usually immersion, where a certain fresh water snail lives. What the hell does this mean? Schistosomiasis would be only one of many worries if you were planning to establish a commune in some equatorial region. Perhaps "Gleichschaltung" means that such incoveniences will be conquered with technology. Also, just occurred to me that "schistosome" literally means "divided body," so a "schistosomicide" would be, literally, a schism-eliminator, which would fit in with the religious-war angle. Stephan 12/17/2018 Nobody has yet translated the Latin. So: "uti rogas" - as you ask or as you propose (In Roman law. The form of words by which a vote in favor of a proposed law was orally expressed.) "Scimus quoniam cum apparuerit similes ei erimus" This is from (surprise, surprise) the bible. First Epistle of John, Chapter 3, Verse 2. "carissimi nunc filii Dei sumus et nondum apparuit quid erimus scimus quoniam cum apparuerit similes ei erimus quoniam videbimus eum sicuti est" "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." R.C Christian 09/14/2020 who ever wrote this is probably not from the usa , vacuum valves are called vacuum tubes in the usa. they seem to be using a microwave device thats what a wave guide is for. this looks like a electron gun like a crt tv would have blain weeks 12/30/2022 Barcodes are often associated with the mark of the beast. This is because the guard bars (of which there are 3) can be interpreted as 6s. Thus: 666. ![]() |