On Feb 23, while I was at work, I was hand delivered a rather large box and a mailing tube . Neither one was ticking, so I opened them.
This is what I saw when I opened the box...
Realizing how much stuff there was, I took a few shots of the overall contents before I started rifling through them ... The mailing tube contained quite a few pages (laminated, no less) - I was missing all of them, and even better, there were some *much* earlier pages. You can see them: The Box: Wow. The box contains all kinds of good stuff, which I'm busy scanning in. I must say, though, digging through the box was like digging through layers/levels. I have broken it down in to X sections, as if you were going from top to bottom. Layer1: The Small Box The box is an oblongish brown box - looks like this, and
Layer2: The Bag First, there was an 'overall' page, which I'm sure pertains to the whole box: see it Layer3: An envelope Layer4: Two sheets of paper Layer5: Another bag. This one was another plastic shopping bag, marked with "Varsity bookstore of Dallas, Inc. 6413 Hillcrest, Across from SMU". Its too big to scan in, but it is your average plastic shopping bag. Now things start getting weird. Layer6: Copper plates: These are two copper plates (which scanned in horribly) about 3x5 inches, held together by clips. Inside: I actually tried a little photo kung-fu on these, blowing them up to 1200X and enhancing the results in the hopes of getting a mailing label, a license plate, an address ... not much. Some of the marks on these that look especially weird are from my attempts to clear up letters, numbers, etc, but I didn't get much - although my roomate pointed out the two flags in the yard of the house, something you don't see much except on or near the 4th of July... See: [1] [2] [3] It just keeps getting weirder...Layer 7: Assorted weirdness: mainly color copies of random, yet cool images. Layer 8: Some more PHOTOS, a postcard, and a comic Layer 9: Two final pages... more color copies sjwk : 09.09.2003 The package received on Feb 23 2000: As well as the banknote being the same as the one whose number is listed on the 1st May 87 ad, the final photo in layer 9 of the box (page46.jpg) is a picture of the statue of Eros, in Picadilly Square, London. See http://www.personal.psu.edu/staff/p/m/pma101/pics004.html Rich:09.10.2003 Layer 5, photo 4:: That is a Joshua tree. It appears to be in a succulent garden, possibly the Cholla Cactus garden in the Joshua Tree National Park.
muddgirl 06.25.2004 I don't know if this helps, but the back of the "Magnolia" note is graph paper used by chemists to draw Ternary Phase Diagrams. The names of the substances are written at each of the three corners. What I think is most interesting about this choice is that a ternary phase diagram is a 2-dimensional representation of a 3-dimensional graph. Fenrir 06.24.2004 The "IBM bag" instantly reminded me of when I was taking programming in college in the early '80s. I had a couple of those flowchart templates although mine came in a paper sleave printed like that plastic one in the picture. A photo of the template can be seen here: http://www.goldinc.com/~zing/cards/fctool.html Paul 12.20.2004 clue: Another South African Airmail sticker Juls - 03.26.2005 Layer 5, #2 - xerox sheet - news article in German - first column is discussing an explosion in a base used by a terrorist organisation known as the 'Weathermen' and the death of one of their number, Theordore Gold - explosion appears to have been an accident during the making of bombs. An account of the incident here: http://www.crimelibrary.com/terrorists_spies/terrorists/brinks/1.html Note the Bob Dylan quote in the footnote at the bottom of this first column, the same one that has appeared in the announcements. This needs looking at some more. Later :) J. clue: Layer 5, #2 - some more - the article is title 'More Mao than thou' - this appears to have been a motto associated with a so-called-radical Marxist / Communist student-led group of the late 1960s. A google of the term turns up only three hits, two the same - the following throws a *little* light on those involved: http://mailman.lbo-talk.org/2000/2000-August/014766.html Groups involved in all this business appear to be, the already mentioned 'Weathermen', a member of the 'Black Panthers' is also mentioned in the article IIRC and there is more on that at the first link I posted earlier, the SDS 'Student Democratic Society' - mentioned in the article and at the 'mailman' link, also at the latter - a group? known as PL (?) and another RYM (a guess - radical youth movement??). The activities of these groups would be roundabout the same time as the earliest date we have from the MayDay crowd and the Communist references tie in well enough. Layer 1 - photo - Harvard Oriental Series, Ed. Charles Rockwell Lanman, volume 17 - what is in it: "Volume 17. The Yoga-System of Patańjali , or the ancient Hindu doctrine of concentration of mind, embracing the mnemonic rules, called Yoga-Sūtras, of Patańjali; and the comment, called Yoga-Bhāshya, attributed to Veda-Vyāsa; and the explanation, called Tattva-vāisāradī, of Vāchaspati-Misra; translated from the original Sanskrit by JAMES HAUGHTON WOODS, Professor of Philosophy in Harvard University. 1914. Second issue, 1927. Pages, 422.d Comparative Philology at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. 1916. Pages, 508 + 206 = 714. Royal 8ŗ. Out of print." Rockwell Lanman was a Professor of Sanskrit, founded the series in 1891, very influential. Layer 6, Greek text. Back of photo #2, text is part of Matthew 13:44, "the kindom of heaven is like a treasure hidden.." Back of photo #3, text is part of 1 Corinthians 13:12 "now we see through a glass darkly" - 'through a glass' is alternatively rendered 'in a mirror' but 'through a glass' fits the pic better. The laminated paper contains bits of two different texts put together as if one sentence, you will see there is a dot midway through - this is placed at the join. The first is part of Matthew 24:9 "and you will be hated by all ('the nations' ommitted) because of my name". Second part is from Matthew 24:13, "But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved." - the text on the paper here begins with a lower case letter, and this must indicate that it should be read as a single sentence combined with the bit of Matthew 24:9. Galilite 10.09.2006 Replying to their question (or rather hint?) about what you marked as "May 1, 1988" (isn't it 1998?), the curly characters seem to originate from Georgian language: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgian_language I can ask around for translation, although the way it is positioned, it does not seem to have any kind of meaningful message. D. Thomasson 10.16.2006 Please see http://www.borderschess.org/MM_7gram.htm for additional explanations to some of the clues. Andy B. 01/10.2007 Layer 7, campus map: About halfway down the letter, it says "Student Recreation Center/Life Sciences"... SR/CL anyone? The letter is saying it was under construction, so perhaps some meeting there had to be cancelled? I think figuring out what SR/CL stands for would really help figuring out what this all *MEANS*, I just don't find that whole checklist thing very satisfactory. Anne 05.10.09 Layer 5, photo 4 is absolutely not of any Joshua Tree. Instead, the main tree in the center reminds me of some pictures of Dragon's Blood trees I've seen. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dracaena_(plant) Jen 06/18/2015 Layer 8, #8: The Sons of Liberty's Liberty Tree memorial in Boston. This is what it looks like now: https://www.thefreedomtrail.org/images/stepofftrail/LibertyTree.jpg The website mentions: The Liberty Tree Marked by a large bronze plaque on the sidewalk and a bas-relief on the Department of Motor Vehicles building just one block down Boylston Street is the site where the Liberty Tree once stood. Hanging effigies of tax collectors on the Liberty Tree on August 14, 1765 is considered one of the first provocative events in pre-revolutionary America. Felled by Redcoats in 1775, the Liberty Tree was a meeting place and focal point for rallies and protests by the Sons of Liberty and became an important symbol for resistance to British rule. Click here to submit a clue for this page.![]() |